Unless you use your platform as a professional to push politics like the Blitzchung controversy. By the way batzy I thought it was incredibly hard to prove malicious intent in a defamation case, how did Johnny Depp win?
These guys are using their platform to push religion. If the truth came out/they were open about it, you’d realize… these companies are discriminating based on religion, more or less. And then Blizzard would be associated with… satanism. You know something people already accused them of, whether jokingly or not.
There’s nothing “just a game about SC 2.” It’s religion now. It’s a dead game where they’re apparently forcing people to stream it. They’ve pushed out the non satanists. So… now the satanists truly do have to carry the burden on their own.
And even the Blitchung thing, that was about freedom right? They literally banned a guy for wanting freedom for a region. I get the political slippery slope and “we just here to make money, not step on toes of money.” But, how many things that are anti freedom have to happen before this community and company is called what their actions say they are. A hate group. That simple.
This is really what “takes the piss.” You can’t make this up. The satanists don’t just rebel against god, but they believe they can be gods themselves. They think they’re gods. Last time I checked, that “god guy” was pretty good at CREATING THINGS.
So, think about it in SC terms. SC has been out forever, combining the games. What has any satanist/person in this game created in that time? Create a single thing that was good/noteworthy? Ask them what they created. Let me guess… they would just name all of my builds. Oh, and I’m the guy they have to ostracize. Gotta treat me like god, but “they’re the gods.”
When you really peel this onion, you come to realize these guys should be wearing helmets. It’s just irony ontop of irony, and they don’t think to stop? Is living as a clown really worth it? They already killed them…
Here’s what I think. Say you’re at school and you’re taking a test. You didn’t study for it. You have no chance of passing unless you copy. You got 2 people in front of you. You got a satanist that has acted as above. That already rules that person out from copying them. You automatically have to go with the other person… Like nothing could be worse/reflect worse than that. Clearly there is nothing to gain by giving any benefit of the doubt to “anyone who acts like that.” I’ll take w/e is not that and say thank you for the “extra chance of passing.” You know, thanks for making the choice easy.
That’s how people have to look at this.
And furthermore… part of the problem is clearly they don’t have any “testing.” You have hot shot Huk who is just a Joe that somehow fooled people into thinking he was awesome? He’s just a 4 gater/all-in player who won when no one had time to figure out how to stop all-ins. He’s not good. He’s not anything but “just a guy.” A short guy at that.
So, as someone who had a lot of gifted friends, I can tell you actually talented/gifted people don’t care about others being good or not. Just good for them. They just call those people friends/peers. But, when you take on Joes who are reliant on defrauding people and fooling them, making them think “they’re bigger than they are by a lot,” then… stuff like this can happen. When someone isn’t elite they have to cheat. They have to hide from reality if “that’s their shtick/thing.”
So… the club if that was their “thing” has already been invalidated. Diluted to the point of being nothing. Just a shell of w/e it was supposed to be, yet… when you get the power who wants to let it go? Maybe they should kill their weaker members so they can actually feel elite. Deep down you gotta know… “I’m with stupid.” Not the look, even for someone already dressed up as the devil and has no lower to really go.
You realize these are mutually exclusive, right? You cant push your religion and also have nobody realize that religion is involved.
Once again you brilliantly proclaim the literally impossible and will no doubt call me many rude things for calling you on your incredibly poorly thought out claims.
I realize it. I’ve never lied about anything in SC 2. So, unless you’re stupid and you’ve read what I’ve said… you should probably give me the benefit of the “doubt,” thus realize it yourself. So… if I realize it, you realize it. Unless you’re Kelthar.
They have devil horns on their chair. Their twitch avatar. Their emojis. At a minimum, it’s subliminal. Other people might catch onto more. But at the end of the day, if you like SC 2 and you, say, want to be a caster… they’re pushing religion onto you. Coercing you to be “x.” Either you’re “x,” or you have to find another game/thing.
That’s holding people hostage. And then say you join this group. Can you just leave? They kinda seem scared if you ask me. Something tells me that having a cult entirely run SC 2 is flirting with pushing religion, if nothing else. It has to be borderline if not overtly over the line, you know? That’s just me, though. Guy sane enough to not worship psychopaths or want to spend a lifetime acting like Joes are gods. LMAO. Who can do that with a straight face. Give me a break.
Yeah, well… yesterday maybe 2 popular satanists had twitter pictures with their eyes closed… as my last thread “created.” So, do you think they hate me? Why don’t they say I’m wrong instead of just doing that? Think what you want.
The sad thing is. As illogical as these people are, by and large… when people like you exist or are oblivious to it, despite all the evidence and all the arrows and signs… that is how they prove they are at least superior to YOU. I would argue… that’s not saying much. You really don’t have to lie to someone and see if you can get them to fall for it to be better than Bronze 3 you know? That’s just “doing too much” and not really proving anything. There’s better ways…
I blaspheme all the time, taking God’s name in vain. Does that make me a Christian, or does it just make me an agnostic who doesnt actually care?
Deciding somebody’s religion based on non-religious iconography seems really stupid.
