There has always been a tension between the anti-social behavior often required to innovate, and the social capital required to get credit for said innovations. Not saying it’s just or unjust, but it’s not unique to starcraft.
That said, I don’t think clowns should use their platform, however small, to bash other people in their community. They certainly shouldn’t do it without evidence. When someone like Steadfast smears you, does he ever provide justification for it?
wait what? So what dos Scarlett count for you or Special or some stuff? Na f em?
mean the game is skill based … coz of the Diversity how are we going to have Lesbian South Africans show up in every single tournaments? Not enough of them playing to even do such a thing …
Yeah but physical height has very obvious perks in basketball that make it a big advantage.
Are you saying an individual’s skin color or gender are factors that make them better or worse at strategic videogames? If so, that’s not just silly - that’s flat out racist and sexist.
They almost certainly are not, but that doesnt really defeat the greater point that, at the end of the day, victory is the most brutally obvious performance indicator there is.
those words don’t mean what you think they mean. Is it sexist to acknowledge that the bottom 90% of mens strength scores overlap with the top 10% of womens? Is it racist to acknowledge IQ variance across different magical realms of the earth?
Is it possible that an biological pressures that rewarded physical size didn’t simultaneously reward intellectual acumen? Magical.
Lol decent trolling so far. You already know this… IQ is malleable, but in 2022 there are significant between-group differences in average candlepower. If we want more equitable representation in certain fields, we need to invest in human capital and wait 20 years, or lower the bar for underperforming groups.
If this is in reference to Blizzard’s Diversity Space Tool, that only applies to characters in-game.
If not, I think that’s because the game’s pro scene isn’t as controlled by Blizzard compared to other games. The community and ESL have pretty much shaped everything in the pro scene for SC2.
It got really popular in Korea and therefore it’s the most dominant country in the game. Players from Nordic countries and Germany are good in most games, and especially good in SC2.
Female esports has never had the most solid scene unfortunately, but Scarlett has played in the GSL a decent amount, and Nina is another good female player.
I really think it’s because Europe and Korea dominate with a few good players from other countries. But it’s mostly because of who actually cares to go pro.
I would think there would be less of an impact on race/gender in a solo game, as you don’t have a team to be uncomfortable in.
I mean, there are teams, but you don’t constantly play with them in every competition.
All in all, I don’t think there’s anything Blizzard in particular could do to MAKE the game more diverse without discriminating.
Also remember, there’s a decent amount of Latin American players, but they just don’t have the biggest tournaments to qualify for things like DreamHack. If they want to, though, they can play in the open sign-ups as always.
Creating diversity with white men. Equity is now a win for the… patriarchy? If more white and asian men started identifying as black, we could reach our diversity quotas in no time!
What’s more likely: A) variability in biological traits create variability in behaviour across a spectrum of domains, or, B) there is a giant conspiracy of evil white men secretly manipulating all of society with mind-control devices because they don’t like certain colors. If you believe left wing conspiracy theories, you have room temperature IQ (measured in Celsius).
Quite ironically, the self-hate doctrine, being spewed by elite liberals, is done as a trick to assert their political power on a world stage. The US is using politics to muscle its way into world dominance, and the “we are vewy sowy for being bad white people in the past” schtick is part of that. As they subjugate the world using political imperialism they pretend to be sorry for being imperialist in the past, and people actually fall for this crap. They literally lie to your face as they do the exact opposite of what they espouse. By the way, you poor country, would you like some loans and crushing debt that will make you our slaves for the next thousand years? Trust us, we are here to help! Look at how much we care with all the virtue signalling we do and how much we hate racism! Wink wink
I guess you’re entitled to your opinion on that kind of stuff, sure, but I have to disagree.
And still, there are just less female StarCraft players and professional gamers in general.
It’s not a matter of opinion when their ideas aren’t internally consistent. Their ideology isn’t consistent with itself. You can’t simultaneously claim A is true and A is false and yet do a 180 and say you are right. It’s impossible for an ideology that is mutually exclusive with itself to be correct by definition.
The same people who screech about members of a majority group appropriating cultural elements from minority groups will do a 180 and tell you it’s totally fine for a dude to dress as a girl. In this context, it’s virtually identical. You have a majority group of male gamers and a minority of female gamers. You have members of the majority group appropriating the cultural elements of the minority group. Yet, the same rules of appropriation magically don’t apply. If it weren’t for double standards, these people wouldn’t have any standards. The problem is IQ. They just never think about anything, at all, and so these absurd contradictions never occur to them. They think whatever their TV tells them to.
Give it a try. Ask a liberal if he thinks cultural appropriation is good. There is a 99% chance he says it’s bad because it hurts minorities. Then, make the comparison between transgenderism in male dominated fields to cultural appropriation. It will break their brains. They will say something to the effect of “it’s not the same” even though, even if you ask them a hundred times, they won’t be able to list a single difference.
