Serral is a joke LMAO

Doesn’t matter if the unit dies to a stiff breeze, it can’t attack anything.

This is, hillariously, and objectively wrong.

I can go through it for you if you like.

Hydras have a DPS of 20.4, with an attack range of 6. While they’re certainly not the highest DPS unit in the game they’re still a high DPS unit primarily due to their rate of fire
stimmed marines have a DPS of 14.7, with an attack range of 5.

For comparison, Thors have a massive DPS of 65.63, but this is due to the fact that they have a slow (.9), but massively damaging attack which overkills significantly, along with Defender mode liberator (1.14), for the same reason.
This is followed by the ultralisk at 56.9 with a medium attack speed (.6) and damage (35)

Hydras got buffed several times including:

  • Health increase from 80 to 90
  • Muscular augment + grooved spine cost decrease (from 150/150 to 100/100)
  • Muscular Augment now increases move-speed off creep from .78 to .98 (which is huge btw)
  • Damage Point decrease from .15 to .1 (basically making micro much more effective for them)
    -Muscular Augment research time from 71 seconds to 64 seconds and Grooved spines from 100/100 to 75/75 and 50 second research time from 71 seconds

More health than a stimmed marine, more DPS than a stimmed marine, and (sometimes) faster than a stimmed marine (4.13 off creep, 5.323 on creep, compared to 3.15 unstimmed, 4.72 stimmed). Oh, and they can be morphed into Lurkers, which they themselves are insanely good units too.

The downside is that they’re more expensive to make, obviously.

Long and short of it is that hydras are fine. Especially considering how fast they can be produced.


They why crying about toss ? You literally made like 4-5 threads complaining about toss. If standard plays are so easy, then given how “talented” you are, you shouldn’t have any problems beating protoss players.

But sad reality is you simply suck at SC2, you were never good at it and now you cannot break 5k MMR barrier which infuriates you. Maybe zerg is not a race for you. Or maybe SC2 is not a game for you.


Yeah, he is a crybaby!!
Sometimes it doesn’t even matter if the topic of the thread is remotely related to balance or not, he just starts crying about same bs every time.

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In Reality how the fight happens:

There is going to be several times more hydras than Thors attaking at the same time, and they will out DPS the Thors and other units as well.

Because hydras are so small, movement speed, and attack speed so fast.

In a Real fight they will always out DPS other units! They are called Glass Cannons for a reason.

(Now I am not saying the will always win the fight, that is why they get destroyed by AOE, with novas, storm, tanks etc. and other counters.
But the DPS output is still the best in a Real Fight)

I’m not disagreeing by any means. My point of showing the thor is that DPS numbers aren’t the only metric that needs to be taken into account as they can be deceptive.

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Yeah, I got your point, and I am just giving some more details and points related.

For some people on these forums, you have too give 5 pages of facts until they understand 2+2 = 4.
(Funny and a bit sad at the same time)

Oh boy did I call it. I said it would be a waste of time to engage with you because you are a vehement liar. This account has been to 5100 using purely mass hydra in all matchups. Like I said, you are literally allergic to honesty. And grandmaster is a sigma 3 result. A similar result in any other field would be the equivalent of a phd or being a pro in the nba. But somehow that’s a bad outcome because I am not slightly higher ranked inside the nba? What? Dude your posts are insane. Literally. I called it a month back when I said you are schizophrenic, because you are. People like you are the reason I don’t play sc2 very much. The community inside sc2 is incredibly toxic and I despise them, and you. Wanna know why the game’s dying? People like you killed it.

I came to the realization recently that pro sc2 players bully people on the internet to thin their competition. I ran into the same behavior in the car repair business. Other businesses will report you to the police over the most petty things, for example. So I know you are a pro sc2 player, so the question is which one. If only people knew the truly vicious and inhumane nature of the sc2 pro scene, man, they’d be amazed. We need a project veritas style expose on these literal psychopaths. You think life matchfixing was bad? Just you wait dude.

