You have no builds named after you because youre transparently trying to steal the credit from more famous players out of jealousy and spite.
Lets not pretend youre doing anything else here Playa, its never been subtle.
You have no builds named after you because youre transparently trying to steal the credit from more famous players out of jealousy and spite.
Lets not pretend youre doing anything else here Playa, its never been subtle.
-10 out of 10. First negative rated post ever. This is why no one wants their name attached to their own doings. Who would want to sign their name to w/e this clown says when they can just pretend they posted what I did? Smart. I get it. I wouldn’t want to be them, either.
Get good enough so you can compete at high level , if you are successful enoigh you can deffinitely have a build named after you.
Nothing to do with race , its about how good you are.
This game has peoppe from a bunch of nationality all around thw world.
So many backgrounds, cultures , languages and ethnicities !
And for some reason their skin color is an issue ? Putting so many countries in one bucket based on their skin color is quite racist in my opinion.
For the part about the majority being males. So what ? This game is based on skills . it doesnt matter who is behind the keyboard. Its about who is performing the best. There are scenarios women out perform men , who cares ? This is just a scenario that if you look at the overall picture, more male them female prefer / or perform better than the usual demographic.
I’ve been top 10 GM. Was the third highest rated Toss on the ladder with 80% win rate in P vs T with this so called “max pax build” 6 years before you named it after the guy… and have been playing cover up scam since.
Then I was also the highest ranked American player in BW remastered when I was told no longer allowed to play in tournaments. If that’s on the up and up and “no racism…” you’d hate to see what is.
News flash… it’s really easy to be awesome/win when you force everyone else out that isn’t “the fit.” Incentive is a part of life. No one is going to keep playing just so they can steal their work and ban them. You already know the MO. They literally ban you if you become “too good.” All they care about is their satanic narratives. The fact that they live is too bad. All one can say. Too bad.
They give the abortion people a lot of firepower. It is what it is. Anyone defending this scene/company has a lot of waking up to do.
Again… why would Rotti be fined if he didn’t stream? Who is doing it? Why do the two biggest female streamers have to sport devil horns? If you clowns can’t figure out those are the questions to ask and the people behind “why the scene doesn’t have diversity,” then you’re too stupid to be playing RTS.
You’re not even allowed religious diversity in the game. Even the white people have to be in the same cult. A fringe/minority one. Anyone defending this game or the people are clueless.
See, you can tell Playa is lying here because he has forgotten that time flows linearly, and that the game is radically different between any given points in its history 6 years apart. In particular, his evidence that he likes to provide is a replay from a different expansion. And somehow it fails to occur to him that hey, that makes it literally impossible for it to be the same build.
Look at me guys. I’m really smart. I said big words. hhahaha. Big words mean I’m correct. Idiot. I did the build for multiple years in a row, carrying into HotS. You momo, hence how he copied it to begin with you numb n piece of s.
btw, just in case you’re a retar d, what people lost their minds over is the concept of the build not “did they exactly place the pylons in the same spot” or w/e dumb s. And when I show a replay 6 years before Max… guess who created the “genius premise/concept” and did it every game first? Wow… who could it be.
Then the guy goes on to copy every other build I do and retar d still can’t accept it/admit it. Kill yourself. That goes for everyone in this community that casts or w/e. End it. Huk, yada, yada. Die already. All one can say about SC 2.
That’s how “our resident genius feels about the scene.” Makes you think… well, it would if you were capable of it. Just food for thought.
Asking Rotti who is going to fine him if he doesn’t stream “today” or why they all have to be satanists to be showcased in SC 2 is a little more important than trying to find some kinda retar d way to minimize what I did? If your house is burning down is it time to focus trying to find some dirt or putting the fire out or getting out. Kelthar says… Ugh… I think if I look close enough… I can will a speck of dust. I think I need to vacuum.
It’s not actually possible to describe the level of dense and stupid this scene is.
Good job on the acheivement ! Have you competed in local tournaments and bigger events too ? That would for sure provide you much more visibility too !
I have yet to see proof or at least some correlation about this…
Its a game…it doesnt have to become political or religious.
Then why not go into tourbaments and take on maxpax in the next european event ??
Calling names serves no purpose here and mostly discredit yourself and other players are less likely to take you seriously .
I ended up quitting around that time cause everyone was hacking in tournaments. Not being Avilo here. That was just the “hacking ERA,” which made P vs P impossible in tournaments and P vs Z was always imbalanced. I competed in numerous Midwest Cup tournaments online, which would be “local,” getting several second places and third places and what not.
I used the “proxy gateway build” in every single game vs Terran, too, mind you. 20+ games… same build and before anyone had ever heard of Max. Go figure…
I don’t want visibility. I want to stop being enslaved by deranged lunatics. That goes for the world at large. I’m tired of having to pretend the viewbotter is awesome. The bronze 3 guy is GM and guy who ain’t created nothing in his life is Picasso. It’s like a bad dream where everyone left had zombies eat their brains…
People who so called “love me” can’t even talk to me. Spend their entire lives enslaved and pretending they hate me just cause of the stupidity they got themselves involved in. That’s SC 2. That’s the scene you guys can’t get enough of gloating about. Clowns.