In the state where I live, women are practically worshiped by the mormons so there are insanely strong protection laws for women with regards to things like employment and maternal leave. They just banned transgenders in women’s sports with a majority veto over-ride. That’s how strongly they believe in protecting women. Women aren’t going to be the victims of some bazaar progressive cultural appropriation scheme that’s so illogical it will make your head spin.
This sums up the scene/Blizzard. Even in the days we view as slavery, hundreds of years ago, and we think we’ve come so far since then… EVEN THEN a slave master was not able to take credit for or patent his slave’s inventions.
Contrast that to what has occurred in this scene. Name the build, it’s mine. The P vs Z one that took over the game this past year +, I even talked to most of the commentators/big streamers in advance, because I already knew it was going to become the meta and I explained the prior scam just to remove plausible deniability.
Yet, these guys are so cocksure in their group’s protection and their “witchcraft” over you, that they still had zero pause in pretending I didn’t do that. Get this… I have evidence of being first in all of these things by many years… yet I don’t even have a SINGLE build named after me? Everyone in GM knows I’m the most “unique player,” yet… no builds named after? Reconcile that math.
In normal stolen valor, at least the person you’re pretending to be isn’t diminished, you know? Regardless of the baseless reasons, how is this supposed to look optics wise? We already know it’s not fair, but the optics? You’re talking about a company who is already known for this type of stuff. And now I’m letting you know you have to also be a satanist to even represent Blizzard…
It would be like if McDonald’s only hired people from a hate group, but they were independent contractors so “they ain’t really us.” If I’m saying Harstem is scamming me and proof of and also part of this satanist group, why would Blizzard still use him as their middle man if “that’s not what they’re on/behind?” There’s no separation.
I asked Steadfast to elaborate on why he was saying that I was a horrible person and should be ostracized. He refused to do it. He just doubled, tripled down on I had no business being apart of the community. I’ve been around for how long? I’m just hearing of this guy. And he’s speaking as the authority/pillar while he has a devil photo on his screen…
These satanists who are saying this stuff publicly, they all know the deal. They’re in cahoots. They know the truth. But, they also know their talking points/agendas/narratives.
Again… it’s not just “they’re satanists in name.” They’re protecting maphackers/viewbotters con artists and god knows what else. That’s just in-game. And clearly they had been protecting maxscam. So, when they say someone is bad… if they actually were bad… then they would be friends and just a fellow satanist. They flip everything and then use their platform to “bully people” into thinking the same.
You know “if everyone on TV is saying x, then it must be true/correct.” They’re controlling social dynamics/social credit. The devil worshipers are dictating who you’re supposed to think is nice, who created what, and etc, etc. It’s the inversion of a prison, where those on death row have been let out to play judge, security guard, etc, etc. And the innocent bystanders take their place.
As for creating things and being at odds, the very essence of doing original things is about “taking your own path.” So, when independent thinking comes into contact with group think, something has to give. I haven’t copied a single build in all my time playing SC 2. No interest. No need. Carryovers for mode of being outside the game for both entities.
This group got their leg up via legal/smart arbitrage of gold, long ago. Since then things have gotten more criminal/nefarious/underhanded in nature. The Fed Reserve. Creating wars and then financing both sides. Drugs and human trafficking, probably…
Unfortunately, too many people have been bought/controlled and just signed up to be puppets instead of just thinking “is there another way.” The other way, while not that savory… isn’t really that complicated…
Who would want to join a group that has to run around with devil horns on their head, scamming innocent people, and then they’re not allowed to talk to who they like/love? You also have to protect all the criminals. Do you how many deranged people are criminals? Do you know how deranged that makes you look?
Can’t even talk to who they want. Single people, lol. Adults. It’s so sad that it becomes funny… Like how can you not laugh? All this over a game? Yet, there’s bigger issues going on? What? How important is Serral winning again or w/e Zerg given the above? Even if you were going out with someone on the other side, still couldn’t talk directly. Does that not fascinate/scare you?
All this silliness over a video game/defending a company that doesn’t even have a reputation to lose lol? And the sad thing is, this is far bigger than a video game because these people are doing this in every walk of life. And it is the “end game.” So, it will impact all of your lives and make its presence known, sooner than later.
Ok, I was not expecting a speech from you.
I’m just saying I consider 2 trans StarCraft players as women when they could have been born differently.
I guess it’s fair you want to speak up about the fact the only two female StarCraft pros right now weren’t born as women but it doesn’t really matter in this context as there would still only be 2 total.
I still don’t get what point you are trying to make. There aren’t that many female StarCraft pros, and I don’t think Blizzard can do anything about that. In an argument FOR women in StarCraft you are denying the two women I can name who are talented at the game. It just seems hypocritical.