The thing about crazy people is you just know they will end up in prison one way or another. It’s just a matter of time. You just gotta steer clear & and wait. I’ve done it many times with many business partners. I was 99% certain one dude was stealing from me and he ended up in prison for being a coke addict and who knows what else. That’s the vibes I get here.

Can you translate to english please, thank you.

Dude why are you crying about protosses, tell us. You’re even threatening with… uninstalling the game! You’re such talented player. You could easily become another SC2 pro but… yeah we all know - you don’t want to. Meanwhile bad protosses at 5k MMR are beating such talented prodigy like you. It’s unfair.

Shame on you protoss players !

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Debunking lies, speedrun edition.

“You’re not a talented player” - bruh literally grandmaster.

“You can’t go pro, you aren’t good enough” - there are pro players w/ 4200 mmr.

“If you don’t like playing 40 minute games vs a protoss who turtles with carriers, it’s a skill issue” - nope, it’s a “boring and not fun” issue.

“Going pro at sc2 is REALLY hard, you can’t do it” - bruh it’s so simple that there are 12 year olds on twitch who do it. You think a 12 year old is the epitome of intelligence, skill, dexterity? My brother in christ, nobody believes that.

What you are trying to do is make pro sc2 play seem super hard to scare away your competition. It’s clear as day that that is what you are doing. Nobody cares about any of this stuff, but you are obsessed w/ it. It’s obvious you’re trying to bully competition out of the competitive sc2 scene. You are so paranoid that I might go pro that you harass me 24/7 when the reality is that I couldn’t care less about sc2 pro play. SC2 pro play is a summer job for teenagers. But we can infer who you are by looking at people in the sc2 pro scene and asking ourselves “who stands to lose the most by competition entering the SC2 skill market”. It’s a short list, my man.

It took 3 games, lmao. Boring. Imagine being rank #78 in a region that has 153,126 players, aka being in the top 99.95%, and someone calls you bad. This is how I know you upvote yourself dude. I know you can’t resist, but you reveal your alt accounts when you do. Nobody except you could believe something so detached from reality as “rank #78 in gm is a bad player”.

There you go. Top 50. BORING! It’s as easy as flipping on a light switch. Rank histories go back to 2016. We can see what rank 48 could get you mmr wise back then: So, yeah. I told you I was regularly 5700-5900 back in the day. And this is effortless dude. I couldn’t even tell you what build order variants exist for protoss these days. I legit have no clue. It’s been at least 5 years since I legitimately studied a replay. Imagine how far I could go if I actually cared enough to study build orders, lmao. Who cares about a game as easy as this anyway. It’s legit not worth the brain space.

Oh and this is with leaving every game vs any protoss higher ranked than 5k mmr. I got a 60% zvp winrate with 100% of my losses being because I leave at the start.


If there is one thing you’re doing well is propaganda. If i didn’t know how big of a liar you are i would’ve believed everything you said.

Don’t cry about protoss. Just smash them. You are so good and talented. If i was as good as you i would’ve roflstomped all these “140 apm apetosses” and certainly i wouldn’t have created 10 separate threads about protoss imbalance.

Nope, I am a realist and the reality of sc2 design is that protoss is favored. I will continue to say that until it is no longer the realistic position.

For the 1000th time - maybe you’re right. Maybe protoss is favored/OP/imbalanced/broken etc.

but WHAT DO YOU CARE ? You are the best/most talented SC2 player in the universe. A peak of human performance. Protoss was never problem for you - it’s in your head. You are a beast. You just need to unleash it, awaken the beast and then you will fear protoss no more !

I am tired of facing against opponents who don’t know the basics of the game -don’t know how to scout, how to position their army, how to make detection, how to use multiple hotkeys, how to spend money under pressure- but who get to be my performance level merely because they picked protoss. Put these players back in diamond league -the appropriate place for their skill- so that they can’t terrorize masters 1 and grandmaster terrans/zergs.