Well, I can tell you this much… before I quit BW (forced to) due to above being true… I also created what will be the most famous/interesting build in BW history. P vs P build. Possibly could change the meta. At worse… by far the most interesting approach.
But, they still have to figure out who to give credit to and probably figure out how to make it work. Once people have forgotten about me, I’m sure someone like tasteless will “give it a go” and try to become Maxpax of BW or something. That’s how it goes when everyone is a clown.
That’s what I’ve been saying. So, you tell me why this is the most religious game going? Something tells me if a company has a lot of dirt to hide they might like people with no morals. You know people who agree to be a satanist. People who they can blackmail, thus control. Just my thinking about it. Ask them, though. They’re the satanists.
They’re the ones saying they will get fined if they don’t stream. They’re the ones wearing the devil horns. They’re the ones making it blatantly clear that you can’t cast a premier event unless you join the 1 eye scam club. Ask them. Just like you’d ask me about builds and reasoning for. I’m the guy who can tell you.
Sure, they will lie to you probably. But… beats asking me or acting oblivious to what is clearly going on.
I’d rather he die and everyone else in the scene than play this game again. That sounds more appropriate. Personally.
Again… all these clown do is scam. If I reached that level, guess what would happen? The casters would say I need to be banned cause I’m a bad person. Would say he harassed so and so (another scam). A caster that I never played before actually told his audience, afterwards, that I should be ostracized from the community for being such a bad person. Again… a satanist. Clown world.
They’re d-bags and they call the opposite d-bags and then the gullible plebs eat it up. Backwards world. Sure… they get away with it, but at what cost? Who cares about this game cause it’s all b s… No one… It’s almost like there’s a reason there is a right way and a wrong way, and it’s the right way for a reason. Genius.
I couldn’t take myself seriously if I didn’t tell that person what he deserved. That’s more important. It’s not a one time thing. That’s his shtick. He knows. No overreaction.
Too many kids glove’s being used for fully grown adults. I’m a be the edge lord here and say if you’re mascoting for evil… you’re not a good person. And if you didn’t create anything, stop pretending you did. Do you and stop trying to steal from others. Parenting must be s today.
And if you think joining a group with a lot of guys makes you cool… at least it was age appropriate for a boy scout… and even that was lame, huh? So what’s that make you? Most womanly thing ever.
playa, forever shooting himself in the foot and never actually proving he made a build popular…
just whining in a place that is a void, to people who don’t care / believe him, in a game he doesn’t care about OR play anymore so he says… but still here all the time trying to prove maxpax stole his build… easily the second most pathetic sc2 personality i’ve ever seen. next to that terran who did a bunch of weird stuff…
Its a little sad that while I have a strong idea who youre talking about, I cant be quite certain.
i forgot his name momentarily but i saw it in another post, avilo. lol.
The fact that Playa just unironically wondered why his race baiting doesnt get him anything positive is, I think, the most quintessentially Playa thing he has ever posted.
Race baiting is pretending it’s the slave era and you get to steal everyone’s work and find excuses to ban them and ostracize. In fact, you actually couldn’t stoop that low in even the slave era. Not a joke. Yet people still try to act like this game doesn’t have a problem. Like the satanic numb n crew is positive/good people. Like what kinda retard trance do they have you under? Same one they are under?
I’m just a guy. If it weren’t for people scamming me and finding all these crazy reasons to avoid giving me credit or letting people talk to me… I would never think about race. It’s you retards who make me say oh… is it cause I’m only 95% white? Idiots.
Ugh, why did you guys help playa derail what was an amusing thread by responding to his nonsense.
Derailing a thread that speaks exactly to what I’m speaking about. White people strike again. Always act like relevance is irrelevant and only make believe that makes them look holy is relevant. Retards, literal satanists run the game. Maybe should read up on the group sometime. Maybe ask them about it.
News flash… white people aren’t that awesome, either. Why they collude to make up for the fact. Done well for them in SC 2 after all… Sure they killed the game but their pecker gets to look bigger… thus they fool some gullible people. All that matters, right? As long as those left are idiots. And they most certainly are.
They don’t care how many people leave the game due to hacking, fraud or w/e. All they care is that you’re stupid enough to like them. And it’s like if you’re so awesome why would you care about the plebs anyways? Logic escapes them. Why they’re satanists.
Say blizzard did force tournament organizers to meet certain quotas. What that improve the game and the quality of the matches? Would the tournaments suffer for it? If this is a good idea, I expect to see one of you jump on it. I can’t wait until the man called Nina takes 1st place vs harambe in a bo7, going all the way to game seven, until in the end, since the tournament is organized in america, a crazed bernie supporter rushes the stage screaming about the sovereignty of foreign borders/the sanctity of infanticide/the lack of genetic differences between humans, and then deletes everyone in the building with an assault rifle 15, armed with a dozen clips.
