StarCraft casually flying under Blizzard's diversity radar

Bait? More like an excuse. I never turn down a chance to make fun of biology-phobes. You thought people were scared of math textbooks, but just wait until you see someone screech at a biology textbook. :rofl:

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I think I’m missing some context here. 2 little kids = minimal time to follow sc outside of the major tournaments.

It sounds like this is about more than Maxpax stealing a build. What is the history of your beef with Blizzard and the pro scene?


The short of it is, I’m the guy who is actually behind ALL of the builds anyone has ever cared about/called genius in the history of SC 2, and it extends into BW, too. Max didn’t just “copy a build.” He’s yet to create a single build. P vs P he does now? Me. P vs P he used to do… me? P vs Z? Me. The other build Max is credited with? Tempests… actually KingCobra created it and I used to talk about it all the time before max copied it.

How/why… ask Blizzard. They’re the company who finds fictitious reasons to blacklist/shadow ban people. And it helps that all of the premier casters and the “big streamers” are “in the illuminati.” They’re satanists. You actually have to be a satanist to cast a game. And given all the fraud going on in this scene… kinda makes sense in a, moreover fashion, that you’d have to agree to keep secrets and protect make believe narratives and scum bags.

Just how much of a psychopath is Maxpax is what the real story should be. Imagine having never created a single thing, yet… just sitting there soaking in all that hoopla, while you carbon copied a guy from day 1 to now. The only pause? To copy someone else.

That sums up SC 2. Then, most of these satanists like me but apparently they’re not allowed to directly talk to me cause some scum bags are scared. Yet… people just continue on as if “nothing weird/bad” has transpired.

I have threads on here announcing the builds in advance and even saying what needs to be nerfed, before they were copied. I talked to players like Harstem, two way, in advance too… They’re all in on it. This game is truly satanic. Where are the good people? Apparently they get ostracized and blackballed.

There’s so few sensible people/anyone with integrity left that “no one dares talk about it.” This is the future of RTS. It doesn’t exist because of people like this and companies like this.

It’s “everything.” It’s all a sham and always has been. Then there’s also simps like seaofwhiskey that I’m supposed to talk about/out that are apparently blackmailing people or w/e to set me up and prevent them from doing/talking to me. But, everyone is so messed up in the head, if it wasn’t them it would just be with someone else.

The problem is this satanism and trying to be possessed by demons craziness. It’s completely taken over the game, and it’s not hard to figure out Huk kicked it off.

So, what are people going to do with big news/things like that? Jack. It’s all surreal. Even the “so called elite people” are trash clowns. It’s like wow… what a garbage world.

Edit: Also supposed to call out some random Hearthstone clown named Elison. Paid to be Legendary in Hearthstone (name of the game) and I guess is Livi’s twitch manager. If you join the scam train you can get them to send you this: h ttps://–jB-4UYAA8Om_.jpg%3Fname%3Dorig

That let’s you know that you certified trash. These people are so lame that my only care is to stop talking about them. Care more about an ant.

You tell me who the clown is: No one cares, right? Reminds me of TL mods. No one knows. No one cares, but “watch out they the authority.” Need a helmet just to use the internet anymore cause of people like this.

excuse me where is proofs?

Here: h ttps://

This is an email response I got form Harstem on May 11th, 2020. This is before the void ray had ever been buffed or had the speed upgrade. At this point, no one else was doing what became the P vs Z meta.

I mentioned 3 builds to Harstem. Two of which I knew would become the meta. The other one, was just a carrier variation of a build (I created what is called King Cobra) I started. It was just interesting. I don’t think anything is good vs Terran in LotV.

So, at this point… Max is known for the build he tried to copy/emulate. But, what people don’t know is… he also copied my P vs P build. He was using both at the time.

After this email with Harstem, where I also showed him replays… Harstem then started practicing with Maxpax, custom games, to practice these builds. Maxpax then updated to my current version of P vs P, and he has stuck with it ever since.

What I figured out was the importance of walling off, on the low ground, to solve the adept problem, and, if you opened a certain way, you also couldn’t lose to any all-ins. So you’d get ahead in economy and tech, and that’s why Max became so dominant and considered best P vs P player. It’s the best build in the game. Anyone not using it is boned.

