StarCraft casually flying under Blizzard's diversity radar

It was free money to scarlett every tournament, similar to Special winning every South American tournament. Was the terran mech player Aphrodite?

I think you’re talking about the Korean one. I don’t know much about her. I’m talking about “MyDarling/Darling.” A Chinese girl living in Canada I believe. She was young and her only prior background was DDR…

A sad testament. After instantly talking to that person, I knew it was a girl simply because the person wasn’t demented. Instantly. No reason to think it, yet already knew cause every guy is so crazy, so ruled them out… Besides Thrasher and myself, ofc…

Nicest, most down to earth person ever. Please come back… Clone her…

If Scarlett would really play in such tournaments that’s really messed up. I think I remember hearing Scarlett say it was going to stop playing in those tournaments because realized it was wrong… Not that didn’t know beforehand…

I’d like to call twitch out. Why can’t we ban viewbotters? How about this picture from now/5 minutes ago? h ttps://

It shows StarCraft with 1.1K viewers, but if you manually do the math, it’s like 452 viewers and the number 1 guy is a viewbotter, so you never know… just assume lower.

I believe I noticed/figured out what was going on yesterday, to some extent. Twitch was showing SC at 1.2k viewers, but manually adding them up: 600.

So, twitch is either automatically adding 600 viewers to SC 2 or they have some sort of protection mechanism that kicks in to prevent games from looking dead (452 viewers level dead).

Either way, there is some artificial boosting going on. While it’s not costing advertisers money and one could say “no harm,” it is a bit of a bad look or makes you say “oh, so that’s why we make known viewbotters partners.” Learned from Twitch…

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How much do you know about the bolshevik revolution? And Weimar? I’ve been doing more reading/listening on it lately. Its fascinating, frankly. I’m glad that we have russian and ukrainian athletes competing in the sc2 scene, even if these so called “satanists” as you call them (others might call them rootless cosmopolitans) are doing their best to undermine or control it.

I have to confess ignorance. I’m not only not well read on such things, but not read at all. But, this “SC 2 group” is supposed to be behind the invention of communism, thus its installment.

On a German note, I recently read up on their gun laws pertaining to the Jews, around World War 2. When people come for your guns and they want you to encourage others to give them up, it’s probably safer to error on the side of “they want an easier time finishing me off.”

I hate this “secret business.” For instance, if I have all the evidence in the world for creating everything I’ve said I have and it becomes public knowledge… where is the secret? It’s like we all go outside and stare at the sun, and then we come back in to “secret club” and they refuse to admit the sun is outside. “That’s a secret bruh.” It’s like… it’s about as secret as your massive amounts of brain damage.

Sooner or later, clowns need to rise up against this group. Going to put clowns out of business with all this goofy business. Who could compete with such buffoonery?

On that note, let’s use our reasoning to call the spade what it looks like instead of living in this world where “the bank robber has to confess he’s a bank robber before you can imprison.” That’s their logic… Clowns. We’re even worse if we nod our heads…

So freemasons. Name of the game. They got their 33 degrees or w/e. You got your lil low ranked people thinking the group is just a nice social gathering of more cognizant people who just like information. They there to learn and do good. Sunday school type stuff. Doing charities. What a positive place/group.

But, clearly once you reach these “30th ranks” you realize the truth that those below you just serve as a front. They’re actually a Luciferian group who believes satan is the real god. The illuminati would all be of that rank or at least the faction/branch that is all Luciferians who has no morals/ethics, only ambitions for controlling the world.

All the long, though, from first rank to last rank… they’re partaking in witchcraft, knowingly or unknowingly.

They’re supposed to be able to kill their members if they divulge any secrets. “Can’t tell anyone how lame we are cause we exist to pretend we’re cool.” Cat is out of the bag.

If one would like to learn the history and a lot of what they’re behind, there was a researcher of them:
h ttps://

My impression is they started with good intentions but were taken over by psychopaths and that’s what we have today. Just max psychopathy under the guise of enlightenment.

And the thing is, this group is also associated with cognitive dissonance. Mind control. Programmed compartmentalized alters (think Neuro)/demons, etc, etc. So, basically these people are mentally as messed up as humanly possible.

