Real replays from tehbatz

Another blatant lie. I cite objective facts from third party sources. For example, sc2replaystats says TvZ is 52.36%/47.64% in terrans favor. That’s simply a fact. Aligulac lists terran as favored as well and Terran is higher in GM than Zerg.

So it is simply a fact that I won that game despite a balance disadvantage. You losers are just going to have to deal with that fact. You can’t understand the game discussion but you can understand simple statistics from a reputable website.

The spamming of blatant lies only underscores just how massive my achievements are. You can’t admit them. You have to spam lies.

As was listed: GM representation favors terran which is obviously a significant issue. Time to stop spamming blatant lies kid. It’s just pathetic.

I also wanted to respond to this blatant lie. Even 2 days ago you were attacking me for supposedly not being GM and/or not being able to win macro games. Both those claims are obviously false and you’ve moved the goalpost.

News flash kid, as long as TvZ is designed to where Terrans can drag out lost games, players like BerryCrunch are going to get a lot of free wins. It’s not indicator of skill. I can win these games just like I just did on his livestream. It’s purely a matter of time and patience. That’s it. SC2 is poorly designed to where a losing player can drag out a lost game for 45 minutes. Zerg has no game ending tools. That’s not my fault. That’s Blizzard’s fault. I don’t care about this game enough to grind a win out of a 45 minute game. I can do it. It is NOT worth the time to do it.

Srsly get over urself. If 6k MMR on Korea you would be beating code s. Where is the replay …

Do u want me to post a replay how I beat Zest

Like I said, it was in HotS. LotV is about long macro games, where the loser can drag out a lost game for no reason. I don’t subscribe to that mentality. I end the game fast and take the L if it doesn’t work out. I do not tolerate a game that goes past 15 minutes. Despite playing against the design of modern SC2, and a monstrous balance disadvantage (-4.72%), I am still wrecking GM terrans so hard they rage about maphacks for 10 minutes straight. It’s no wonder why: I had 300 APM compared to his measly 200.

That’s a 100 APM difference. That’s the difference between Masters league and Gold league. That’s how big the skill gap has to be to bridge the balance / design issues right now. Imagine if TvZ were equal and I had +4.72 to my current TvZ win-rate.

Rather than paying a man a compliment where a compliment is due, the clowns in this thread are defending someone who not only abuses the imbalance, but has poor enough manners that he rages and accuses his opponent of hacking, cheating, and stream sniping because he doesn’t want to admit he lost even though balance favored him. Obviously he is the one to condemn, but full time forum spammers gonna spam those lies like their paycheck depends on it.

Sheesh. Next he’s going to talk about his Canadian girlfriend who is totally real, he promises.

Batz must be tired, he cant even make up any particularly good or plausible lies tonight.


Wtf she is totally real and also lets him sleep with another Girls too because its just intercourse and it would be such a loss for all the other girls because he is such a banger. Its totally fine as long as he brings home the 10 figures salary and also famous guests from time to time. Like Obama, musk or even elvis as a small Musical act for dinner.

And on top of that he Made a streamer cry for 10 Minutes today.


That’s winning in real life, nothing else matters


True, his statistics have proven that. A dissertation about it is now being printed out and being sent out to the white house and the pentagon.

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I’ve never talked about a Canadian girlfriend. Time to stop spamming blatant lies kids. You all are absolutely pathetic. Spamming lies 24/7 like your next paycheck depends on it. Get a life.

I see your ability to pick up on sarcasm continues to be as sharp as a butter knife. Maybe try giving that post a once over again and you’ll be able to divine the correct meaning this time.

Go on, take as long as you need.

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This meme really confirmed after playing ClownCrunch, except vs terran it’s a 45 minute game because terrans can lose at the 5 minute mark and drag it out to 45 minutes if they so choose.

That’s called being toxic sweetie. You’re the kind of person cali’s lawsuit against Blizzard would cite as evidence. See the above screenshot for a REAL example of satire. Maybe one of these days my good example will rub off on you. It’s a low probability but you know what miracles happen every day.

Since you have a hard time understanding the difference let me spell it out for you. Mine refers to a general class of people and doesn’t single anyone out and makes a joke about the frustration of trying to counter proxy hatchery builds.

Yours is purely antagonistic, with absolutely no point to your comment except to attack and insult me, and which isn’t related to the topic of the game in the slightest.