And what also became common besides people opening that way? They make a zealot? People try to block your expansion. Need something to kill it. Need one anyways, so may as well do what I was doing with it. Free damage/cheap scouting.

Also the P vs T build I brought up to Harstem in this, he ended up using it to win 2 games vs Maru, going 2-0 with it, in a tournament which he then made a video about. But again… no credit to date cause Harstem is apart of the 1-eye scam club.

Ask yourself, what makes Harstem so special that he has become the liaison for players and Blizzard? He has also made a video to credit Maxpax with the tempest build vs Zerg.

These guys are playing mental gymnastics. Like in this email… If I was doing the proxy gate every game since 2013… it’s easily dismissed/no big deal. But somehow in 2019… it was so novel and indisputable that not a single person brought up a single objection to crediting another person with it. If you have b s meter… that’s registering off the scales.

And Harstem makes sure to “spot differences” that totally make it “an entirely different thing.” Here’s the deal when you actually create things instead of just steal things. It’s a process. Imagine how many variations of this build I did over the course of 5 years? I didn’t even figure out what was optimal, despite opening that way, until a year later.

I’ve already done it all… And I also coached it in 2015. I already know what emulation looks like.

By the way, the irony is… Harstem was telling me why it was a bad idea to not hide the gateway. The kicker, that was the actual “genius” part about the build. Given no one had ever done that strat before without it being an all-in or a “heavy pressure,” it made no difference if it were scouted, because they’d over defend and lose.

However, by making the gateway in the path a scv would take… it helped you scout their whereabouts. It gave you the chance to counter proxies because you could deduce if they were by if the SCV showed up to your base at the right time. You could preemptively search out the scv. Whereas if you didn’t… proxies would beat you…

I actually created the strategy due to proxy factory. I was tired of dealing with proxy mines. And then, I also realized everything Beastyqt talked about. Having an 80% win rate and being top GM spoke for itself. From 50% to best win rate, season after season. Not hard to figure out it was the best ladder build. Now, my P vs P build is the best ladder build.

The P vs Z build… as I said in a thread in early 2020… it’s the most solid foundation. It’s how you would play if the game were balanced. It’s how Toss players would win championships if the game were fair (vipers were nerfed/could be dealt with).

Yet, here we are… we have to ignore what I said cause… Maybe it’s insult to scam. They’re so desperate to be right about something on their own to avoid the reality of… they’re clowns with no leg to stand on and they need to give the act up. It’s severely messed up and these people are messed up to begin with… and then… they become possessed? Does that sound like esports to you?

You know this group is associated with human sacrifices right? That’s our community? Okay. Keep talking about how awesome they are and praising frauds/con artists if that’s your thing.

you don’t care tho, right? … right? why are you still here typing away…

I do care. Because this is just a criminal organization. So, that means no matter what I do, in any arena, “their kin” are going to be trying to scam me. Only reason I bring up SC 2 is cause it proves the scam and the ethics of these people. “So you’re clearly screwing this guy over and have been doing so for years. Explain why.” Ugh… ugh… it’s a secret.

Well, guess what… The secret doesn’t matter when you’re clearly in the wrong. You need to stop. Probably be punished, too. I’d say it’s kind of a form of mental torture when you take a group of people and pit them against someone just cause “not a satanist.” That sounds kinda messed up, if you ask me. And innocent guy just has to “figure it out.” Meanwhile, the same group of scammers are trying to paint you out to be the bad guy.

Shout out to Steadfast for being “that guy.”

I want to repeat. I want to move on. But, not only are they a criminal group, but they’ve corrupted dang near everyone in the scene. Lots of people like me, want talk to me, be with, etc, etc… but ask them. Ask the satanist. Any caster could tell you. Harstem could tell you. Ask them why they love to only have 1 eye open and most are ostensibly satanist.

They know. “They’re the ones with the secrets.” I’m just the guy who gets to see the “crimes” and be on the other end. If you’re clearly wrong, may as well give a justification for why you’re a d-bag. Maybe they have a good one? A simple “it feels good to scam.” Who wouldn’t be curious? It’s just supposed to be a meaningless video game, right? So… why all the effort to scam and enslave?

