Starcraft 2 is saying battle net is down [Main Thread]

I have not been able to log in for days. Any resolution?

i’m having this issue too, it only affects US, i can access korea/EU

I took a break around the November 2021 till just last week, and I’ve been trying for the last week for SC2. Yet none of my other games are doing this and I can play on the other servers for SC2.

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Similar situation for me. I can’t tell you when I last played exactly but it was last year. One of my buddies really is getting into RTS games, and I got him to grab a free SC2 account so we could play, and yeah…neither of us can log in.

Can’t log in either. How about you make this game available offline, like Steam does at least [and it greatly pains me to use them as the example]? Or better yet, like GOG. That’d be nice.

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You can play offline. Sign into either EU or KR regions, then exit the game. After you exit, unplug your Internet cable (or disconnect your wifi). Launch the game and it will prompt you with the option to play offline. You can then reconnect your cable after you click play offline.

This is exactly why I stopped buying Blizzard games. Pretty much anything that uses This is complete garbage. Paid money for this game and I can’t even play it. Yes, I know I can log into another region, but I shouldn’t have to. It seems like they aren’t even working on the problem. Maybe it’s things like this why their company is suffering so much.


@ Benjamin

Thanks for the assist! [To Blizzard: having to do all this just to play this game makes me sad…]

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“Complaining isn’t going to speed this process up any.”

Said the person who sat for two hours waiting for his order at a restaurant…


Have not played this game for a couple years and wanted to get back into it a few days ago after I reformatted my computer. I came across this error and thought nothing of it, must be a glitch or something. Reinstalled sc2 and the same issue appeared. Thought maybe it was maintenance or something. I tried logging in again today and its still not fixed? I came across this thread and many others are having the same issue… Crazy the blizzard still hasn’t solved this issue lol.

Blizzard doesnt give a rats a** about starcraft and it shows. The thought of it makes me sad… I have owned SC2 since it released.


im having the same issue. I have not logged in for a few months. Now when i play, i am getting that error. I can even play offline

Hi RedHood,

For offline, see this post: Starcraft 2 is saying battle net is down [Main Thread] - #342 by Benjamin-1650

Hi there.

I’m here just to keep following for any news. Not much to add: I play on america server, the game says that BNet is on an outage, I’m playing on european servers (from the scratch. I was going for a few missions on the Zerg campaign, but now I have to do the whole thing from the start).

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Good Evening.

Any chance you have made progress in fixing this problem?
Or as an alternative could you please attach our individual progress to our account and not a continent? Also please remove the 30-day account limitation?

Thank you for all your assistance.



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Yet another day has gone by - any updates on this?

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Thank you for this. But it seems like I have to restart my progress.

it’s not just the progress tho, in my case, i’ve expended a lot of money on commentators, skins and co op commanders and the fact that i’m not able to use even my own hotkeys on a new server just get me angry, this is really not good
i think we sould speak to some sc content streamers such as Bond,lowko, pobla, enki etc, so that we can expose our problem to the sc2 community


What exactly would “exposing our problem to the community” do? And then what? Increase our numbers to a point where we can storm and occupy their offices and then sit at their desks and fix game and communication code ourselves? Blizzard already is looking at it they even tried a fix already. But it didnt help but they tried something and had to go back to the drawingboard

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the one thing i’d like to point out is the elephant in the room… Client side already has a verification process therefore making the ingame reauthentication totally arbitrary. I also know this because i have spoken to CS about this in years past. They know this causes an issue, but in years past they always said one thing because CS2 was still in development this change wouldnt happen, however since development essentially came to a close content wise this change should be able to happen. And for another thing if Piracy were that much of an issue we’d see the same standards followed on the EU and korean Servers. Especially the latter of the two, because of standardized technologies in and around that part of the world make things like piracy much easier to achieve there.

Regardless, the point of having a secondary authentication process in-game as well as the initial purchase verification is completely arbitrary whatever the DRM says it doesn’t change the fact that this is where the problem stems from since the servers aren’t actually down, New and returning players just cant access them. I’d also imagine this has to do with some of the programming to make SC2 FTP, which yes initially struck me as a slap in the face to everyone who has supported the development of SC2, but in all its a good story and one worth sharing so… But again. Even if this is DRM caused, does their DRM diminish my right to enjoy what I’ve paid over $100 for and sank thousands of hours that on average are worth $25/hr into? I think not.


I created a ticket to see if I would be able to get someone to copy my coop data over to the EU servers.

They said no, so I asked if there was any ETA or information on the issue regarding not being able to log in due to this error message. I got the following response:

My name is Rounifaman, Game Master. Nice to meet you !

I can't see any global issues with login to SC2 servers at the moment.

If you have issues to login to Starcraft II, I would advise you to follow the steps from this article :

I wish you a great day and thank you for your trust ! 

Game Master Rounifaman
Customer Support

So, it looks like this issue is very well known /s

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