One other thing that I forgot to mention in the list of gross biases you have. I did a meme build against him involving a hidden base which caused me to lose a whole base of workers. So not only is TvZ heavily terran favored, not only is sc2 designed to enable turtlers to drag out lost games, not only did I win by an absolutely massive margin, I did so with a meme build.

But, liars of going to downplay it because they lied and lied and lied that I can’t play macro games, and this game absolutely eviscerates that lie. Poor things. Caught in their lies. Whatever will they do? Oh wait they could start telling the truth for once.

The reason this doesn’t work is because you absolutely need your third hatchery for larva for army production. With a hidden base, you can’t really make army units from it. Maybe a few lings but even that is risky. If he sees things running around over there he will find the base. Extreme care has to be taken to keep his focus away from it. Even then, it’s only a matter of time until he finds it. So even if he doesn’t find it, you are still working with 33% fewer larva.

Compared to a normal game I was massively behind and through 100 more apm I was able to beat him regardless. That’s what guys like me have to do. This game is too easy. I have to add artificial difficulties to keep it interesting. Frankly I hope they nerf zerg some more. Obviously the race is trash but then at least it will be a real challenge for me to get into GM.

I am going to keep clowning on GMs using meme builds and people will keep on denying my true skill level. Nah, no way, not possible that BatZ is 6k mmr in skill. Nevermind how he wins against balance with meme builds, guys. That’s irrelevant. Those games are “cheeses”. Putting himself in a disadvantaged position helps him win more. Understand? Yeah makes total sense. Forum spammers gonna spam those lies like their paycheck depends on it.
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how generous of you to do the job you are brought in for

“a meme build”. It doesn’t take a genius to know you really wanted to win that game from the start. I saw effort throughout that entire game, from the APM to the infestor placement to the buried lings. It was a try-hard game if I ever saw one.

You can say you’re clowning all you want, but I haven’t seen it, despite what you’re insinuating. Even if you were clowning, I would expect someone with 6.3k MMR Korea to be higher than 4.9-5.1k NA. I don’t think long drawn out try hard macro games constitute as “clowning”.

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  1. Nobody else would do it because his wife had made such a mess of it.
  2. I did it for practically free because I knew they were upside down in it. For legal reasons they had to pay me a bit. Something to do with insurance.
  3. I knew their late son (vet) since we went to highschool and did boy scouts together.

I wanted to show the liars of that I can win a macro game with a meme build from behind. And to my amazement but not to my surprise, these liars immediately started spewing nonsense like the total clowns they are (rather than admitting they were obviously wrong and apologizing for being total dbags).

It is simply a fact that I beat a GM terran as he livestreamed with a meme build in a macro game when Zerg was heavily disadvantaged, with a broken finger, and you watched it live. The streamer said “crusader says hello” at the start of the game. Clowns like you are never going to admit just how huge of an accomplishment that is, and that in itself is a form of admittance that it’s a huge accomplishment.

You have watched, live, as I clown on GMs with troll builds. Time to stop lying kid. If I were to play this game seriously, I could very easily get back to my old ranking from HotS which was top 50 on KR roughly speaking. Back then I wasn’t even trying hard. But you see, it’s a video game, and a darn boring one at that, so I choose to have fun and to spice it up to make it more entertaining. Clowns like you are so desperate for a W that you are going to lie and bend and contort that into something else. That’s not a W boss. That’s an L. That’s a mighty big L for you.

Unless you clown as Reynor, saw some high mmr games with pure ling, remember one in which at minute 30 he said ‘‘ok, guys, this looks a bit hard, lets make some ultras’’, and I think he made a few of them.It was a very nice zvt, he microed lings and overlords trying to bait the mines into the medevacs.

At 5k NA you can do stuff like what Golden does, totally random things and you can win, he won a game with one hand at 5,2k.


I’ve wrecked Golden so hard he’s slammed his keyboard and walked away from his stream while I danced mutalisks over his last hatchery.

I’ve wrecked PartinG so hard he rage-quit NA and went back to playing on KR. Rogue used that same build in Code S.

I could go on and on.

To quote Golden after beating him three times in a row:

“Speechless. Guys, simply speechless. Speechless … It’s OK. It’s fine. Sometimes we lose and sometimes we are humiliated. It’s the life. It’s Ok my bodies [sic]. This is life, you know. It’s fine. It’s fine. No worry. I work on my lovely stream – 148 viewers – good to see you my families.”

And no I am not typing up the 10 minute long rant about maphackers from the other streamer I just beat. You gotta go watch that one yourself if you want to see me clown on him.

And it would be useless discussion because it’s ladder games.

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