Who would have ever believed that they could play SC 2 and then people wouldn’t even be allowed to talk to them cause “created the cool/good things in their video game.” They’re literally anti SC 2. On one hand they can’t talk to me. On the other hand, everything they commentate… my finger prints. They like the things… and most like me. Yet, can’t talk to?

When does it end? I can’t talk to friends cause of this? I don’t even care about any guy in SC 2. I’m trying to move beyond that. If I can “solve SC,” I’d like to think I could figure out things a little more interesting and worthwhile than SC, thus… I’d like to just move on with friendos. Yet… everyone has to be involved in some kind of “hostage game.”

Can Blizzard free the slaves and stop trying to enslave everyone. And how about this… next time a caster asks you to join a group or the illuminati “emails you,” how about you simply report on it. Who was it? And, more importantly… don’t join.

Or maybe you can go to a satanic church and help them recruit their next caster if maphacking, lying, and screwing others over is your passion.

You know, the AlphaStar AI was trained off of real human replays. It copied a lot of builds and simply refined the timings and micro. The Zerg AI for example loves to do a 3 queen walk with slow roaches and slow lings, which it did to 5500 mmr in GM.

There is a theory that MaxPax is actually AlphaStar. Nobody has ever seen a picture of him, and he doesn’t use voice chat. His play-style is very similar to what AI’s like AlphaStar had a preference for, and he only plays in online events. His playstyle has a lot of markers that would indicate AI –

Due to the complexity of SC2, AI’s look for simplifications. If it can manage fewer units rather than more, it prefers that, for example. Longer games require more management and so it prefers short games with timing-attack play-styles. It also prefers Protoss for the same reason since Protoss armies have fewer units in them which simplifies the game. Protoss units cost more per supply, and Protoss tend to be lower in supply ergo much simpler unit management just due to the numurosity of the elements in their army (which drastically cuts the multiplicative complexity of all possible unit arrangements in grouping/positioning/control).

It is quite the coincidence that MaxPax plays like an AI, preferring easier SC2 races and using play-styles that negate the weakness of the AI (which struggles with game understanding and therefore prefers simplistic play-styles), and that nobody has ever seen a picture of him. His affinity for simplistic build orders is so pronounced that he copies builds from “Playa” of all people. MaxPax has to be an AI, right?

Yeah. Well, I guess they don’t call him a genius for no reason. If you were the absolute personification of the Maxlevel of stolen valor in the history of the universe and someone might want to sue you if not hurt you, maybe you’d use a fake name and act like a coward about showing your face, too.

Plus, he’s supposed to be very creative, right? Compare anything I say to him (he has said some things). That alone should be a give away. Nothing interesting. People are just like what? This guy? Huh? Welcome to clown world.

I was disappointed that it just tried to be like other humans instead of approaching the game as a “newborn robot infant.” I didn’t factor in what others were doing. Why does it need to? It just seems to go against the spirit of actually solving things. I know you can start out with something and go from there, but it just seemed to “stay there.” When clearly that was a misplay…

I’m saying… was hoping to see more fresh approaches to things than just trying to “play like any other pro.”

I mentioned alpha star the other day, something to the effect that Day[9] played like Alpha Star will in 2000 years…

Day[9] was 100% the closest thing to a robot, play wise, of any non Korean. Knew every timing. Perfect deduction. Knew what was coming based on what hadn’t come. Never a second too early or too late in defense somewhere. 400’ish APM. Only person that it truly felt like playing against some kinda god AI.

The guy always had more units than you’d ever encounter vs anyone else. Then he’d also have hive tech before others to go with it. It’s just like… I don’t want to play this guy. If I play this guy one more time, I’m going to have to “become that guy.” You know, the loon who is accusing people of mineral hacking. Like come on. I don’t want to be that guy and I don’t understand anything about why these games look so anomalous/one sided. Baffling. Levels to this stuff and he was on his own, non Korean wise.

You need to cool it with the antisemitism.

I’d like to see your elaboration there. You calling some banking families Jews? I don’t see Jews. I just see white people who create far more distinctions than need be. But if they would like to elaborate on how judaism and satanism mesh, then that might be more interesting than spilling the beans on why you gotta malign the guy just busy creating things and not paying you mind.

I like how I can point out the most egregious offenses in SC 2 and be like oh yeah, the group that does this and that with babies and yada, yada… “Hey Playa… better cool it with that jaywalking.” Like okay. Yeah, let’s focus on the possibility that I jaywalked before.