Me… having tried dealing with some of these people… It’s pretty sad w/e is going on. Every day, you’re just left scratching your head. They embody this dissonance to the absolute max and then come off as genuinely confused as to why they always have to exhibit this behavior. It’s depressing.

All you can do is leave them alone and try to warn people to stop doing this to yourselves by joining stuff like this. Look at them… where’s the secret? They’re insane. Even if they were sane, they’d have to pretend to be insane. How awesome does that sound? It’s stupid.

This is why people have to start using their heads and stop just going along with whatever else exists. Takes about 5 minutes, if that, to figure out the alternative to side step that. The internet exists now. This is not the horse and buggy days. This is not 1776, so stop pretending 1776 is the only jam…

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maxpax vs byun right now, or should i say playabuildstealer vs byun? doesn’t really doesn’t matter does it when he’s pro and you’re a whiner… right?

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If you are an average joe, good luck getting into a university. But, call yourself a “native american” because 1% of DNA is and, poof, you magically get into Harvard.

It’s like the meta in sc2. Strategies that are common are easy to counter and weak. Rare strategies are strong. Hipsters try to be unique because there are benefits to it. Whether it’s Male to Female or White to Native American, it’s strategy applied to social dynamics.

It starts out with a lonely and depressed person. They try something new and are hit with an instant reward. Wow, I get free stuff! Yes, you are right, I am a unique and amazing person for being this way! Before you know it, they’ve developed a whole new identity around this dopamine circuit. It’s how they train rats with pellets. You wait until the rat does something right by chance then hit it with a pellet of food as reward the moment it does it. Before you know it, you’ve trained a rat to do things rats never normally do. Applied to humans, it’s the groomer’s modus operandi.

Everyone wants to be special and unique, because there are benefits to being special and unique, so they groom themselves and their children to be as different as possible hoping for a little pellet of food from their masters. The “master” in this context is society, which is an amorphous black-box: people encounter a reward circuit by luck, and build their identity around it, never knowing how it actually works or why they are doing it. The only thing they know is that it feels good.

What are the forces at play on a societal scale, who are the masterminds crafting these reward circuits? Too many of them align with the green agenda. Feminism - puts women in the workplace where they have fewer kids. LGBTA+ aka alphabet soup - causes people to use their ability to procreate in a way that terminates their bloodline at them. Abortion - preys upon the scared and weak minded individuals to scare them into thinking they don’t have the capacity to raise a child. COVID - magically whacks off the least productive of the herd thus cutting the carbon footprint massively. They say “all roads lead to Rome” but really “all social degeneracy leads to climate theory”.

It’s a perpetual IQ test. There was a saying in Greek times, preserved by the wisest of their time, which read “A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they shall never sit.” Smart people from ages past knew the long-term goals of the human race. Alphabet soup and transgender people will put the “evolutionary brakes” on their genes. They will vanish in a puff of smoke on evolutionary time-scales. They didn’t look to the future - the far off future they will never see. Their DNA will never see that future. It will be others’ who see that future by passing on their DNA to their kids and their kids to their kids. Only those smart enough to see through the smoke-screen will survive in the long term. Those people work hard, pay for their kids’ college, and give them a few houses and a business when they pass. Inheriting that wealth, they are propelled to the stars and beyond.

That’s how the Rockefellers became the most powerful people on Earth. It’s the accumulation of wealth from generation to generation, and carefully “passing the torch” to the little seeds you planted decades prior which have sprouted to be even mightier than you. Every step of this process is fraught with danger, and most don’t make it. They burn out, buried in debt, divorced and depressed. Succeeding is careful strategic planning in everything from career to marriage to parenting. The losers, not smart enough to see through the smoke screen of society and hurdle all these obstacles, won’t propagate. Their story ends this generation - terminated by their own selfishness and fear and stupidity - not mighty enough to survive the predators of the modern jungle.

