StarCraft II 5.0.2 Patch Notes

I wish I could laugh react here. The fact that you are this triggered over being wrong is hilarious! Thank you for this : D


You get combat shields every game, I guess that means every marine gets 10 hp for free, amazing, that’s even stronger than +5!!!

Also, I thought I was ignored D : It’s okay, I know I’m irresistible

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Siege Tanks are just impassable while in siege mode because they cannot move. That is not the same as being a structure. Workers could never mineral-walk through Sieged Tanks either.

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I had no idea you couldn’t mineral walk through siege tanks…huh cool

I just hope that’s trolling.


He isn’t:

He has some ridiculous ideas about ZvT. Might explain why he struggles with it tbh

You can’t?, the other day I lost a couple of tanks because a worker line mineralwalked through my tanks and the friendly fire killed them.

Now it would be strange if a Tank would be considered a structure, i don’t argue with that. Maybe they used the structure tag to solve their issues (tank stacking). As about immovable it is less convincing considering that Novas are able to traverse FF.

I tested it in Unit Tester, used a bunch of siege tanks to make sure it was 100% tight, workers couldn’t make it through

Are you dumb, you would get bane upgrade every game in TvZ, even before, you don’t have to do anything else. And before it doesn’t matter you make couple for hellbats and queens… Another 1 iq poster. If you had to get another upgrade, that would be different. Bane speed is literally core upgrade in TvZ you gonna get no matter what… YOU must be in bronze max…

I suspect (somebody that is proficient with the editor can have the last word) that SiegeTanks have the structure-tag.

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Just because you always get an upgrade doesn’t make the upgrade free. Remember, Baneling Speed is just a euphemism for it that’s easier to say. The upgrade is Centrifugal Hooks. It costs 100/100 and makes banes faster while granting +5 hp. Nothing about it is free.

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Stimpack is a core upgrade in every matchup, is that free too?

I’m not the brightest person, and maths specially are a nighmare for me, but I know what free means.


Did you know that Barracks are free? They’re built every game. Same for workers, spawning pools, forges, gateways, etc. You build them every game, they’re basically free.

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Actually costs 150/150

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It still costs 150/150 (thank you UYScuti, my bad). Besides, you already pointed out, the +5 isn’t that impactful:

They still die from any followup attack, which hasn’t changed. It’s one additional marine shot. Literally 1. And that is somehow what’s making it broken?

You keep ignoring people but for some strange reason still read their post and compliment posters here with the kind words:


Nothing about Microbial shroud???


Cost 150/150, but research faster now!!! So for additional cost of 50/50, your banes have extra 500hp per 50 supply and scale better, than any other army. Already in HOTS, if zerg was maxed on ling/bane. Bio and mines with thors would stop trade efficiently. Now imagine, if you have 100 supply of banes, you will get extra 1000hp!!!

Sorry Ex-Top 800 Terran, Starcraft does not work like that. Feel free to ignore me and also to congratulate with all your terran arsenal of insults.
Maybe a chamomile-tea would calm you a little and after a long sleep you will be a less triggered terran.
Don’t mix chamomille with whiskey, as Eternity has said: when going at red-light district keep shotgun and bullets separate.

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