All that satanic ritual abuse and all that stealing everything and enslaving everyone stuff is played out, really. Tired. We all know. ZZZ. NO ONE CARES - Hellknight and everyone else. So, let’s talk about what we really care about. So, IF I were jaywalking, let’s talk about it.

What do you think my gait was like? We already know I crossed without looking. No eyes. It wasn’t that I was trying to jaywalk, it’s just that… I didn’t really know where I was at. I’ll confess. You gotta learn how to jaywalk before you can just walk.

So, am I walking with a limp? Am I eating a sandwich? What am I doing? Am I praising god? Oh god, don’t tell me he was praising “the worst entity ever.” Don’t worry forum. I was not doing so. I was praising Rotti for breathing, I was complimenting Harstem for his lip service, take it how you will, and I was giving a thumbs up to people who were dumping dead bodies nearby.

Context is everything. Clearly it was satanic jaywalking, so… we good. Glad I could get you up to speed. Remember that children. It’s not what you do, it’s who you praise. If you’re praising someone for being an inventor and they’ve actually invented something before? You doing it wrong – SC 2 pillars of the community.


That is pretty messed up. Credit should go where credit is due.

That said… I’m a big fan of adopting anything and everything I can from people who are better at innovating than I am. MaxPax stole your builds, but he has also arguably improved on the execution of those builds given the level he is winning at?

Honest question, I don’t know how the scene works and whether qualifiers are rigged or open and fair.

That’s a nice post. You actually had a mature approach and were genuine. Refreshing. If only people like you comprised the scene, “at that level,” instead of who I mentioned does.

So, I did the proxy gateway thing every game starting around 2013. After a year, I had it figured it out. Always top 16 GM. 80% win rate on ladder vs Terran. I was doing the best in GM at that matchup, season after season, due to that build. There was nothing to improve.

The thing is, it was a HotS build. It was optimal/best build in HotS.

I started coaching this build and others in 2015. What I was doing was pretty counter intuitive. So, when people went to imitate me they would “do what made sense to them.” Invariably, that meant doing it how Maxpax ended up doing it. That’s just what it looks like when you’re the “imposter” basically.

It’s not an improvement. It’s not genius. It’s just a guy giving it a go at emulating you.

He did not have more success with that build because it was a HotS build and that is not the correct “modification.” I figured out what is before I quit in 2021. Ie., what could make it meta worthy. It never really was meta worthy in LotV, otherwise.

The P vs P build that most pros are doing now at the top level, I was top GM with that in 2018 with an 80% win rate with that, at that point. That’s before the void ray was buffed/cost reduced. I only lost to cannon rushing, on the ladder, basically. High ground starting ones or else “would be near 100% win rate.”

There was nothing to improve, just copy and become the best P vs P player in the world. And that’s precisely what happened. “Good to go out of the box.” Just plug and play. What he did.

He has 300+ APM and since he has spent zero time creating things and that wasn’t his interest, he was honing his skills. So he was able to “take my mind” and just use his skills to get better results. That’s how it goes. My interest was just solving things, mainly, not being “best pro ever” or anything like that. You know, I was content with “ladder hero.”

The P vs Z build… I haven’t had to change a single thing since 2018. It’s pretty straight forward and that’s precisely the meta of the past few years. Nothing was changed/improved. There may have been work arounds to negate the imbalance of the viper with some timing attacks. But, outside of that… no. I said it would beat everyone until the highest level, where then it would lose to everyone and that’s kinda how it played out.

I said in early 2020 on here, in a thread of my builds, you had to nerf the viper. That doesn’t mean the build is bad or not how you’re supposed to play. It just means you gotta balance the game better… Clearly the races haven’t been created equally. Zerg has many options. Toss has “this is our best strat yet losing is still out of our control.”

The 1-1-1 fastest science vessel build is kind of a good example. So, I wrote about it in my book in 2010/2011. I was beating nearly every non Korean with it. I had already optimized it. I had already figured out how to beat everything but some mass speedling builds. But I mean, that was just kinda the counter…

So, then Flash made noise in 2018 where the news of BW then was “omg… this is the first build we don’t know if it can be beat, cause Flash is winning over 90% of games.” Flash didn’t improve upon anything. It’s just “He’s Flash,” you know?" I don’t even have 200 APM, let alone 400. And once the game is at the 10 minute mark… the early game/build part starts to lose some relevance. The “skills/ability” become more of a factor.

