StarCraft II 5.0.2 Patch Notes

My guess is because they don’t want tempest to be too good at killing bunkers or turrets in proxy SG situations. Hence the upgrade, which delays the moment that efficiency will kick in to timings where spore forests or mass PF/Turrets are more common.

Carrier did receive one nerf by the removal of graviton, which was then mitigated with an intermediate interceptor release speed, a strong buff in carriers production time, and a buff in interceptors production time. They also had a reduction in interceptors cost which was tuned since 2.5.5 till 4.0.0. Isn’t that enough tinkering for you ? :wink:

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You cant do that. You should increase speed voidray under 3.85 because voidray should not have the same speed as viking. Viking is the counter of voidray since WOL. If you change that, terran will not be able to counter proxy stargates.

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Why the “20chars” ? :face_with_monocle:

Or they could buff the viking’s aerial speed by exactly the same amount, and thus preserve the interaction.

The thing is, they want to incite the protoss to use VRs to clear creep and overlords. But at one hand overlords are extremely slow targets ; and at another hand the deterrents to VRs as creep cleaner would be :

  1. Queens (3.5 speed on creep) in early game
  2. hydras (3.15 → 3.93 off creep ; 4.09 → 5.11 speed on creep (damned, they made them so much faster than they used to be… @_@)
  3. Mutalisks (5.6 speed) in midgame
  4. Corruptors (4.7 speed) in lategame.

Current VR speed is 3.5 → 4.65 with flux vanes. Coming from there :

  • VRs would need to be only slightly faster than 3.5 to outspeed queens in early.
  • In midgame, slight speed buffs would not suffice anymore, but flux vanes would be enough to save them from hydras as long as they don’t venture too far on the creep. Corruptors do slightly outspeed them even with fluxvanes. No way to avoid mutalisks but that’s the way it should be.

With proposed buff (3.5 > 3.85 / 4.65 → 5.11), what changes is that the VR would now be able to avoid both queens, corruptors and offcreep hydras. However that would break the interaction with vikings early game, and cyclones once flux vanes are out.

Alternatively, I think they could go :

  • for an intermediate +0,175 speed buff, which would lead to 3.67 / 4.82, implying they would still be able to avoid queens/corruptors and offcreep hydras, but without breaking too much the kiting possibilities of the early game viking. Cyclones and stimmed marines would have a tougher time catching them though… :neutral_face:
  • or go for their +0.35 speed buff, but increase vikings’ speed from a similar amount. That would still break the lategame interaction with the cyclone though, but also with stimmed marines (4.72). Not to mention having a 5.11 speed unit with the VR’s DPS against buildings could be a nightmare to play against due to the tradebase potential (since VR aren’t stopped by static), and that for both protoss and terrans (zerg would fare better with infestors, queens vipers and mutas). :confused:

Or… just incite the protoss to make more oracles and to clean the creep with them, by just reducing oracle pulsar beam activation cost from 25 to 10 or 15 :

  • Faster than queens :white_check_mark:
  • Faster than speed hydras even on creep :white_check_mark:
  • Same speed than mutas :white_check_mark:
  • No interaction breaking with vikings, cyclones nor stimmed marines, and less cancer base-trade potential :white_check_mark:
  • Aligns perfectly with your harass SG openers :white_check_mark:

All well considered, I think they are trying to give the VR a role that isn’t his. Lowering corruptors’ speed to be the same than speedrays to improve his PvZ air assault role, and slightly buffing the oracles’ pulsar beam activation cost would give an SG creep cleaning alternative that would break much less interactions in other MUs. :bulb:


Please give priority to professional players in the ladder system.
I don’t want to see the same sad story again.

Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:

And I don’t care about who is activision’s sister.

watching neeb vs scarlet i got the impression that late toss need something to micro to be effective. ATM late zerg seems a little better than late protoss only if zerg micro is over the top, with infestors/vipers being able to snipe skytoss units consistently avoiding HT feedback, it’s otherwise pretty close.
Toss should be able to fight back, but only if their micro is just as good, otherwise they fight on a lower ceiling than zerg players at the highest levels. So, it’s ok a little nerf on skytoss late units, but only if coupled with some spell/ability that balance their effectiveness.
Another minor issue due to spine crawlers map dominance has already been addressed with the tempest upgrade on this last patch.
IMHO terrans seem to be ok in TVP late, i fear ghosts/thors a lot, but in my low league i still haven’t seen someone using them effectively, so i cannot be that sure. Watching some high level games it seems that against mass thor + ghosts + marines + tanks + some cheesy bc the golden skytoss composition struggles a LOT.