Set up a meat grinder and start tossing people into it and you’ll have a riot. Offer a bit of money for being cool/hip and, quite coincidentally, never passing on your genes, and everyone gets in line and says “Yes, please!”. It’s a new modern predator. Individuals hold too much power to resist an obvious threat, so a threat is wrapped up as a present and they say “Thank you!” and “Come again!”.

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That was an interesting video. Reminds me of some books I need to read. Thanks for sharing that. What do you think about predictive programming?

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I appreciate you taking the time. People actually taking the time to learn things that don’t come from “main stream roads” is very rare. If only there were more of you. Very refreshing and respectable.

If one were to listen to what satanic churches are about and what some illuminati slaves have to say, then it becomes a bit of a “matrix thing” where you gotta think about “do I really want to go down this road any further?”

Predictive programming. You have interesting thoughts/questions. That’s not something I’ve thought about, but here I am thinking about it now.

So, if the Illuminati even wants to control SC 2… obviously they’d like to control bigger things/everything. Btw, where is Blizzard located? Cali. Something to think about: guess how far away Blizzard Entertainment is from Hollywood? 46 minute drive. 47 miles.

Main stream media is controlled. The CIA has explicitly said they wanted to control the media. Any reason to believe Hollywood isn’t? Btw, I’m not far from me a former CIA operative who has built one of the biggest homes in the United States. It is indestructible. Bomb proof. F5 tornado proof. Bullet proof. 70k+ square feet. Tunnels underground.

Guess what’s on top of the building? Illuminati symbols. Draw from that what you will.

One of my favorite movies growing up was Aladdin. There is a scene in that movie where a voice whispers the adult action “S word.” Why? I think this would be a good example of this “subliminal messaging” and might make you think about Disney… You know, maybe there’s more going on than just innocent kid fun.

Something that’s important to note/think about. This karma thing. I believe those “at the top” believe in karma. But they also happen to be very evil and the people who need to fear it the most thus understand it the best.

I’m under the impression that they believe they’re free of all karma debts as long as they tell you what’s going to happen in advance. So, they release movies that basically tell you what they’re doing. So, when you succumb to it, they get to say “that was your choice. Not our fault you’re stupid or suicidal.”

This Movie/series comes to mind (Utopia):

Knowing how these people think/operate kinda makes simply watching any movie kinda scary. Kinda like “better be taking notes.”

Another thing. So, clearly aliens are real. Clearly they’ve been visiting. People are so clownish. The FBI LITERALLY released their Rosewell files years ago and detailed a UFO crash, etc, etc and why they think it crashed. Yet, some people still act like “they ain’t been here yet.”

Our technology kinda increased pretty rapidly if you ask me.

Anyways, so the movie “Close Encounters of the Third Kind” is actually supposed to be based on a real event. They say they actually showed Spielberg the actual footage of the meeting and then he simply recreated. You know, the meeting with the aliens at the end. It was supposed to be a very accurate looking portrayal.

There is actually supposed to be a treaty that was signed between the aliens and the US government in the 1950s or so. We get technology, they get to do “x” experiments and w/e.

Anyways, so there are things that happen like that to let one kinda think of how things might be. So, eventually when you learn “that’s how it actually is” you’ve kinda already entertained the idea or “already have seen it.” You’ve mentally prepared yourself in some way. So the news reveal, if they ever decide to announce it, won’t be as “alien.”

I think when the name of the game is propaganda or hiding knowledge (the whole occult thing), then they will use all means in their disposal to get you to think w/e they want. At the end of the day, people idol worship too much and are “too social,” so it makes them easily controllable. Easily fooled and none the wiser. They don’t have the “asocial backbone” to be more than followers of what they’re told will “play well.”

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Good luck collecting the debt after we have the submarines, chump.

They’ll just stop trading with you, the price of critical goods will soar which will wreck havoc on your economy and tank the value of your currency. No country will want to invest, meaning you have to rely on local investment to grow your economy of which there is none since your economy has tanked. It’s the same reason dictatorships don’t work. They completely close down their borders, this limits foreign investment, and their economy tanks except, in this case, they did it to themselves. In rare circumstances, they would embargo - physically block your ability to trade with the implied threat of “it’s your move, make it carefully” and no country on Earth would dare challenge the US in a conflict to restore its trade routes (except MOTHER Russia, of course). With no ability to trade, they must rely entirely on their own natural resources and production capabilities, of which they will have virtually none - most countries get money from exporting a handful of goods, then use this to import goods they need. Japan, for example, exports cars.