In short, I honestly don’t think anyone has improved any of my builds. Largely, because I worked on them for so long before others copied them. I had already ironed out everything out and been top GM with them all.

And yes, tournaments are rigged. In multiple ways. In 2017 when I came back, I was scammed at nearly every tournament and then eventually told I just wasn’t allowed to play. And mind you, that’s when I was the highest rated American on the ladder. I didn’t even have history with anyone I was playing. Completely out of left field and inexplicable… I was just like anyone else. Just playing games and that’s “all I was on.”

Then in SC 2 hacking in NA is a lot more prevalent than anyone realizes/talks about. And this is where satanism is tied in. They’re PROTECTING maphackers. It’s like part of their credo. They do w/e they can to get ahead and trump those who are more deserving, so… how can they really call out/lambast those doing likewise? They’re basically of the same family/way of life. And the whole don’t throw rocks if you live in a glass house. They get to become “partners in different crimes that scratch each others back.”

Take Berry. Pathological liar. Has bought at least half of his followers on twitch. You can easily figure this out by just looking at his metrics. The people that rush to like his things and wish him congrats? Largely, if not all satanists that are just covering for their boy… or just celebrating people who “did things the wrong way.” So, when they do things the wrong way to get ahead… now the viewbotter will be there to congratulate them.

They pump each other up at the expense of those who are of better quality and go about things the right way. They shoulder out anyone with integrity who is better than them, so they can play power rangers and pretend they’re awesome and then everyone else follows along. It’s pretty pathetic. Been going on forever.

Thanks for your post. Also what makes it messed up is because “I figured out how to monetize it.” So, I was robbed of that opportunity. And there really was no such thing as insider trading at that point, so not a concern, and I addressed that then. And even then, obviously one could just name the build after me and I could leverage that, too. I just say that cause some people would like to find “convenient excuses.”

Also, when you know what to do to make the game balanced but you don’t… You are now WWE script writers. They get to choose who will win and who can’t. You can decide whether you think they’re picking winners or not. Given what I’ve said? Makes you wonder…

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Man I miss all the best Sunday posts.

Btw, I messaged Beastyqt before and from that I was able to tell their motto/response (didn’t reply back). This was probably before anyone realized I’m “observant enough” to communicate with in certain ways…

Maxpax then streamed and his title was “strength in unity.” That’s how they’ve planned to overcome being 100% full of scams. To their credit it has worked, has it not?

The sad thing is, it’s literally every build… There’s no “chicken or the egg here.” I have all the replays/vods, etc… and messages. It’s slam dunk. They haven’t done anything in regards to creating anything. Then they even tried to copy from what I said, when I was just describing another build. So now the psychopath is just taking credit from everyone.

They’re truly out of their minds. Even with every build coming from me, he not only doesn’t want me to get credit for anything, but it’s also still a game of “strength in unity?” It’s absolutely fascinating. Should be a case study for something.

But given they’re preaching strength in unity, despite all the evidence in the world pointing out the obvious… “who wants to be the first one to spill the truth from within the satanic group?”

All you have to do is make that a cult secret and then it becomes punishable by death, no? Why don’t you ask them? Weird how they’ve never talked about it on a show or anything? Almost like they know they’re guilty and would rather just not talk about it? Duh.

Here’s what’s sad. People like substance. People like things that are actually good. Actually funny. That’s what a sane person tends to love the most. So, these satanists are forced to say hurtful things about me publicly, despite loving me, and then turn around and spam hearts to people they absolutely hate.

That not only scars me and cuts deep, but who can live like that? Either party? This is what SC 2 is forcing people to do. This is what satanism boils down to. Praising/loving trash and trying to hurt what you actually value/like. It’s anti substance. And it probably speaks to satanism. A light bulb should probably go off. What was the devil supposed to be about again? Feels good to live a backwards life?

Talented people don’t need to rig things. Just “be a real rolex.” This scamming business is just lowering oneself to the maphackers/viewbotters who can’t compete otherwise. Bringing yourself down to their level just to make them feel better about themselves. That’s why this is clown world and this is why they’re the clowns.

