On equal supply and cost, marines wreck hydras to be honest. Hydras are very strong against marauders, but terran should never build pure marauder army. Bio doesn’t even need tanks or libs to deal with hydras. If anything ling-bane-infestor is ABSURDLY overpowered vs terran and only Clem has agility and hand speed to play it against top zergs.
Only if hydras are down on upgrades, on equal upgrades, hydras will always win against MMM, especially on it is 3 3 vs 3 3 upgrades.
Of course if you decided to take a fight when your hydras are in a tight choke, well that is just dumb.
Nope. You rush +1 attack before lair & start lair off 2 base and 90% of the time you can kill their third with a +2 hydra timing. The only time hydras lose to marines is when upgrades are in the marine’s favor and or the marine ball is truly massive. But by the time that scenario occurs, the zerg will be on 4 base with 10 or so infestors. You just multiprong with the hydras so he has to split his attention, then look for fungals. With a fungal, hydras absolutely wreck marines. Tanks can be an issue, but a large tank count is countered by adding on ultras.
You also do burrow surprise attacks with 12 hydras to catch medivacs and kill expansions. Terrans will float out a new CC, the hydras unburrow and kill it and run away. Hydra infestor is insanely strong right now vs terran. By contrast, hydra infestor is absolute trash vs protoss who can f2+amove and cast some storms to win the game wih a 120 army supply advantage at the end of the fight. One solution would be for microbial to reduce storm damage.
Another good move is hydra drops. You fill 4 dropalords and go for his main or behind a mineral line. If he responds, you spread them out, burrow them, and attack with your main army hotkey at the same time now that he’s out of position. vs Protoss you just alt+f4 and come back in a week to see if a balance patch has happened.
@Adventurer @MindSpirit
Without spellcasters and on equal supply marines beat hydras:
2 marines will beat 1 hydralisk.
Now if you take a fight with equal cost then marines absolutely wreck hydras because 2 marines cost 100 minerals and 1 hydralisk costs 100 minerals and 50 gas. Assuming gas is 2x worth mineral we can assume 1 hydralisk costs 200 minerals and in 4:1 ratio marines will absolutely demolish hydras. Go figure in Unit test map.
Just simple math.
Dude if you have no idea to make a concave or are you fighting down the ramp that is your problem.
The dps is not even close, but if you take real bad fights and have zero micro than that is your problem.
First of all i main terran to be precise.
I guarantee you that MMM beats PURE hydra army easily. In fact MMM beats anything that does not deal aoe damage. You complain about hydras being strong vs MMM but you didn’t even bother to check the fight in Unit test map on equal supply/cost/upgrades etc.
Dude when did I ever complain, I am just stating facts, dps is much higher.
Why the hell do you think all pro Terrans go tanks, or other tech like libs and and ghosts (all energy to snipe hydras)
Ohh the Pro players all must be dumb and don’t know that MMM beats mass hydras, no problem.
And if you going to just say the 3rd time hydra is always better and again not provide any argument or proof, than don’t bother.
Marines do lose to Battlecruisers and Carriers on equal supply and upgrades, but those units are far more expensive and harder to build up.
The reason why pro terrans go tank in every TvZ is because it’s a backbone in the entire terran army. Tanks provide long range devastating artillery and are pretty strong against almost anything zerg has to offer on the ground: ling-bane, roach, ravager, hydra, lurker and even ultras (with right numbers).
Maybe not direct complaint, but i assumed by this that hydras are so strong that MMM can’t beat them without tanks or libs which is not true at all. MMM with good proportions (significantly more marines than marauders) can beat pure hydra army hands down.
This literally confirms that on equal supply marines beat hydras 20.4 vs 29.4. Two marines have roughtly 50 % more dps than single hydralisk.
interesting words from someone who has such problems with tempest.´
thanks to the range, you can also stack aoe damage relatively easily. one misstep and you lose a lot of army sup.
Fights don’t go like that, like on paper.
First the hydra will fire basically first most of the time, because it will out range the marine, that is also huge.
Than because both units are basically very small, the same amount of units will fight at the same time ( a bit more hydras because of the range again)
So in reality hydra will win this.
As a terran it is your job to stutter-step slightly towards hydras so most of marines can fire. If you just stim-a-move clump of marines, many units can actually beat them with good concave.
No, most of the time bio wins against pure hydra and even if hydras beat bio it is usually very cost-inefficient for the zerg 50 mins vs 100 mins/50 gas.
Marines are strong mainly speed and model size. If they shrink hydras to marine models and made them faster drop damage but increase attack speed to keep dps.
They might be able beat marines Zerg main problem it really has poor aoes
Baneling suicidal unit I would love if change model after blowing but have ling skin with no attack till it fills it up.