The US is strategically advantaged in this regard because they are the only nation on Earth that could completely close-off all trading and still be totally self-sufficient. This means, in the long term, embargoes and sanctions would have literally zero effect on the US economy. We have every type of natural resource we need, barring lithium. Did you know they found a large lithium reserve in Mexico? Huh, now it makes sense why we didn’t care about the lithium in the middle east anymore and pulled out.

The fed will continue to make money out of thin air, which will always work out to the US’s advantage and be like a massive tax on anyone the US trades with or who holds the US’s debts. It’s a new form of economic imperialism that grows your country and makes your lives better, but only gives you a small portion of the growth. In a way it is kind, which is why it feeds into the liberal need to care for other things, because it gives these poor countries access to capitol and growth that they otherwise would not have, and it technically does speed up their development. But, the price they pay for that help is absolutely monstrous. They are a new kind of economic or financial slave, but the rules are more complicated - there aren’t shackles and whips but, rather, documents and signatures. It’s Kafkaesque, bro. This new economic whip is powerful enough it even controls countries like CHYNA.

I don’t remember the names of the ops, but iirc it was the NYT or the Post that was the mouthpiece for the CIA back in the 50’s or 60’s. There was an operation to control hollywood and movie studios. I think about how FBI/CIA was portrayed in so many movies back in the day, and I can’t help but realize now how propagandistic it was. There was a law repealed in the past decade under One Drop that made it legal to use propaganda and propaganda techniques on the american people.

Do you have thoughts on uncle Ted’s socialization and power process theory?

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Does one really think the illuminati could get away with such globalist scams/crimes without being the CIA and owning the FBI? George Washington, believe it or not, said that the illuminati was the greatest threat to the USA.

Once they became “apart of the dollar” in one of the most laughable scams/schemes of all time, I believe that sealed US’s fate. The last public person to talk out about secret societies and wanting to end the CIA? None other than JFK.

I was thinking it was a year two ago when I saw on twitter that it was now legal in the US to use propaganda. As if they weren’t already. But, given they already were, yet they still felt a need to make it legal… just how much more was it dialed up? What gravity and scale are we talking about here? Just how far away from the truth are things now?

But, nonetheless, talk about confirming hypocrisy with a law. You know, we’re “Mr. They’re lying/using propaganda and we’re the good guys.” We’re “so good” that we have to legalize the ability to lie to get our citizens to do/follow w/e we’d like. Interesting compatibility.

People make a big deal about standing for the anthem and saluting the soldiers at sporting events and what not. I’m not debating right or wrong here, just saying… that is just a recruitment drive for the military. They pay huge money for that stuff.

And then the people at the top will just consider you a stupid pawn to use in their schemes if you do sign up.

Who are you, lol? I don’t spend much time on reading up on others, but I know Ted is very smart, so I have listened to an audio version of his manifesto. You’re the first person I’ve ever seen mention him without speaking of the “technological thing,” thus I didn’t even know who/what you were talking about. That’s cool.

Reading up on it now, while I can’t remember my thoughts/feelings when I was 2 years old… I don’t feel as if I were born with confidence or any of that jazz. You literally spawn into the world as a noob, everyone has way more experience than yourself, and everyone is your superior title wise.

Why are you supposed to be confident/cocksure about anything? Then society does make you even more confused/feeling like an idiot off the bat; your parents set you up on this Santa Claus business, so it’s like wow… I’ll believe anything and I can’t trust anyone… Fantastic combination… I guess it’s all up to me.

I do think this “power process” is necessary. Take SC 2/human nature. If you use a strategy that is very hard for me to play against, that is unusual, does it behoove me to act like you’re an idiot and put doubt in your mind or to speak on how hard it is to deal with?