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Easy for me to say as a middling diamond casual player, but why not just uninstall and forget the scene if it’s so far gone? Lose the stress from sc… so you can stress out about how we saddled our youth with existential levels of inflation and debt in an attempt to extend the lives of elderly sick people… sigh

This is fun. It’s like Russian roulette. Who will be banned first?


Just for future reference, I’ve said what I want to say on the matters. I don’t want to post a bunch of stuff that just ends up serving to hide the “meat and potatoes,” which only helps make the most important thing in the game get obscured/missed/glossed over.

I haven’t played a game of SC 2 in a year or so. As I’ve said… the issue at hand is slavery. There’s people on the other side who really like me… and would like to be with, but there’s this “slavery issue” at hand. And they need to answer for why that is. Is it really over this stupid maxpax scam? What is the deal?

Would it hurt the Microsoft deal or force people to renegotiate the price or hurt the stock price if it were found out your company has been discriminating against everyone, across the board, to the point where you have to be a satanist to cast a game and your “best black player ever” was banned for “being too good” and not allowed credit despite being behind “everything,” just so a little kid could feel special?

These are the things you asks the satanists. You know, everyone on the pylon show/casts events. Harstem. Elazer is now featuring the the one eye/gloating. Clearly him and Lambo signed up together type of deal.

Can’t put everything on the victim. Sooner or later, you gotta say hey… dudes who keep scamming everyone could you stop? Maybe even care to explain? Kinda messed up you know?

This is why the game is dying. It’s too discriminatory. It holds back mass appeal. It holds back “cream rising to the top.” It’s not even a game anymore. It’s just a satanic cult who holds everyone hostage. Sound fun? Inspire optimism? Fan boying anyone in this scene, is more or less just fan boying satanism.

No one even has a reference point for saying positive things about someone who actually isn’t a plague to society, basically. “Who do I turn to?”

I can tell you so many instances of people coming to me and praising so and so for being so genius for having mistakenly thought they created ONE of my builds. But when they learn I’ve created all of them they call so awesome/smart… there has yet to be any carryover. I’m still the dumbest person ever, apparently. Never been told otherwise…

So, on one had we have the satanists that like to hide knowledge. Part of the being occult and helping to jockey for position and make themselves look deserving of praise/job titles and etc.

On the other hand, we have the masses who this sadly fits: One guy creates all the artwork that you find the most beautiful. But you mistakenly think someone else created it, so you call impostor the best artist ever and just can’t stop praising them. Then, you meet the REAL guy who is due all that credit/words that have never come and what do you do? “Ugh… have you considered ballet?” Like what? Hello? If the imposter is so good at art, what am I? “Ugh… ballet is nice…”

That sums up the SC 2 scene. RTS is doomed if these will be the ingredients/people going forward.

Edit: Small add. I’d like to add that it seems very clear that the Illuminati is serving as a proxy for Blizzard. The satanist cult does Blizzard’s dirty bidding and then Blizzard gets to act like “bruh… wasn’t us.”

Do you think people whose life was StarCraft would just start running around with devil horns on their head and scamming people without Blizzard’s blessing/direction?

I’ve just said straight up that Harstem has helped scam me more than anyone and is apart of this group. He’s taking orders. From who? And the thing is, Harstem is the bridge between Blizzard and the players. Illuminati middle man working with illuminati on the inside. It’s the same animal. Just more mental gymnastics/trying to find loop holes.

Birds of a feather flock together? Blizzard is a satanic/hate organization that loves screwing others over. You know, especially minorities and non satanists. That’s what I read. So, also ask Blizzard. I don’t know how you could interpret it any other way.

Most people probably wouldn’t even get a tattoo for fear of their employer not approving. Becoming a satanist? Something tells me you’d have to think/know that even the CEO is one. You know?

Do you know what discrimination means? It means the unjust and prejudicial treatment of different categories. Whether or not something is “discernment” or “discrimination” depends on whether it’s right, which is a question of evidence. That’s something that a lot of people don’t understand.

For example, why are men and women treated differently within the context of sports? Why isn’t it discrimination to bar men from women’s sports? Because, there is a plethora of evidence which proves that there are absolutely massive differences between men and women with regards to sports.