You say that as if the Protoss in team games won’t just mass carriers.

They also mass stalkers or void rays. I’ve seen the occasional tempest and opening oracle. It’ll happen and it will be great trust me, especially the void rays

Your irony is palpable.

Yet, I do infrequently aslo indulge in 2v2, and flux VR based strategies are a thing : you wait for the opponent to make his timing, and then your just snipe all his CCs in a row. With current vanes speed, once the opponent comes back victoriously with his 16 probes kills, the VRs will be gone and he’ll discover his workers have stopped moving 'cause there’s no CC left. :laughing:

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:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:
-Victim has both legs amputated
–Gets a pair of fancy shoes in return

Trolls: What’s the matter with the guy that complains? Look how nice shoes he got!

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Nice idea: to counter a unit that is nearly never built in PvT (outside cheese), buff Vikings that are the backbone of Terran air that with 9 Range counters Colossus, Phoenix, Tempest, Carrier and on top of that can be turned in ground fighting unit.
If Void is too much then don’t buff Void (it will not be used in PvT with or without speed). You don’t create 5 problems while try to fix one.

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Graviton catapult affects interceptors’ release speed, so removing it while setting for an intermediate release speed means that carriers are weaker at full upgrades, but stronger than when not upgraded. That’s similar to what’s been done with the ultralisks, which lost 1 point on their max upgrades armor, but gained one on their base defense.

Carriers MS archons tempest is considered to be the strongest PvP lategame army (even stronger than disruptor comps), and carriers MS VR archons storm tempest to be a reasonably strong option in late PvZ (enough to induce spore forests at least).

When a M1/GM protoss says to you that in PvP, the only option against carriers is to make carriers yourself, that strongly implies that your amputee is still running quite fast after all.

I did say I didn’t like the idea of messing with the vikings’ speed just to keep up with the VR, since the VR’s speed would affect other units, and same for the viking.

So on this point we do agree : if buffing the speed of the VR that much creates more problems than it solves, better not buff it. :slight_smile:

That’s also the imbroglio with Tempest. They nerffed the Carrier to the ground and gave us the Speed-Tempest.
Now, after a year: we are still here with the comatose Carrier, Tempest that is something in between (original and speed-one - and sucking in both roles)…and the absurd Thor with 400HP and 11 Range (with the double of Carrier DPS)…
I agree, they invent preposterous roles for our Skytoss, break something and trying to fix their mess…create 3x more problems.
Just make Void 3 Supply and drop other changes…

That is true but that is not due to Carrier being too good, but because Tempes/Voids are not good enough to counter Carriers properly. GtA being ridiculously absent is also a factor.
A bonus for Tempest/Voids vs. Massive would take care of “Carrier” problem (and BC problem that is even worst than Carrier).
Years ago a poster had the interesting idea (i forgot his name) to make Tempest not able to kill even a probe, he proposed to change Tempest shot in a spell that removes 40-50% HP of attacked units.
That would take care of Mass-Tempest and also force micro on Protoss side with max 3-4 Tempests.
A lot of dimwits rejected his idea out of hand…

Protoss need +4 dmg buff for the zealot and no bane one hit probes- its a joke guys how incompetent blizzard is

What a privileged little terran. Choosing the numbers to buff the VR should not be based on anything the viking can do. Terran has plenty of counters to the VR. WMs, cyclones, marines, turrets, and vikings. Maybe now terrans will have to use their brain as to which unit they want to buid against voids. Unbelievable

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Finally some justice for Toss!

Maybe Stargate will not be a dead tech branch anymore.
Fleet Beacon now has 2 relevant upgrades too, and Tempest may actually be getting a role too!

Cyclones and turrets only work while engagements remain small, and Widow Mines don’t work unless the opponent screws up.

That leaves Marines, Vikings, and a few edge cases for Terran to deal with Void Rays.

I am in favor of the Void Ray changes, but the Viking/Void case needs to be watched because if Vikings stop working against Void Rays then mech could be rendered non-viable.


Buffing revalation duration? really? And blizzard wonders why lurkers are pointless in Zvp

Except that they arent bad. Even Namshar owns korean protoss with lurkers.