If life can be seen as a competition and no one likes to lose, can you ever trust positive or negative feedback if the other person could be perceived as competition and has a “what’s in it for me mindset?” The results have to speak for themselves and to you, else you will be at the whim/control of others. Easier said than done. It becomes almost imperative that you do achieve the things to counter balance/act society.

You can get the best grade in the class and had helped many of the people pass, yet outside of the class you could be considered the dumbest simply cause you didn’t have what would be perceived as corresponding actions/words for that mind/ability. They’d never suspect it.

You’re battling dunning kruger, competition dynamics, and stereotypes. There’s a lot of noise going on and even when it’s genuine it’s usually erroneous. If people understood just how little value should be placed on others opinions, they wouldn’t be as social as they are to begin with. So, that alone tells you they’re “losing out to society” and being stripped in the way Ted mentions.

Eg., Say I know I’m vastly superior at creating strategies and hearing from others could only pollute my mind… why would I go around “trying to hear about all your builds/ideas?” People engage in these things because they think they’re getting something from it, yet most of these people aren’t happy and can’t figure out “their so called friends” are the impediment/reason for it. They don’t need more people, they need less people… but the necessary subtraction rarely takes place.

When society is rigged and perverted from the truth, yet everyone’s goal is to “fit society,” then they are being led into a trap/their demise and they’re willingly stepping into it because they don’t know anything else. They’ve been conditioned/trained to do as such.

In general, success should breed confidence in your ability to repeat. Confidence without a track record is just optimistic thinking if not delusional. In general, the more confident you are… the dumber you are. So, if people are born dumb/bad then it’s possible they do start out confident until they learn shortcomings/become wiser to what they don’t know. But, that’s something that was going to happen in any society.

What I find more interesting is the “trading places concept.” Like the movie. You know, nice or bad or w/e… how much comes down to circumstances? For instance, I believe the Russian Astronauts did a test where now they forbid coed travel over long distances because during the experiment the women had to lock themselves up in a cage to prevent being R worded.

The elites believe that after a certain amount of days without food people will steal. Then after a week or so, people will be willing to kill.

If you were to just take these things at “face value facts” across the board that apply to all of us, then… “nice” or “not a R word” starts to come down to circumstances/thresholds. You know, this guy is a nice guy because he can go 4 weeks before he kills you for food, where as bad guy… just does so for the fun of it or after 1 week. You know, it starts to become more nuanced/splitting hairs where the dark truth is… they’re somewhat the same person, it’s just a difference of “where the line in the sand is.”

Stuff like that should probably change how you view everyone, even fundamentally. As of today… we live in a society where we call the luciferian devil worshipers the nice guys. The people who “do the bad things for fun” not cause “forced to.” So, clearly we haven’t quite gotten things figured out.

Are you for real? Put the crack pipe down.

Large conspiracies are rare simply because the group cohesion deteriorates as a function of group size. It’s hard to keep all the members in alignment with the goal of the group, in other words. There has to be some kind of zealotry or a strict enforcement mechanism. Zealotry basically requires religion, and enforcement mechanisms usually range from a bit of “hush” money to somebody close to you having a suspicious and untimely death (and you get the message quite clearly). For example, Maxwell’s father went on a boating trip and, oopsie, fell out of the boat and drowned (bummer!).

The larger the group is, the less and less effective the enforcement mechanisms. There is only so much money, so there are only so many times you can pay someone to shut up, and only so many times you can hire a hitman. As the size of the group goes up, the effectiveness of the enforcement mechanism goes down. Not to mention, the larger the group is the harder it is to be aware of what all the members are doing. Tracking who is who and who is doing what becomes difficult. Again, this reduces the strength of the enforcement mechanism. As the Romans said in ancient times, “Quis custodiet ipsos custodes” or “Who will guard the guards?”.

That’s why the only way large conspiracies happen is through religious zealotry. That’s more or less what happened in Natsee Germany. Fascism is the unique alignment of the interests of big business and big government, usually married to the public through religious-style rhetoric. Like all religions, there is a “bad guy” that the government uses to justify all of its agenda and to keep all the people in line. It’s a boogeyman used to scare people into being complacent, in other words. It works much like Satan and Hell in Christianity. This creates the religious fervor required for large conspiracies. The government and big business provides the logistic cohesion that is normally lacking in a religion and the religion brings the societal cohesion that is normally lacking in business / government. It’s one of the reasons why separation of religion and state is so important, by the way.

