Terran is the hardest race

Poor Dr. BatZ. When he saw what kind of terran-BS was posted under his name, he lost consciousness and had to be hospitalized in critical conditions.


I main terran… I am just neutral to what race is harder to play… Its really hard to determine when blizzard wont actually balance the game… to where there is death ball or gg army massed. and again. terran doesn’t have this gg composition that they can go too. or this gg rush they can go too like the other races have… If you read between the lines you know exactly what I am saying

Can confirm, once tried to play Terran and both my wrists exploded 5 minutes into the game.

Several reconstructive surgeries later and the doctor says that with the new BC it’s probably safe to try again, but I’m not taking any chances.


That literally happened to Taeja. Imagine how bad protoss players would be if they couldn’t amove zealots.

Terrans have all the tools. They just don’t know how to use them. I’ll give one example about the widow mine. I have never seen widow mines used to cover the back or sides of tanks sieged in a position. I’ve seen tanks get flanked a lot. I’ve seen widow mines marched out in front of the army only to die before burrowed.

That is because the players only have one direction they care to fight and that’s forward. The same with liberation zones. They all will only be in one direction.


this is just a misleading statement…not true

Actually, no. Everyone here is 187% sure your age being sarcastic/reverse psychology. So sarcastic, in fact, that you broke math.


Terrans are so used to being crapped on that when someone speaks the truth, they think they are being gaslighted. It is understandable, however the validity of a claim has nothing to do with whether the person purported it in a sarcastic manner - the bottom line is that the truth has been spoken, here and now, in this thread.

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I think he just started to take his pills regularly.

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Damn I replied by accident because I thought I’m talking to a thinking person, but I fell into a trap of an ideologist troll. I definitely understand why all the forum dismissed you so quickly.

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At least this is a funny way to troll us, I like it.

Continue to delude yourself. No one’s listening/believing you, only the :monkey: is here to upvote you

It goes to show that the Terran winners don’t even believe their own agenda.

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Because they are so afraid from thereal-Dr.BatZ, that they suspect a trap. You know the history of that old Cat that was too old to hunt mice. The Cat spread the word of his death. The mice gathered to throw a party. It ended with the Cat eating a lot of them (whineterrans).

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Where is he now? Only shows up when he doesn’t look the fool, I guess. Same for CrusaderKing.

  • Can’t articulate an argument.
  • Calls someone else non-thinking.

Hardest race or not, Terran is the most fun race for me, which is the reason I play Terran. I’d hope everyone is playing whichever race they enjoy most.


They’re all pink-faced embarrassed that, after all this time, it turns out I am a terran player. They’ve been attacking and villainizing one of their own - perhaps even their greatest. This is their walk of shame!

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Lmao. What a ridiculous stereotype. Terran players know better than anyone how to play SC2 since they’ve had to win with one arm tied behind their back for so long.

Maybe because with terran builds you don’t go both tanks and widow mines? Your factory can have either a techlab or a reactor so you can’t do both. The ignorance toward how terran works is astounding.

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Very bad idea
You need mines to protect your bio from ling-banes. Ideally you have burrowed mines on the edge of the creep, and tanks sieged behind in hard-to-reach positions.

At the stage of the game that you can afford production from multiple factories tanks won’t be enough to protect your bio from ling-bane flood and besides you’ll need your tanks shooting at hydra.

To defend from surround you need to send couple of marines to just give you vision. WM could be discharged by overlord/single ling either way unless zerg screws up and you won’t be able to hold fire with such mine because you have to keep all of your attention on your army because of how terran army works.

Anyway, I have not seen anybody really complaining about the stage of the game where tank-WM-MMM pushes happen.
People complain about late game broodfestor armies though (personally I don’t, because at my level zergs play for the most part with f2+aclick and their micro is not good enough to control broodfester army).

At late game you want to have all of your tanks gone because they will shoot at broodlings and do friendly fire on your army and zero damage to zerg and cancel ghost snipes (now the fact that Ghost snipeshot can be cancelled is extremely irritating; I’m not saying it is unbalanced, I’m saying that this is very bad design)