StarCraft casually flying under Blizzard's diversity radar

I’ve been following the game for years and I can’t think of a single pro players who’s neither an Asian male nor a White male.

There’s 0 diversity in this playerbase and it’s odd how that’s not a concern for current days Blizzard-Activision.

So, we’re going to remove the region lock?

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And the gender lock as well.

Can’t really have a gender/nationality quota in a skill based game, how do you suggest Blizzard coerces South African women into joining the pro SC2 Esport scene?


By all means, if you figure out how to quantify race and gender as mathematical factors into the MMR rating system let the world know.

I mean like, how exactly do you expect them to create this greater diversity? Just go out and grab some random black dude and women and throw them into a major tournament only to get absolutely slaughtered by everyone else?

Its a skill based game, you cant just wave your hand and create diversity.


Player base and player pool is not the same, playerbase is probably very diverse. The number of pro players is pretty low, so the chances of a game having your desired races is a bit difficult, still, there are some players that could fill your quota, such as Stephano, who is half african, and there are also latinoamerican players, even trasgender players such as Scarlett or Nina.


SpeCial is Mexican. And he’s a top pro. Lifetime tournament earnings about half a million dollars.

(And this is still a braindead thing to actually worry about.)


ever read kurt vonnegot?

being mentally ill isn’t a protected class nor something people look at for diversity.


They don’t need to have actual African players. Black people exist of Africa as well.
Women, I’m sure you know, also exist everywhere.

So why is there exactly 0 female pro player? 0 black pro player?
What gives?

Are you stupid? Because only certain demographics are interested in SC2, especially the pro scene, of course. If women don’t even want to play the game they’re not going to be going toe-to-toe with Maru on Jaganattha. Same reason why you don’t see boys playing with dolls or why People in brazil don’t eat seal. Different people in different environments are shaped to have different interestsl

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Replying to a troll post here, but diversity quotas only survive in the absence of brutally obvious performance indicators. You can lower the bar for Asians to enter the NBA, but you can’t make them 6’9. (Unless you are China and pump them full of hormones.) Same goes for individual competitive games like SC. Either you can beat your opponent, or you can’t.


Point out a place in the SC2 scene where a pro player is discriminated for their gender/race whatever characteristic

well I mean Blizzard HAS shown signs of racism. The way Warfield and Tosh were both killed and humiliated (by young white women nonetheless) is an indicator. And several other things Blizzard has done as well. Also I always loved the black SCV pilot. The corny one-liners from the new white guy SCV pilot are terrible and were one of the easy turn-offs from this games since the WOL days. I’m white myself I’m just saying these things are kinda obvious by now.

Sounds like someone didn’t side with Tosh during the campaign, smh.


smh indeed lol

I did side with Tosh actually…but then later on I saw the cutscene they did with Nova killing him and was like “oh god.”

And the fact that Blizzard went on to give Nova her own mini campaign (Covert Ops), her own in-game announcer, and her own co-op commander and gave Tosh NONE of those things. Clearly shows who Blizzard sided with.

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Nova has been a fan favorite since forever, and they dont want to invalidate the choices of people who sided against Tosh. The “A Canon” choice is that Raynor sides with Tosh.

This game is purely based on skills .
Diversity has no room for this.

There are diciplines in which they are primary composed of black people. Should we formlce diversity on that too ?

No ! Because when things comes down to merit and performance , forced diversity has no place to be there.


Exactly why I have no builds named after me. “White guy totally did them all instead.” So much for merit. There is no such thing as merit based when satanists run your game. They try to invert everything for crying out loud. They protect map hackers for christ sake.

SC 2 is just a microcosm/reflection of Blizzard. Why they’ve been under so much heat and have such a bad reputation. It’s a rotten tree. Obviously they’re not into do anything right or “fair.” Welcome to life when these clowns steal it.

Let’s come up with a genius idea. You know how we’re so sure that god is white? How about this… go around portraying the devil as a white guy instead of red. Omg… he’s white… that’s how you increase popularity. You’re welcome. That easy. And no one has ever cared before about accuracy, let alone a satanist. - maxpax/rotti/kingcobra.