The closest thing we have to this kind of religious zealotry is the climate cult. They check a lot of the aforementioned boxes. They have a boogeyman - carbon / fossil fuels / etc. They have religious-style rhetoric - “the END IS NIGH, REPENT FOR YOUR CARBON SINS” etc. Green companies have a marriage with big government - loads and loads of politicians and bureaucrats are the most astute proponents of climate worship theory. They also have genocidal rhetoric / beliefs. Many of them believe abortion is critical to climate control simply because every human they eliminate massively reduces the carbon footprint of the human race. Many of them were cheering COVID on because the lockdowns reduced carbon use and COVID itself killed a lot of people which, again, reduced carbon.

There are no satanists / Illuminati / CIA conspiracy bull-crap simply because large conspiracies require religious zealotry, and the only place that is found in modern western society is the progressive / green “far left” radicals. Do conspiracies happen? Yes. Do large conspiracies happen? Yes, but they are extremely rare. The CIA undoubtedly has their fingers in a lot of pies, but there is a limit to what they can do without religious zealotry.

The Natsees are a good example of how religious zealotry is required for large conspiracies, but it’s also an example that, even with religious zealotry, you still can’t control everyone. Near the end of the war, Hitler was axing his allies left and right. Hitler only trusted a small handful of people, one of which was a snake-oil salesman who pumped Hitler full of drugs and basically killed him. There was so much disunion in the Natsee party at the very end that there were at least 42 attempts to assassinate Hitler. You could make the argument that his personal physician was also an assassin (and a successful one, by the way). Even religious zealotry can’t keep a large conspiracy together for longer than maybe a couple decades.

Those mechanics might change with mass surveillance and social credit systems, however, because these systems drastically buff the strength of the enforcement mechanisms. If you post something that goes against the state’s religion, your bank account is automatically locked and the gas pump automatically refuses to give you fuel (or something to that effect). If you drive an modern car, the car itself might even refuse to start even if it has fuel (Ukrainian allies in the West were begging Tesla to lock Russians out of their Teslas lmao).

Another good example of why large conspiracies fail would be the Soviet Union. Stalin had a secret police called the “People’s Commissariat of Internal Affairs”. Stalin had to go around arresting anyone and everyone who even raised an eyebrow in the government’s direction in order to keep his conspiracy glued together. The enforcement must be so strict that he inadvertently executed his own allies, resulting in a disunion between his remaining allies who became his enemies. All his allies realized that if Stalin became even the least bit suspicious of them, they were as good as dead. So, they stopped his being his ally because, then, at least they’d have a chance at surviving if they fought back.

This guy has a worse understanding of sociology than 1st century Romans despite having access to the most powerful tool mankind has ever known (computers/internet), but he totally invented the strongest PvT play-style in the hardest video game on Earth, right? Makes sense. When is the forum going to implement a real block feature? Once you block someone, you never see their posts again and they can’t see yours, and you never see any posts that anyone quotes of that person’s posts. For all intents and purposes, it’s like that person doesn’t even exist. Until then, browsing this forum is like this Slipknot song:

Any idiot can use blackmail to some effect, for instance. Then, they also use other means of coercion by literally describing how they will kill you if you divulge any secrets. How do you think any of that could possibly be legal/no recourse for? If you read up on CIA and MK Ultra (their project) then you can kinda piece together why the illuminati uses those same tactics. They’re one in the same.

I made a website before, some innocent and benevolent one like 7 years ago. Most frequent visitors? CIA and the Department of Defense. Probably what Snowden was speaking on… You can’t do anything without the CIA knowing. And if I can see some wrong going on… well surely they can, too. Thus, behind it and endorse it.

Bush Sr. used to be in charge of the CIA. The Bushes are supposed to be members and even viewed as satan himself. You can see such people with other world leaders wearing their mason drab and everyone knows they’re members of the skull and bones.

