Terran is the hardest race - +4.
Terran is the least micro intensive race - +18.
This is not a story a Terran would tell to you. The forum was put to the test and the results are shocking. Despite the constant hurricane of terran whine on Twitch, YouTube and the Battle.net forums, most players agree Terran is the easiest race. I guess that’s not all that surprising when you realize:
- Terrans have 50 mineral super-units that at worst are soft-countered by the enemy and at best hard-counter tier 3 enemy units.
- Free workers which make free marines, command centers, etc. Is it a coincidence that all of Terrans best units cost mainly minerals? I think not.
- The least punishing defense in the game. Out of position? It’s ok, repair the planetary and thwart an entire enemy army or lift the orbital to safety! Lose tons of workers? No problem, just spam some mules!
- Units that require virtually no micro. We’re talking siege tanks and thors and vikings. The most you have to do is hit 1 command to transform the unit. If you feel ambitious it’s time to do STUTTER STEP MICRO! WOW SUCH SKILL!
- Easiest decision making in the game. The most you have to do is choose which mode your units are in - do you want to be mobile, or delete enemy units? Do you want to kill air units or ground units? This is the mighty intellectual challenge of playing terran in general but mech in particular.
- Build orders that take 3 IQ to execute. You build 2 rax then a bunker. That doesn’t work? OK, add on a factory and expand. Such hard. Wow.
When you really think about it, it’s a no brainer why new players love to play terran. If only the ease of use of Terran stopped there, but Terrans have completely and utterly dominated the pro scene the past 4 years. They’ll tell you that isn’t true, as they froth at the mouth, because Zerg is OP, while pointing adamantly at Serral, but what REALLY makes them mad about Serral is that they can’t sleep through the game and still win.
How many times have Korean Terrans won outside of Korea this year?
How many times have Foreign Terrans won anything this year?
How many times have Korean Protoss won outside of Korea this year?
How many times have Foreign Protoss won anything this year?
How many times have Korean Zergs won outside of Korea this year?
How many times have Foreign Zergs won anything this year?
Why is it that less Terrans and Protoss are in the pro-scene but the number of Zergs is rising?.
Yes, the region lock that applies to all races equally, disproportionately targets terrans!
Exactly 39 tournaments have been won by foreign terrans this year.
Why don’t you tell me for a change?
Zerg is a more popular race.
Your desperate deflecting from the Zerg OP issue everyone sees, including pros, Blizz, and rational people here, is getting honestly sad to watch.
Did you even read the 100+ replies in your troll thread explaining you how wrong this claim is?
Zerg continues to steamroll everything while the forum is trolled by zerg crybabies, and we all know it. btw - Is 18 the number of yours, bezerksword’s and EvilGoba’s alts by any chance?
I guess we should make more rooms and add more beds in the Goba Facility after this devastating attack of Dr. BatZ over the brittle ego and self-image of the whineterrans.
They would have a fit and all the medical knowledge of Dr. Prof. Beserk, Dr. Crusader (usually he amputates the wrong part but recently he has done a lot of progress) and Dr. Goba the Third, won’t help.
Now a video of the Winter Clown will be released soon!
Oh man, 22. That’s a relevant sample size.
It’s a factory at this point.
Zerg has 26% lower performance in ZvT than Terran does in TvZ. How does this make Zerg OP?
No matter how indisputable a point is, there will always be dissenters. Look at the fact that the Earth is round, for example: Even one of the most universal, thoroughly proven and indisputable facts of reality is considered a sham to the flat-earthers. No matter the point, there will always be skeptics, so when you find yourself claiming that “everyone” agrees with you, it’s time to realize you are biased. You are lying to yourself because you know you are wrong and must seek the comforting caress of ignorance.
Zergs have won 33% of all tournaments this year, with Serral being 12% of those wins which makes him an outlier. Remove him and zerg’s performance drops to 28%. You seek the warm embrace of facts that conform to your viewpoint because you are too mentally fragile to even entertain the possibility that you might be wrong.
Yes, those big bad posters and their big bad facts are out to get you!
I am surprised you can count that high. As always Kelthar (a supposed protoss player) is defending Terran adamantly. When do we realize the real Kelthar abandoned the game long ago, and his account is just a shell inhabited by the gross, terran-biased troll, Anesthetic.
Oo, im Anesthetic now. That’s new.
Also, Anesthetic was a protoss player.
Personally, I’d rather have the distinction of playing the BEST race rather than simply the easiest. Can’t have it all, I guess.
Oh no, another dotard who thinks there are skill floors/cielings, even after that theory was thoroughly disproved.
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Espetially the “big bad facts”. Dr. Beserk a couple of hours ago found one creature that upon a small-dose of facts and reality went Ballistic.
Dr. Beserk will publish the finding at “The Lancet”
I will keep you posted.
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Yeah I kinda caught on after Anesthetic’s main account was trolling in the middle of the night on a week day (based on where he claimed to live) and then his supposed professor (nomufftotuff) showed up in the middle of the night, too, within 10 minutes of his name being mentioned, followed by PhD K himself, all spouting the same robotic troll drivel almost verbatim; all of them addamently asserting Terran’s average ELO in Aligulac doesn’t prove imbalance. When the stars align, you’ve got sand in your telescope.
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Yes, clearly if a group of people disagree with the mighty Batz, theyre all the same person.
Your trolling is just bad. Admit it, anesthetic, your impersonation of the real Kelthar is far too malevalent. Kelthar, when he still played the game, was a reasonable, intelligent individual, but now he throws all that out the window so long as he can stick it to that one guy who proved definitely that terran was OP. What was the great crime he committed? He caught anesthetic editing a quote and for that he will be punished for eternity!
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Or perhaps im simply offended by your unreasonable, anti-critical-thought approach to posting?
That’s a strange way to say “being intelligent enough to catch someone editing a quote”.
Perhaps that’s because that’s not what I said?
Step out of your elaborate fantasy world for a moment batz, and im sure your threads would be better received by everybody.