If you realized what group they were in, you’d research it. The internet is this vast place with more worthwhile things to learn/do than troll Playa non stop, believe it or not.
Btw, I was agnostic. And even then… there would be nothing cool about repping something you didn’t believe in. That’s just petty and childish. Most of my friends were atheists. They did love to be condescending towards Christians. I always hated that. Like “they know everything.”
But, this… that’s not that. None of those people are satanists or would ever want to be. This is actually truly demonic. It’s “not for show.” It’s for tell, too, but that’s a secret.
It’s funny how much defense goes into defending anything I say/accuse. If someone sees a guy wearing a cross or citing bible verses… and a group of them no less, no one thinks “they’re not bout that life. They’re just making fun of satan.” Like hahhahaha, people actually believe the devil exists.
Never cuts that way. Just always “try to argue against Playa.” A lot of satanists like me, I feel like. Same, actually. The problem… They’re slaves who try to make others slaves cause they’re slaves. Slave doll game. Making the world trash/ruining it for whose benefit? Clearly a criminal/trash person, right? Whoever it is.
What bothers me about atheism is most people can’t understand anything in their daily lives. How anything works. How to create anything. They’re just consumers. They see something and they consume it. Yet, “they know how to figure out the universe itself. They know for sure what couldn’t have been.”
Einstein, may have heard of him, who most atheists are smart enough to look upon in high esteem and even worship… well what did the guy who was far smarter than they think? He basically called everyone a moron who thought they had the capacity to figure out how/who created the universe. You know an agnostic approach, but leaning towards “something intelligent created it.” You know, too many things had to happen a certain way… Like winning a lotto of a million digits.
Your parents did you a grave disservice if they didnt teach you not to believe everything strangers tell you out of hand. This may shock and appall you, but there are many, many untrue things on the internet.
Stop making outlandish claims based on flimsy or nonexistent evidence and people will stop arguing against you so strongly. Its your total absence of facts that the main problem with your claims.
Yeah, I know. Everything you say. Everything in SC 2 that the satanists say. Lying is kinda their thing, you know? If you were of better quality… you’d make a good one.
How many people argue against me? Last I checked it was just you and maybe one of your buddies… meanwhile… people I talk about are doing “what my thread created?” At the same time. Hmm… Weird.
This isn’t first grade. Santa Claus ain’t the guy putting christmas presents under your tree. Secret societies exist. But, in the age of the internet they’re outdated. They’re not so secret anymore. Basically… either you now make everyone be to your liking or you will eventually be exposed to even the most dense people. That runs the possibly of “being dealt with.”
So, I’d say this is end game. Just like all of my builds came to be used/talked about as “awesome sauce…” time will prove me right again, because… I can make sense out of things. I understand inconsistencies. I understand what congruence looks like. I understand when a story adds up or not. I can fill in some gaps. I can “internet.”
I don’t want to educate you, honestly. I don’t like you. I don’t want to talk to you. I really don’t care what you think. I’d rather you be wrong and stay wrong. I’m not that much different than them, in that regard, pertaining to you. It’s w/e you want to think. Just keep it to yourself so I don’t have to be tempted to waste my time on you.
Keep it to yourself and tell yourself you’re right and go tell your mommy that Playa said you were right about w/e it is. Good Kelthar.
Playa you absolute knob, if you could tell at a glance that somebody belonged to a secret society, it isnt a secret. Much in the same way that the address of my house isnt a secret because its posted on my mailbox. Your fundamental premise is flawed in a thousand ways, none of which you address, and your response to being called on it is to call people names. That doesnt make you smart, and it sure doesnt make you right. It just makes you a damaged individual seeking validation. Unplug your internet Playa. Throw your computer out the window and go see a doctor. You need it, desperately.
Now go and run and tell your mommy. Maybe even daddy.
I don’t know why the worst among us takes it upon themselves to “own me.” Oh yeah… because that’s the level of incompetence it takes. Dunning Kruger is a real thing. Keep on confirming that guy/thing right… Have fun with it…
Most people are like you… you’re dense and oblivious. So, everything “goes over your head.” But, guess who might be able to catch on/perceive things? I don’t know… could it be a guy who has gotten “top GM” with only using original builds? Could it be the guy who created more meta builds between the games than anyone else in the world? The guy who was also a top player in the US at BW?
Could it be the guy who crushed what was considered the theoretical max win rate in poker over 100k hands? Surely not me. Kelthar would probably catch on first. So you didn’t see anything? Thanks officer. Glad to know it was just in my mind. I can sleep easy now. Thanks again.
For the people who aren’t vegetables yet, we could give an example of an obvious thing. So some clubs are “secret” but it’s not entirely a life or death thing. Like their only thing they do could be “secret hand shakes.” But, once that becomes public knowledge as to what they are… and no one could accidentally do that or be geeky enough to do it if not a member…
Well… what happens when you see a group using those same hand shakes? Playa says… oh… I see. I see how it is. Kelthar says… “need more information. Must join.”
Don’t be Kelthar and become a satanic clown, to mascot for evil and protect criminals. That’s your brain on empty.