It’s all a big club. Before the internet and wide spread use of, it really wouldn’t be that hard to get a conspiracy group going. It’s not like an impossible feat. The problem is with the internet… those rare leaks can be seen by all who care to look for, thus… “the clock begins.”

The internet is basically anti conspiracy. It brings light to what was in the dark. It basically makes conspiracy groups outdated without full control of the internet. So, if you understand this pressure, then you probably realize they’re behind schedule. They’re not supposed to have been able to pull off what they’re doing now. This was supposed to happen by 2000. They’re over 20 years behind and their cover should have been blown, yet… it looks like they’re going to pull it off.

This is the end game and I haven’t seen any “white hats” if they exist anywhere. While they were scamming and scheming, everyone else was worshiping them or looking the other way.

And again, the thing is… all of the masons take the same oath. So the good guys end up protecting/looking out for the bad guys and probably don’t even realize it. They don’t realize they’re just pawns for luciferions. At least not most, is my impression. So, they end up controlling the police, while also having a good image despite “being the worst.”

It’s like if I create a conspiracy group where only a couple ranks hold the criminals and beneath us are just a bunch of boy scouts providing cover and we only allow the deviant ones to rise up the ranks. All working together, compartmentalized, without all needing to realize the end goal is nefarious. Like charities in general, for starters, is just legalized scamming. There’s no rules… It’s just it sounds good and you want to be optimistic about it, but there’s no obligation to do anything with the money.

If people haven’t even talked about/figured out charities yet, how are they supposed to figure out something that takes some amount of digging. Takes a minute to find the premise of charities is a joke, yet… no one hates on them. They’re exempt. No one critiques. So, why would you critique a luciferion group with a bunch of boy scouts just holding charities underneath them?

For any conspiracy group to have legs and grow to this nature, it has to have the blessing of the CIA. And if it does and it also has the CIA aiding them, then this is how this can happen. Best technology, best tactics, absolutely zero ethics… thus zero rules of engagement, and you can end up with a “demonic superpower.”

At the end of the day, it’s not just a conspiracy group… but a safe haven for criminals. What incentive do criminals have to out themselves?

As for religious zealotism, even the biggest female streamers in this game and a lot of the casters clearly display the devil imagery. Their chair, their twitch avatar, their twitch emojis. They’re a luciferion group, and the group, at large, does sacrifices for witchcraft purposes or w/e. Even abortion is supposed to be a sacrifice/help them. So… it’s not exactly like it’s a sports team.

bAtZ after glancing through a few posts on losers .net:

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You guys want to hear a joke that’s true and ties into what I previously said? Well, if not, close your eyes and never open them cause the jokes don’t stop. Living in joke world.

A while ago, I was curious to find out how the police respond to/protect daddy Blizzard. Pretty cute relationship. Blizzard tucks them in at night and “reads” to them a picture book before going to bed. They haven’t graduated to words yet. Are the pictures just of guys… you’d had have to ask them and see how defensive they get.

So, I know about the police discriminating against smart people. They took the matter of them being able to refuse to hire people with an above average IQ (basically) to the supreme court and won. So, basically want them smart enough to pull over people for speeding but not for solving any real crimes, and ofc… be obedient to luciferians.

The reason the police give for the above, though, is that police training costs a lot of money, and if they hire smart people they will just get bored and eventually leave, whereas “the rocks” will make it a career, thus better return on investment. Can think of it like that.

Anyways, so I call the police in Irvine, because for all I know… I do kinda have a crime to report, after all. And already knowing the above, you have to kinda figure out whether you’re talking to someone who simply isn’t very smart or if “they’re in on something.”

So, I set up this “baseline premise” where no one can answer with a “no” unless they’re coverup buddies. Well, boys… you tell me. This guy who clearly was a benefactor of police discrimination, putting it kindly, told me that NO ONE has ever been falsely imprisoned or convicted before.

You hear about the cases all the time. I mean, it’s just common knowledge. You don’t exactly have to follow the “judicial system” to know this.

