Swann: the problem with supply

The idea of that does have me intrigued. As of current, I just make a couple of tanks and siege them outside the min lines.

FWIW, I believe you can already do that with supply depots and towers behind them.

Yeah, that’s what you’re supposed to do with Swann. I usually don’t have any issues with Swann’s supply, especially now that his SCVs are flagged as mechs and build faster. The only time I do have trouble is literally my fault for just not advance building more depots.

To deal with early hunterlings, literally just make an early blaster cannon above your mineral line and if they don’t spawn, scrap it. That’s another thing that you really shouldn’t have a problem with.

A PF is another ballpark than a supply depot wall though.

With mastery and upgrades Swanns depot has 600 HP and 3 armor.
A PF would have 2400 HP and 5 armor.

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And two gigantic, honking cannons to just blast away the opponents with!

…Unless they are air. We don’t talk about those guys.


And it addz soupply, solving all ze problemes.

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Gotta love that, right? Yeah, you do!

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LoOk At De SoUpLy!


That’s what I do too. A few tanks are out before hunters are, just put them by entrance gas so they cover entrance and mineral line.

Don’t forget Tower Defense.

I think part of Swann’s design is the requirement of a more “intense” level of worker control. That said, for the TD part, it doesn’t actually require all that much supply to field SCV’s multi-building Turrets while you build other stuff to float around or whatever…even supply depots as blockades even.


I also use supply depos to make walls, so need to build them anyway. Walls keep tanks safe. Turret-depo-tank

That’s the thing, ppl don’t realize that Swann is the “Terran Turtle Commander”. The turtle formation consists of bunkers, tanks, and supply depots/barracks. Turrets and Factories theme substitution. He can (re)erect a turtle formation in short time with the Herc to deploy the Tank part.

I think…
The original intent of Swann play was reward turtle play style. He’s given the Drill and the Herc to enable assault support. Hey, this is “CO OP” right? This enables the ally to concentrate mostly on spearheading the assault while you can rely on Swann to protect the base.

That said, even with all the “offense/rampup buffs” they’ve given Swann to make him more “popular”, he still excels most when this strat is the optimal way to beat the game. So maybe he isn’t great at Lock and Load in 5 minute runs. But if it’s hard enough (or you aren’t good enough) that you need to do it patiently and actually DEFEND and perhaps retake the locks, he really shines.

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What about if you don’t unlock the top bar. If you assume that the top bar skills is for early support and that you elect to fully commit to the unit route, you can have a better early frontal assault game?

Like with a heavy hitting force being super tanky via the Thor/SCV “synerunit”, it makes your army nearly indestructible with the right micro. And since they take long to build, you get ample time to build supply depots instead of Turrets. Tanks for ground, Cyclone for Air. Sure this isn’t A-move like Goliath, but you don’t need to wait as long if you learn to micro them since it takes just a few units to sustain themselves and do all the work.

You’re asking people who can’t macro to build Supply Depots so that they don’t get supply blocked to micro their small army :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:. Me thinks you expects too muches :smiley:.

:+1: :+1:
I love Swann just for what he is!

The Mass Goliath route did require an ally carry for the most part though, especially if you were leveling up and pre-mastery. So what I was saying is that it’s not really an offensive Deathball route per say…just something that worked later game because of the DPS and bunching of smaller units.

But if you DO go the moving Deathball approach Alarak style or whatever, it doesn’t really incorporate his unique unit that much…the Hercules. I fail to believe that it was just intended to make a “Hero Unit” with 8 tanks to accompany some force as CtG describes. Let alone peek-a-boo-drop-picks like Tombow…which too me still seems like an exploit mechanic lol. It’s a “Massive Transport with Tactical Jump”. So the way the designers envisioned most usage of this has gotta be ferrying multiple large armies anywhere on the map at moment’s notice for wave interception and assault support. This is best done when you would have choke Turrets to support the drop and/or hold the enemy if you’re not that alert, etc. I mean with enough Hercs, you can sometimes not even have to walk any combat unit to some point on the map for the entire game. It’s like pop-up Tower Defense in between some SCV queuing. If your ally concentrates on the assault, you just notice when he gives vision and BAMM, instant reallocation of Tower Defense. It’s a different type of micro, but it’s pretty low on the APM scale so hence “easier” in some sense.