I haven’t been following that one too closely. When you defame a “public figure” you have to prove intent i.e. actual malice. In theory that must mean that no other possible explanation can exist for their behaviour, which is a very high bar to meet. What it means is that Amber’s actions were so over-the-top that her lawyers were not able to provide a single plausible alternative to her simply being a malicious psycho. But, at the end of the day, the law is more of what you call “guidelines” than actual rules. The jury can do whatever it wants at the end of the day. Popularity and politics can, then, heavily influence the outcome of high profile cases. Throw in the fact that they are actors and can really give misleading testimony and who knows what’s going to happen.
The fact that they proved actual malice is how you know she’s a big dumb-dumb, too, by the way. If you are going to say something nasty about someone else, you have to be careful with how you word it. You don’t say “Robert is a satanist.” Instead, you say, “What Robert did reminds me of satanism.” Ideally you let people make the inference themselves, such as “Why didn’t Robert scan his opponents main before doom dropping? Very strange.”
as a kid with serious financial issues i remember it being painful to even play through the campaign with the 30 day lock out. Pour one out for that memory.
That’s the liberal economy, boss. They are going to tie everything to a woke social credit score; limiting access to loans for businesses etc. The mentally sane are building a parallel economy already that isn’t based around sheer insanity but, rather, competence. Truth Social, Rumble, etc, are just the start. Roe v Wade will be axed and with it a slew of illegal federal agencies based on the same legal reasoning, the FCC’s delegation rule was just slammed by the 5th circuit which utterly obliterates the bureaucracy’s ability to make quasi-laws without going through the legislature, etc. All of these will be absolutely massive nerfs to federal power. If California and New York want to commit economic suicide then it’s fine, but the rest of the country is going to cut ties with them to minimize the fallout damage. Did you know California is $1,000,000,000,000 in the hole? That’s after you subtract out physical assets. They’ve heavily over-leveraged their debt. Meanwhile Texas has a 200 billion net positive, subtracting debts from physical assets. Yikes. Liberals truly are economically illiterate.
IF the union is to fail, it won’t be by civil war. It will be by the slow erosion of federal powers over the next 50 years or so. It’s a likely outcome, though. Socially, California and Texas couldn’t be more different. It’s almost as big as the difference between Isreal and Palestine. It’s not there yet, but it will be. Anyone who isn’t on-board with the mental illness train is jumping ship and soon California will be a giant echo-chamber of economically illiterate crazies kept afloat by their tech economy. But, that tech economy is eroding through new competition popping up. The writing’s on the wall.
Just don’t call it a religion. Some people are useful and go along with something because they don’t have the intellectual capacity to question or see the fraying edges. Once you rob words of their meaning, you can push anything you want, and if people can’t or wont question it for the sake of apparent consensus, you’ve got them in the palm of your hand. Many such cases.
What’s crazy is how climate and wokester zealots want to push their religion onto everyone else and it’s somehow not considered a violation of the “separation of church and state”. People believe in a prophecy that in 100 years the climate gods will smite the Earth with disaster unless people repent for their carbon sins. Carbon is basically the Satan of this new religion and it scares people into wearing special clothing, driving special cars, and eating special food. It reminds me of mormons who wear the special undies that are somehow sacred or something, except that the climate/woke religion is a dozen times more extreme.
The mathematics absolutely do not support their theory, by the way. There are so many holes with climate alarmism that you might as well call it swiss cheese. They just revised their predictions by the way, admitting they were off by 25% because they underestimated 1 variable (the number of solar panel sales). There are hundreds of domains for error and in 1 they were off by 25%.
This thing is definitely a religion. The people in charge believe in science in name only. They are much closer to religious zealots than they are to scientists. Their followers absolutely do not understand the science behind it because if they did they wouldn’t support it. It’s totally a new-age religion.
Even if you take everything they say for granted, assuming it is 100% correct, a +4c change over 100 years means nothing because people will migrate. Russia and Greenland and Canada will have huge habitable zones that people will move to, and they have plenty of time to do it. Climate alarmism is total bunk even if you assume they are right.
There’s so much truth in this thread I expect it to be gone by morning.
because even the OP of the post is just being a racist transphobe by posting it and just creating more hostility … that’s why. intentional derail.
What is the term for someone who is afraid of biology textbooks? Biology-phobia? There are plenty of people afraid of math textbooks.
I mean pick tosh instead of Nova then? They gave you the option… I always picked tosh.
How was Warfield humiliated? A normal human man got killed by basically a super human. Did you really expect him to win? Can black characters not die in video games? Only white characters are allowed to die? Thats just absurd.
Black scv pilot? What? Brood war scv sounds like a white dude to me. I mean I guess maybe but I think they were just going for a hillbilly trucker vibe with the SCV in SC2 so idk, honestly does it really matter? The Marauder sounds like a black guy to me and Marauders are way cooler than SCVs. But again it doesn’t really matter. This is just you finding things silly things to be offended about. I couldn’t give 2 **** either way.
OP comes across to me as a caricature of you. Either way its bait from the outset.