Ravagers only good for stationary units or structures. Can similar deal siege tanks but not big cluster of marines.
Infestor this unit holds unit in hope of another unit does its job. Plus’s they keep nerfing to ground.
Why infestor armored it has low health everything deals armor damage 6 + range. Light damage bonus does less then 4 range.
It’s just dumb
Mutas bounce is canceled by armor.
Lurkers it’s straight line for to be an aoe it has shoot close range if fights max range it’s single target. Dumb.
Ultra it’s only one decent but it melee so it’s not great.
Viper it has 125 energy unit that Terran immune to except liberators. Vikings go to the ground and bc telport.
This why Zerg has hard time basic mmm push
Zoun just got back from military, apparently. Boy has time flown. I knew he was missing but it feels like yesterday that he 3 void ray busted innovation out of the gsl. I still remember his expression because Innovation looked embarrassed and impressed at the same time.
Rogue came back from the military and found out that mass overseers beats lategame ghost+ orbital spam. He’s using the method that Destiny popularized in muta vs muta wars.
Yeah, using overlords to soak damage has been a strat since basically forever. It’s rarely used but in the late game it can happen. Idra showed that you can win muta v muta wars by hold positioning zerglings underneath your own mutas, which is cheaper than overlords and benefits from carapace. I don’t know why he’d use overseers, though, because each one costs 50 gas. Just use overlords for crying out loud. The creep from the overlords also obstructs vision and speeds up lurker movements. You have extra minerals late game anyway. Mass overseer is better if you use it to obstruct a critical remax wave using contamination. You zoom in and get all the factories over and over. I’ve been trolling people with that one for years.
But yeah if you want to use overlords to block snipe then that makes sense. Overseers are pure nonsense though. Byun just needs to unsiege the liberators and win for crying out loud. It goes to show that modern sc2 players aren’t strategical players because there are very obvious solutions. Terrans already have libs and they do splash vs clustered air. Overseers can’t even move for crying out loud. Just unsiege the libs and collect your mmr for crying out loud.
Speaking of destiny. There was a sc2 youtuber, I forget which one, probably pig though, who said that its a shame Golden couldn’t stream anymore. He considered Golden to be SC2’s “asmongold”. But he failed to realize Destiny already was SC2’s “asmongold”. If you know anything about SC2’s community, Destiny is obviously cut from the same cloth. Whiny, entitled, permanently offended, confidence far exceeding his competence, etc. It’s obvious he’s a product of sc2 culture. Or maybe it’s the reverse. SC2 culture is a product of him. Who knows. But he is definitely a SC2 streamer who successfully “made it big” by transitioning to other games, and off of games in general to be a political and or news commentator. Asmongold is currently undergoing a similar transformation, but he has a humbler mindset and more common sense. He’s going to go farther if he plays his cards right. Pig has that potential too. We will all be watching in earnest.
Speaking again of Destiny, I didn’t watch much of his stream because I considered him too much of a dunce. But I did catch a bit of his interview with peterson. Holy toledo, you can really see the difference in intellect between a SC2 “midwit” and a harvard professor. Peterson’s ideas were so much more refined, he was so much more confident. Peterson would be a fun guy to troll because he’s pretty uptight and if you can get under a tiny chink in his armor he’d implode. Ask him if he actually is a christian or if he does it for marketing purposes. That ought to do it if you frame it right. Point out that he’s an extreme statistical outlier because most professors and doctorates are atheist. Isn’t it convenient that his biases perfectly align with the way to make $$$ on youtube. Huh. How about that. OH WHAT IS THAT PROFESSOR. ARE YOU DENYING THE VALIDITY OF STATISTICAL ANALYSES? It would be great.
Dude, you ever answer without using Chat GPT??
How many times have they nerfed the Ghost now? Are you seriously daft?
Pig seems to think it’s the changelings that make it strong in combination with a nydus. I think one tank in the middle of the main makes that impossible.
But players like Ruff and Riddler have had a solution to this since basically forever. In late game brood vs liberator mech games, if the broods are clumped they unsiege the libs, cast anti armor missile, and one-shot them. I suspect a similar solution would work for gumiho in this game. The problem is that gumiho is going primarily ground units, marines etc, when what he needs to beat this style is liberator viking thor. Probably 5 thors and 3 ravens. Your mineral dump is hellions, which with splash are a great way to counter the clusters of changelings.
This is just a zerg allowed to get away with murder and terrans not bothering to adapt their unit compositions to counter a dude who makes 500 lurkers 50 overseers and 0 anti air.
A lot of People still believe if Serral would’ve played Terran or Protoss, he would’ve made exactly same money prize pool.
It is 100% if he was Terran, he would’ve made a lot less money.