Starcraft 2 is saying battle net is down [Main Thread]

I once again just got a write off on my support ticket. They linked me back to this forum post.

Hey there,

My name is Game Master Ianboryn,

Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us and submit this ticket, I will gladly go ahead and take a look into this for you. I understand that you are contacting us regarding some issues accessing Starcraft II and getting a reported error message there is a Temporary Outage in the Service still.

I did manage to look over that forums thread you provided and found quite a few other players are in fact receiving that same error message. I did go ahead and provide that same forum link once again for you below as there are some additional troubleshooting steps you can refer to there from both Customer Support articles and other players as well. In the meantime, once more there is ongoing scheduled maintenance with other titles but also the at the moment. I would advise you allow this scheduled maintenance to complete and if you still encounter issues look towards this forum thread or our social media pages for any updates maybe posted there.


If you feel you encountered something that wasn't working as intended we encourage you to submit an official bug report. This allows our development team to pull all similar reports for further investigation and issue a possible fix in the meantime. Please include as much details as possible, screenshots, or videos if possible. Due the amount of reports you will not receive a direct response afterwards.

• Bug Report - 

Once again, I appreciate your time in reaching out to us and bringing this to my attention. If you need any further help, questions, or have any other concerns don't hesitate to reach back out to us. Please enjoy the rest of your day and above all stay safe out there! Best Regards,

Game Master Ianboryn
Blizzard Entertainment
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There actually has been a fix already tested. It didn’t work, so they’re looking for another fix. I’ll check for where I saw the post–I believe it was one of Leviathan’s. If I find it, I’ll edit this message to include a link.

EDIT: Referenced link is When are the US Servers Coming Back Up? - #2 by Leviathan-1945

For the benefit of easy viewing, here’s the content of the referenced post, slightly edited for relevance:

As for ETA’s Bliz typically doesn’t give them. For example, they have already tried a fix which didn’t work. Had they given an ETA for that, it would have been for nothing. The vast majority of the time they announce a potential fix at the moment it’s released.

There have also been reports of a workaround that has worked for a few people. For me, personally, this did not work, but Juicy said it worked for them.

I did see one community post stating that tabbing out during the authentication screen helped them.

so is this there way of saying they are suspending support for sc2? as that is what it feels like. and if it is, it would be better to just be straight about it and come out and tell all of us.

So idk about others but i was having this problem and have been able to get in today…however my basic commanders are still lvl 5

I can’t speak to what Blizzard is specifically doing, but working in IT myself, it’s not uncommon for customer service/help desk groups to be giving a pointer to send new reports to. When a known problem that affects many people is active, it takes a lot of resources (time, manpower) to answer tickets for an issue that the organization already knows the customer support people won’t be able to fix. Rather than go through all the typical troubleshooting steps that they know won’t fix the problem, they give the customer a statement of the currently known information and point them to a place where they can go to get updates.

Some organizations have the ability to turn trouble tickets into problem tickets, which links all those tickets together for easy update. However, based on Blizzard pointing to this thread, I’m guessing this is what they’re using as their equivalent of a problem ticket.

Hey Zoey,

Your commander levels are covered under this thread: [Main Thread] - Commander Levels Reset - #131 by Kaldraydis

I too work in IT, and if a service is down for days on end, people’s asses are on the line.

Doesn’t seem to be the case here, so I think normal IT practices don’t apply to Blizzard.


Can’t disagree with you on outages being big trouble. I’d be very surprised, tho, if there’s not a major incident report within Blizzard that has executive visibility.

It’s also worth considering that, in typical IT circles, you can escalate to a vendor when you’re having trouble getting things fixed. Often, this escalation provides your engineers with access to a global pool of knowledge that includes a fix for what you’re experiencing. In this case, the platform has no outside vendor they can escalate to–they wrote it themselves–so sometimes issues will come up that they have to dig into the weeds to truly understand.

Hey everyone, just for a bit of an update. I was able to get in about an hour ago.

No idea what did it. I just kind of set a macro to keep putting in my sign in, went to work out, and it got me in. So I think the best choice is to just brute force it maybe?

Unless they did something behind the scenes that they didn’t tell me about. So that’s the best advice I can give.

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I’ve been monitoring several threads for the last few days and this morning I’ve seen a spike in people (not a huge spike) saying they’ve been able to get in.

I find it terribly odd, that after 10 years - I come back to starcraft 2, re-install it, to find out I can’t play it because is down. I had no idea beforehand either.


Was still giving me the message it was down, but I got it to work for me somehow.

  1. Login, but hit cancel on authentication
  2. Login again. For whatever reason, it let me in for a second, but then kicked me because ‘I was logged in on another computer’
  3. Login again, and this time it stuck.

Strangest thing.


I tried this, but it didn’t work for me. Any ideas of anything else to try?

Holy crap, this worked! I literally just tried about 30m ago and was still getting the error. But hitting cancel and logging in again actually worked.

What is an “Authenticator”?
Why do I need it?


The authenticator provides additional protection for your account to prevent hackers from being able to steal it.

Hello everyone

This issue does look to resolved. You should be able to log in now. If you continue to have issues continue to reply to this thread.


I can confirm I’m able to log in now.

Confirmed I can log in! Thank you Blizzard for your help and support!

Here’s a solution that worked for me.

Disclaimer: I tried this at around the same time that the issue was “resolved” so it’s probably not actually the solution. i’m going to leave this reply here just in case it happens again and I can try this solution again in the future.

The problem is in C:\Program Files (x86)\ I assumed there was a bad connection to one of the servers that are linked in there, so I began my troubleshooting process by connecting to EU and looking at the file. Connecting to EU (my home server is the US) gave me the following CDN Host URLs (in the cdn host url column) in
(hyperlinks removed to allow post)

  • http:/ /
  • http:/ /
  • https:/ /
  • https:/ /
  • https:/ /

It turns out that it may be very important they are in the correct order. When I swap back to my region (US), it swaps the order to the following (the state I cannot log into):

  • http:/ /
  • http:/ /
  • https:/ /
  • https:/ /
  • https:/ /

See how the first two urls and the last two urls are swapped? I think Starcraft executable may be launched with these args and probably expects them to be in a certain order. So, what I did was change the order of the args in my US file to the same order that it was when i had selected EU:




...||Windows ...

Here’s the specific order I did the steps in:

Launch SC2 in another region. Close the game. This updates to the other region’s URLs (which is how i got the steps). Take note of the order of the urls
Re-launch SC2 in the home region (US for me). Close the game.
Re-order your home region’s urls to match the non-home region.

Thanks for getting the issue under wraps @Zayssie, any chance we could get some insight into the bug :wink: I’m curious.