Why do you think men’s/women’s bathrooms exist? Because there is an evidential basis that the two are different in a way that merits separating them for the purposes of a bathroom. This is called discernment.

Discernment within a racial or ethnic context is often confused with racism. For example, certain races are more likely to develop certain diseases, or there are diseases that are specific to those races. When being a doctor, racial discernment helps to treat patients and this is not discrimination nor racism.

What you are asserting is that certain dimensions of society, such as corporations, are “satanic” because the absence of certain racial or ethnic groups within those dimensions indicates racism. Applying that “logic” to SC2, if certain people aren’t good at SC2, does that mean the design of the game is racist? There are qualities that are needed to be good at SC2. Should SC2 be accessible regardless of qualities required to play the game and, if not, the game is racist for discerning between these groups based on their skills?

By that logic, that means the lack of Asians in the NBA is proof of racial discrimination. That is absurd. Asians on average tend to be shorter and since height affects your skill as a basketball player, it is discernment to disqualify people who are bad at basketball.

The problem with race-baiters and anti-racism wokesters is that in order to avoid being confused with racists, they completely shut-off their ability to discern. The idea that it is “discrimination” or “racism” to discern between a person who is good at basketball and a person who is bad at basketball, for the purposes of basketball, is absolutely absurd. These race-baiters and anti-racism wokesters are literally insane. Their mindset is similar to the Sophists of 5th century Greece, who also denied that there is an objective and measurable reality. Discernment is a core component in science, mathematics, etc. These people literally have a caveman-esque interpretation of reality and want to drag mankind back to the stone age.

If you didn’t make it as a pro player at SC2, it’s because you sucked at SC2. It’s that simple. It is not racism to say “this person sucks at SC2” and “this person rocks at SC2.”

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I know what you’re saying. I agree and thought the same, to a point. For instance, there isn’t a single white corner back in the NFL. Not a single one. Is that racist? When you don’t fit a stereotype or you’re “the anomaly,” you CAN be far better than “the race it’s supposed to be,” yet not get the job. Be looked down upon simply due to color not fitting “the mold.”

Even Jerry West, a white NBA hall of famer, said he refused to sign white players because he didn’t believe any of them could be fast/quick enough to play adequate defense. Is Jerry West racist? Sometimes it’s just easy to get lazy and completely rule out all of a race, for any one thing, cause “usually” they won’t be sufficient/best.

People aren’t too kind to exceptions, either. Say you’re a racist organization and “the color that you hate” is behind all of the things you praised/called genius before you realized who actually was behind it. Something like that could completely embarrass you and undermine your racist/superiority image/rhetoric. If you wanted to look at it that way.

My thing is… I know, to some degree, what is going on on the other side and a lot of the people who are “team satan.” Even the casters who aren’t displaying the imagery and you’d never suspect of “being a bad guy,” they’re in the same club/cult. Their mouth is taped as much as anyone else. That’s the sad reality.

When you realize everyone has to be a satanist to get a job somewhere, well… what do satanists believe? What do they espouse to themselves? Well, if it’s hate speech or anything of that nature, then… A leads to B. You can kinda deduce what is going on.

Say I form a religion that worships lemons and we view apples as evil/the antithesis of a lemon. Well, if you know we’re all team lemon and you’re an apple… if you think we’re fond of you… you’re just proving why we look down upon you to begin with. Stupid apple. Causality.

But what is being missed is, clearly THEY’RE IN THE WRONG and have been scamming and marginalizing forever, and the onus is on them to explain why. Even if it’s a lie. The ball is in their court to at least attempt to explain it. Not just keep going to the victim to explain what was going through their minds when “they did the bad things.” I’d hope we could all understand that and maybe even act on it. Because it’s truly been long enough and it shouldn’t have happened to begin with. Period.

Btw, Steadfast a guy I don’t even know has literally said I’m such a horrible person and I should be ostracized from the community. What was on his screen as he said that? The image of a devil. That was his background…

I think it’s time for the obvious group of satanists to explain things. If all they can say is “it’s a secret,” well… do you think they have good things to hide? Who has to hide a good reason? If you’re in the right, speak on it. Not that hard. You’re an adult. Not like you have a master. Aren’t you an independent contractor? Even if you weren’t, right is right, right?