Starcraft 2 is saying battle net is down [Main Thread]

Perhaps this needs more visibility through gaming news sites that it doesn’t seem that blizzard is interested in their sc2 support, but fine with supporting turnaments and streamers. Perhaps we should try asking for refunds, it’s not like we’re able to play anyway. I find it appalling that support gives zero details (after 3+ days) and thinks it’s sufficient to play in another region with no progress carry over.

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This is the issue - money, or lack thereof. The internal Blizz convo went something like this:

Operation Center: We’re seeing a high number of errors and reports of login issues for SC2.

Executive: How much money are we losing as a result of this outage?

Ops: 10’s of dollars.

Exec: Have the interns look at it.


go back and read my post 6 hours ago and Benjamin comment is alarming…how and why they would limit replys to 3 on this topic.

i thought this was a glitch but after reading this forum have a replay limit now the ‘‘There is a temporary outage of the Battle.Net service’’ message makes sense now…THEY ARE LIMITING ACCESS TO SERVER.

i ran a Ark server many years ago and i was able to limit and create a queue for players to enter and i could give them a message saying anything i wanted.

i believe blizzard have access limits to a few thousand and they will reduce or increase limits based on demand…limits are higher for EU and KR ofc.

this could mean they’re going to remove NA server soon


Glad to see Blizzard doesn’t give a flying F about content that’s bought and paid for. Ultimately don’t know what to expect from a gaming company that’s stagnated for years on end. So done with this company and lack of real support.


This would abruptly end my WoW subscription.

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I am receiving an error on authenticating “There is a temporary outage of the service. Please try again later.”

This error only happens for my US player account. I can log in to Asia and EU fine, but I don’t have player accounts in those regions.

I last played Starcraft 2 in September-October 2021.

I purchased the game and each expansion on release. On my US region player account, I have purchased co-op commanders, skins and unlocked most achievements.

If I don’t get my US account back it is going to damage my trust in Activision-Blizzard and I won’t be likely to purchase or play other Activision-Blizzard games any longer.


Same issue as reported. ETA please?

I have not been able to log in for days. Any resolution?

i’m having this issue too, it only affects US, i can access korea/EU

I took a break around the November 2021 till just last week, and I’ve been trying for the last week for SC2. Yet none of my other games are doing this and I can play on the other servers for SC2.

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Similar situation for me. I can’t tell you when I last played exactly but it was last year. One of my buddies really is getting into RTS games, and I got him to grab a free SC2 account so we could play, and yeah…neither of us can log in.

Can’t log in either. How about you make this game available offline, like Steam does at least [and it greatly pains me to use them as the example]? Or better yet, like GOG. That’d be nice.

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You can play offline. Sign into either EU or KR regions, then exit the game. After you exit, unplug your Internet cable (or disconnect your wifi). Launch the game and it will prompt you with the option to play offline. You can then reconnect your cable after you click play offline.

This is exactly why I stopped buying Blizzard games. Pretty much anything that uses This is complete garbage. Paid money for this game and I can’t even play it. Yes, I know I can log into another region, but I shouldn’t have to. It seems like they aren’t even working on the problem. Maybe it’s things like this why their company is suffering so much.


@ Benjamin

Thanks for the assist! [To Blizzard: having to do all this just to play this game makes me sad…]

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“Complaining isn’t going to speed this process up any.”

Said the person who sat for two hours waiting for his order at a restaurant…


Have not played this game for a couple years and wanted to get back into it a few days ago after I reformatted my computer. I came across this error and thought nothing of it, must be a glitch or something. Reinstalled sc2 and the same issue appeared. Thought maybe it was maintenance or something. I tried logging in again today and its still not fixed? I came across this thread and many others are having the same issue… Crazy the blizzard still hasn’t solved this issue lol.

Blizzard doesnt give a rats a** about starcraft and it shows. The thought of it makes me sad… I have owned SC2 since it released.


im having the same issue. I have not logged in for a few months. Now when i play, i am getting that error. I can even play offline

Hi RedHood,

For offline, see this post: Starcraft 2 is saying battle net is down [Main Thread] - #342 by Benjamin-1650

Hi there.

I’m here just to keep following for any news. Not much to add: I play on america server, the game says that BNet is on an outage, I’m playing on european servers (from the scratch. I was going for a few missions on the Zerg campaign, but now I have to do the whole thing from the start).

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