Masters 1 and Grandmaster players are supposed to have a mastery of the game, and these players just don’t. They don’t know anything about the game, and that’s crystal clear by how they play. I posted a video of one not too long ago. A maxed skytoss army lost to 6 infestors because the dude doesn’t know how to make detection even though detection is a critical part of PvZ late game. Why is he facing vs grandmasters? He should be facing vs other diamond league players, but protoss is imba so he gets to face m1/gm opponents and, CRAZY ENOUGH, he gets to have a legitimate shot at winning despite playing horribly.

Well i am diamond myself and i guarantee you that a true diamond player wouldn’t stand a chance against grandmaster player. These protosses are seemingly “worse than you” just because you judge them by their apm and certain mistakes (even top pro gamers make mistakes !) but the reality is they deserve to be in GM just because they mastered their turtle style into skytoss. Even this annoying strat requires some skill because you have to defend all your bases at once from multiprong attacks.
Diamond player cannot do this.

Btw have you considered sending your replay to Harstem for his IODIS. I am legit curious what he has to say/

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Serral is a very good player but he definitely would have substantially less prize winnings if he played another race.

Let’s compare just his speed, it is not on the level of Clem, Reynor, Maru etc.

And if he would’ve played Terran, his speed is not even close enough for all the winnings and tournaments 1st place he got over the years!

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Absolutely false. Protoss in Grandmaster have skill metrics lower than masters 2 zergs. So yes there are absolutely some masters 2 protoss who take games off gms with skytoss while having the apm/epm/spm/spending skill/hotkeys of a diamond player. If I put a gm protoss’ replay into a pack of 10 replays with other diamond league players, you wouldn’t be able to figure out which one is the gm. It’s just reality.

There are 3 big skytoss abusers in GM right now (mape the ape, hoopsaiya, rocker) and every single one of them was 5k before the skytoss buffs and leapt to 6k after the skytoss buffs. Skytoss literally adds 1,000 mmr to a player’s ranking, and that is not hyperbole in the slightest. Diamond 1 is 4240 mmr which is 5240 mmr w/ skytoss. Skytoss literally puts diamond league players into top GM. That is not a hyperbole in the slightest.

I call it the “great ape index”. It takes Grandmasters who use skytoss and measures their average mmr during more balanced versions of the game and compares that to their current mmr. In 2017, grandmaster was almost perfectly balanced and the skytoss abusers in GM were all 5k mmr. Now they are 6k. Skytoss needs enormous nerfs.

Wanna know why nobody plays zerg, especially at a gm level? This is why. ZvP subtracts 1,000 mmr from your rank if you face vs a skytoss abuser, which averages out to -300 mmr across all protoss opponents. I used to beat Mape the Ape probably 80% of the time that I faced vs him. When he plays skytoss now, I have literally never beaten him a single time, even though he makes big mistakes like walking his void rays into widow mines for no reason.

Does this look like 6,000 mmr micro or 4,000 mmr unit micro?

It’s 4,000 mmr unit micro, guys. Skytoss needs nerfs.

So I keep doing this thing and as a result I have a dozen dumb drafts; going to post this one because I reread the Hydra bit and was wishing I had posted earlier.


basically everyone i’ve talked to doesn’t think that this matters as long as other races actually also win tournaments
zerg winning a huge number of tournaments just means the best zerg is better than the best terran and best protoss

You cannot be serious. Transfuse?

And Hydralisks cost 100/50/2 and Marines cost 50/0/1.

If one Hydralisk doesn’t have a chance against two Marines, something is fundamentally broken because neither of these units have a trait that makes them good or bad against the other.



You are pre-tilting. This causes you to be worse against it than you actually are.

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What the are you talking about? Something is fundamentally wrong with your brain! Hydras are very good against MMM, if they don’t have tanks and libs.
And again hydras plus vipers are very good against MMM plus tanks and libs!

Why nice argument!

But here how I answer to that:

Yes, he would made much less money prize pool, when Serral made his most money, zerg was the strongest race, that is a fact. Creep and queens were broke as f. at that time.

Fact nr. 2 Serral is not as fast as other top pro players at his class, and if he played Terran for example he would struggle with a handful of top pro players.