Part of your problem is that you’re paying attention to “bloggers” who have barely spent any of their time playing any sort of game at all and like to pretend that they’re the “official voice of the community” when they’ve only played maybe one Starcraft game and decided they didn’t like it because you had to manage supply. Let me smack you with some knowledge, son, since you seem to be incapable of educating yourself properly on the matter.

Supply exists within Starcraft to prevent players from just having an infinite amount of units. Not only would that be an insane amount of work on the game’s engine if you had an entire map covered with units, it would also create even more boring game play than you’re claiming supply does. There would be no challenge. Enemy coming at you with everything its got? Doesn’t matter, no supply means 500 units just smashes through everything.

Those games you listed, slick? Guess what those are? Cheap games that don’t take up nearly as much processing power, graphics power, and system memory as a fully fleshed out 3D game and its models does. Establishing limits to how many units a player could have wasn’t something that’s needed when said units in those games take up virtually no resources compared to a 3D rendered model in a game world like Starcraft. Earth 2150? The units in that game are nothing more than empty squares shaped to look like units. Now that I think on it, I reckon Age of Mythology was one of the first RTS games to implement a supply-type system; do you know why that is? Because Age of Mythology isn’t a cheap 2D game pretending to be 3D. Know what other games have some sort of supply-type system? Pretty much every single 3D game on the market today. They have to, as without those unit limits even fully decked out gaming rigs could eventually have a hard time running a game without those limits. And the “supply block” mechanic in games like Starcraft just lend itself to the strategy part of a real time strategy game.

As another point, Blizzard didn’t create commanders that don’t have to worry about supply block because they “understand that being supply blocked is no fun”. They created said commanders for a couple of reasons. 1). The overall supply cap is still in effect. So even without a commander having to worry about being supply blocked, players still can’t have 500 units out on the map at once. 2). The players who don’t have supply block are ones that it makes sense for. Nova’s units are all elite mercenaries. You don’t train them, you don’t have to build housing for them (which is essentially what supply depots are in this game), they’re already active and ready for combat. Dehaka is similar. His Primal Zerg pack travels with him wherever he goes, and his production buildings are essentially his supply as they house all of the Primal Zerg within their bodies as eggs. The Primal Zerg are not like standard Zerg, who need Overlords to manage the hivemind. The Primal Zerg are individualistic, with no hivemind and no need for a higher being (Overlord) who’s sole function is to direct them to where they need to go. The protoss also have the Khala and their psi, which is why they need to build pylons-- if the psi area of a pylon gets filled with too many minds, can’t bring over more Protoss into said psi area. The exception to this rule is Artanis, as he is the Hierarch of the Daelaam.

Lastly, if it is so difficult for you to have one SCV on standby to build a supply depot whenever it is needed, I reckon you simply have no business playing Starcraft and ought to go back to your precious Earth 2150.

Good day.

Didn’t read further. I was watching LagTV, Maximus Black is master and casted SC for years.

Didn’t read further and reported the post. Save your anger for your family, here you will not behave this way.


Looks like he was good at one point, certainly better at PvP than me. But did he ever actually play Co-op? 'Cos getting on topic this is about a co-op commander and a game mode that is so different from PvP.

Here’s a challenge - add up all the players in this thread who feel Swann has a supply problem, and those who feel he doesn’t. Then we’ve got a ratio that gives some idea of how people feel about Swann and supply. Why not post it and prove your point that “people really hate supply”.

Here’s another thing… I’m currently leveling up Kerrigan. Went from lv5 to lv10. I peeked on the internet and saw that she has no (upgrade) talent that makes getting supply easier early on. You start with 12 Drones and supply count at 12/14. You can only make 2 Drones before you’re immediately forced to build an Overlord. That there is a noticeable block. It’s not until a few Overlords later (3rd one, so you 38 max supply or later) where things pick up.

I’d also like a way to ease through that early supply block, but since she’s not the only CO who deals with that, it does seem ‘par for the course’.