I was just pointing out that nothing is infallible and they don’t always need the most evidence to incriminate someone or else this couldn’t happen at the frequency it’s known to happen. But, I noted that it is seemingly very rare and it’s speaks to “statistics/life.” You know, you can’t make every shot… no matter how good.

Zero accusing anyone of setting anyone up. No condescension. Just trying to relate and get a sentiment across.

This guy couldn’t have been more defensive and adamant that an innocent person has never spent a second in prison before in the history of the US. I obviously couldn’t keep a straight face and had to tell him to stf u. Give me a break. I gave him a lot of time to just back track a smidge. Nope. All-in…

And this came up in part to talking about something kinda analogous to if McDonald’s refuses to let you eat there, with zero explanations, and they steal your car. And you’re like… hmm… this might be illegal for a few reasons… Might even be a hate crime.

And copper is like “can’t be.” It’s like…in normal life… you have to investigate possibilities to either confirm or deny. But, they’re playing “psychic detective” and telling you what it isn’t, yet they can’t tell you why it is. You get to learn that being a psychic is selective. Like, you can see the guy is wearing a blue shirt, but the pants escape you.

Anyways… point is… all of these mason people are sworn to protect each other to the point of dressing up as bozo the clown. So, different laws/rules for people who don’t agree to worship satan, directly or indirectly.

Why some people get to maphack and viewbot, etc, etc and everyone is supposed to gather around to talk about how genuine and awesome they are.

I blame you guys. Me? I even alluded to this kind of stuff in my book in 2010/2011. I even had videos then on a site that talked about their original plan for world war 3. Don’t blame me. Btw, if “my area code” calls, they just hang up/don’t answer. Why incriminate yourself? Clown world.

I’m just a dude who likes to play video games, dude. I’m nobody.

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Well, you’re somebody to me. His name is Hellknight. His name is Hellknight. He’s not just another number. Remember that Hellknight, forum, and world.

Next time you have to sign an official document, maybe it’s time to let them know/recognize. This dude recognizes.

The fact that you simply think about interesting things would make me “bet on you” over anyone else in the RTS scene, in terms of succeeding at w/e the next RTS is. Definitely more interesting to talk to.

Imagine running into a gentleman and a scholar in 2022. Hellknight made hell freeze over. That was his task. Well, I be damned.

I appreciate the kind words. And knowing

Don’t overestimate the intelligence of somebody when they say

There are plenty of good quotes out there that say it better than i can, so I’ll toss this one out there first - Sometimes a man can’t understand a thing when his salary depends on him not understanding it. If people gave more thought to their actions and the consequences of thereof, they might not be able to live with themselves or at the least they might have to change careers, so many of them don’t or they find a system of beliefs that let them sleep soundly at night, knowing that they did something worthwhile with their life. What happens when it becomes more and more difficult to find worth in your own life? Expand your social circle, identify with a movement.
The planet is dying, and those evil corporations are to blame? Well join up and we’ll shut em down. Magic Americans are being killed in droves? Just put this square in your facebook profile, and ignore the fires in the cities. Think the rootless metropolitans are ruining society? Better join up and help save the white race!
We really do have access to an amazing amount of power and information today, and its totally underutilized. I don’t think there’s any help for it though. If you believe any of the mass formation theories, you can’t break people out of their psychosis. They have to find the weak link, observe it, and realize that it can be broken and they can escape, that they don’t have to live in fear. Until then they’re just going to be sitting in the cave, marveling at shadows on the wall.

What if instead of religious zealotry, you just had a close family bond? Say a … couple dozen rich and powerful banking families, with enough money to pay the bribes to the right people, maybe pay for a bullet here and there, would they have the power to control the direction of civilization? Hierarchy is inevitable in any power structure, so what if a group was lucky/skilled/competent enough to accumulate or seize power, and hold onto it through the generations? It’s not beyond the scope of possibility.
I fully believe there is a conspiracy to destroy the USA. It has actors both foreign and domestic, with more money and power than I could dream of accumulating in ten life times (assuming i score higher than i have in this one), and one way or the other, they’re going to see us brought down, in flames or with a mewling whimper. Tell me I’m crazy.