I didn’t actually read your whole statement here by the way, as I would become less sane than the people you are talking about. Once I heard you mention ‘liberals’ I couldn’t help but laugh.
Anyone who thinks they can get away with using the words “appropriating the cultural elements of the minority group” spends way too much time on Twitter and, I just have to say it, is definitely a prick.
And my original statement was to whoever mentioned there were only white and/or asian males in the pro scene. I was saying that there were 2 women in the game, and that was my argument for diversity. In saying that they aren’t women yet still acknowledging they are trans you are arguing for a more ‘diverse’ trigger word.
And in any case, there still is no way that Blizzard could or even should artificially create a pro scene around diversity. They’re mostly focusing on OWL right now.
If you respond, please explain what point you are trying to make/make your argument a bit more clear.
So if we go along with the belief that men can be women, we don’t actually need to address the root issue of lack of female representation. We can just “make” females from the majority group that’s already dominating… My head is about to explode
And I’m not necessarily talking about SC here. I don’t think there is anything wrong with certain fields being heavily skewed toward males or females.
This ties into the group who controls the money/same one ruining SC 2 that I’ve been talking about all this time. That group/people like that are “controlling the science.” It has absolutely nothing to do with being evolved, PC or any of that. It’s just a satanic agenda. They’re making a mockery out of everything and everyone.
Do you think a Christian person started this narrative of “you can be a girl or a guy, regardless of what you were assigned at birth?” Do you think anyone with common sense was behind it? No. It was a satanist. It was someone from this group…
This is what I’m talking about. I’m not alone in being scammed. I’m just “alone” in understanding some of what’s going on, from the outside…
When “you” were a kid, what would you say if a woman declared she were a guy? What would your science teacher say? Who would be the other person besides that girl to go along/believe that?
So, what changed? Now we call them boys and we allow biological men to compete in women’s sports. They’re taking down women’s sports, intentionally.
This is what happens when you let satanists control things and you just sit there and eat it up. You get trolled and you call it wisdom, lol. You’re just validating that they’re superior to you and you should probably be culled… You’re feeding their dogma/rhetoric. Their puppets get something out of it. The outsiders… what are you a puppet for? All you’re getting is laughed at and screwed over… Some reward… Why wouldn’t one keep the foam finger out?
If you want to create diversity, create tournaments/incentives for the minority groups without perverting it with this (we can just pretend we’re anything).
There used to be female tournaments. Was there something wrong with that? Was that hurting anyone? I know first hand that incentivized one to keep playing and that person also happened to be the most talented mech player in NA. She got GM after a few hundred games. Mid GM. You could even say she was a prodigy, yet… no one knows her cause no exposure. Satanists hog it all.
She had morals/ethics. So, that already made SC 2 not viable going forward. Long enough time line when your game is a cesspool that recruits more swamp creatures and pushes out anyone with ANY integrity? 1) You have to be a satanist to cast anything. Already achieved. 2) You have to maphack to qualify for anything. On NA, it’s basically already like that if you’re fringe level.
When people realize they’re immune from being punished for maphacking and they know they keep losing to hackers, at what point are you stupid if you don’t start yourself? Sooner or later, a legit player is going to have to make a point to just start hacking to draw attention to this clown business called SC 2.
A good step for promoting diversity would probably be to stop having satanists control the game… That’s already hegemony. Then, if there were any group to espouse hate/lack of diversity, what group would fit the bill more? Look at Blizzard and the reputation and tell me where it doesn’t add up?
It’s like taking your children to a baby sitter. Would rather the person be a Christian or someone on the sexual offender list? This group that is controlling SC 2, this isn’t hyperbole… their biggest enemy is god/Christians. They want to completely remove Christianity from the planet and kill them all. Either convert or die… and these are the people heading “our game,” casting all the events and our biggest streamers?
Some of these guys are so deranged that you’d have to be possessed to defend/say anything positive about with a straight face. And, they’re doing that, too…
I was slow on the draw. What can I say. But, clearly Blizzard was founded by devil worshipers and “StarCraft” is a play on WitchCraft. That’s what this group does/uses. They’re witches. They’re demonic people using demonic forces and does any of that sound wholesome? This is why Blizzard is doomed. They’re literally possessed and hate good things.
What are you talking about? You realise there is an offline mode in which you can play the entire campaign and vs AI still, right? About the only thing you can’t do that isn’t directly related to multiplayer is achievements, which are tracked through an online system. Everything else that isn’t directly related to multiplayer is accessible offline - and that includes all 3 campaigns and the ability to vs AI games.
Nope because if the group grows large enough they lose minority protection and they become the oppressors. At 51% MtF representation in eSports it magically transforms from “wow so brave” to “men brutally oppress women’s eSports.” That’s diversity quota logic for you.