Let it go man… It’s a blessing in disguise you didn’t become a pro streamer. SC2 is a financial dead end. Anyone who is capable of hitting Gm would be better off spending their time elsewhere. That goes for Maru and Serral too.
I’m scared of the dystopian future you wish for, where games will connect to Windows Hello or something like that, and if you’re not part of the quota of minorities/communities/whatever the game need, you will be locked out
Well, SC2 already lock you out of single player campaigns and maps if you’re not connected to Internet, so the scariest thing is the first step on this path already was made.
Prioritizing skin color is a form of racism. To be anti-racist, you must be blind to skin color and judge them by their merits. You know, like Martin Luther dreamed of.
Do you know where there is lots of diversity? Construction. There is so much new construction going on that my buddy couldn’t get any framing crews in to frame in his new house. He waited a year and a half before finally settling for a new / lesser known company. Not a single person on worksite could speak English. They couldn’t read the blueprints. They couldn’t communicate. Every flippin’ thing in that house was wrong from top to bottom. They couldn’t get things in the right place nor the right size. Nothing is square. I could bet you a thousand bucks to find one square corner in the whole house and you wouldn’t be able to do it.
Do you want SC2 to be like this house? No? Then stop pushing your woke nonsense. I am not saying mexicans are bad at framing. I am saying it’s very important to prioritize the quality of the end product over any other factor. Prioritizing skin color over competence is a form of racism and a very destructive one at that. If some mexicans role up and can speak English, read the blueprints, and know what a 16 inch center is, then I’d be happy to hire them. They could have neon green skin for all I care. All that matters for a framing job is if you know how to frame. It’s the same for SC2. If you can play and compete at the top level, that’s all that matters - your skin color is irrelevant to any equation whatsoever. If you are looking at and considering skin color, then you are the racist.
There is no “letting it go.” These little naz is (call it what it is) are enslaving everyone in-game and out of game. Ask them why they’re committing fraud and enslaving everyone over a freaking video game that no one cares about, in the grand scheme. Literally ruining lives over what? To what gain? They’re idiots who for some reason think they’re cool? Nerds aren’t cool to begin with.
And if you have to cheat to look cool, you’re a loser. And if you can’t figure that out, you have brain damage. Can use w/e euphemism or club you want to sugar coat it, but it is what I said.
Let me say it again. They don’t even allow people who REALLY like me to talk to me or do anything with. That’s the level of slavery and fraud we’re talking about. Is it just protecting Blizzard’s stock price/reputation (doesn’t even exist) or just fragile white egos. Ask them. They’re the naz is. What could be more important in SC 2 to talk about/find out? I mean… it’s bigger than the game itself…
Also, this is what’s going on in the world at large. So… you have to ask yourself do you want to become a satanist or not? Do you want to join a group of losers and then act like they’re awesome to reap what you sow and also steal others work? It’s just worse than maphacking times 500 and then calling yourselves enlightened/superior. Idiots. All of them.
And what really makes satanism so lame is that clearly, no offense, it has a guy liking guy and vice versa bent. People grow up with this idea that god hates gay people and that there is no “coming back from that,” so… to them… they have seemingly nothing to lose by becoming a mascot for satan and opposing “this guy who hates them despite creating them that way.”
So… it ends up just kinda being a LGBT club. Basically I’m saying a bunch of bitter people comprise it. Then you also have psychopaths. Being a psychopath is already in line with being a satanist, so now you just have a “cool,” edgy title to go with it. Just a bunch of euphemisms to make one overlook they’re not superior to anything and they’re just deranged in the head. Clowns with suits. Stop looking up to them. If they deserved it, they wouldn’t have to stoop to this level. That simple.
And the thing is… I already moved on from SC 2. If it were up to me, I’d be executing optimal strategies in something that has nothing to do with SC 2. But as I’ve said… this hate group that is trying to kill everyone and eliminate Christianity and etc, etc… has to rig everything to the point no one can do anything, because they’re “that bad” apparently.
These guys protect maphackers and have to ostracize the guy who ACTUALLY created all of the strategies you care about/meta. And even the one you will come to care about in BW… Scoreboard in reality is 1000-0. But given these deranged lunatics control the scoreboard… “They’re winning and you ain’t done nothing.” If there is a culling to happen it should start with them, you know? Obviously.
If you gotta cheat… you’re not superior to anything/anyone. Those who are actually good/better… want an even playing field cause they know you can’t win then. It speaks for itself. You literally have to be delusional and out of your mind to not understand being apart of that makes you a loser/clown, regardless of materials gained.
By the way, I’ve never wanted to be a streamer. I’ve only streamed a few times cause a RL friend asked for it and maybe a couple other times because someone else did. That’s not my personality. Never had any interest in it whatsoever.