Real replays from tehbatz

That’s a common misconception. Ladder is harder than tournaments because there is a broader variety of opponents, strategies and playstyles. You can’t practice a few select builds that are meant to exploit your opponent. You have to know a broad range of styles.

How does Dark go from winning last season’s Code S to losing to Bunny in the round of 16? It’s called tournaments are easier because they allow you to know your opponent before hand. The ladder does not do that. It’s effectively a random opponent every time.

That’s why Ty is a Code S champion but he’s nowhere near the top of the KR ladder. Ladder is much harder than tournaments.

Lie as much as you need to to cope boss. I won that game with a meme build. Hidden bases aren’t a real strat and put you far behind like that game showed. I lost a whole base of workers because of it and had 1/3rd fewer larvae to work with than a normal game. Doing a hidden base build puts you at a tremendous disadvantage. These are objective and verifiable facts.

But let’s be real here. You are way too invested in the outcome of this game to ever discuss it in a fair manner:

:joy: :rofl:

I also screenshotted this one because it was just too ironic after the streamer goes on a rant about hackers:

According to twitch chat:

  • Sharing an opinion on balance means you are a “garbage human being”.
  • Accuse your opponent of lying right at the start of the game; publicly defame your opponent by accusing him of cheating because you don’t understand what a “burrowed ling” is and you magically become the “bigger and better man”.

Thanks for the super enlightening and logically consistent position, twitch chat. A decent terran player would have made a raven once he put 2+2 together to make 4 but better keep getting caught by burrowed ling vision then cry about maphackers while your viewers praise you. :rofl:

Do you do meme cheese builds to clown or do you need meme cheese builds to win? that’s the bigger question

You typed things like “kiss my [expletive] Crusader”. Plus, I don’t take twitch chat seriously. That would make life boring.

Twitch chat wouldn’t have cared if you didn’t start balance whining out of nowhere where a terran streamer would clearly have mostly terran players watching, meaning it’s obvious they are going to disagree with what you say.

You could have said nothing and no one would have cared.

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You still don’t get it, do you? I knew you clowns were hanging out in that chat since you were spamming replays from his channel. Maybe this meme will help you bridge the gap a little bit:

I’ve talked about this strategic move before too. You have to dangle a weakness to get people to make moves then you exploit their misplays as they make moves. It’s called “stirring the pot”. If you don’t dangle a weakness, they will never make moves and the “game” never progresses. They think they can win because they will attempt to exploit the weakness you showed them, but you outplay them in the moves you make in the future to make up for it. In other words, you are exchanging a weakness of your own to get them to abandon their defensive posture. It’s strategy 101 kiddo.

We were playing a turtle game of sorts in the forums chat with clowns constantly badmouthing me but never putting their money where their mouth was. So I stirred the pot, got the trolls to make some moves and bam here we are witnessing that I have been right all along. BIG :brain:

Is that why you make a thread about reaching GM but also have a 6k rating? 10000000000 iq plays.

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The real funny thing is that is still ranting about a win he barely scraped out after streamsniping for 45 mins, replying to King Crusader afterwards :stuck_out_tongue: .

It’s like being proud of guessing the room temperature, when the thermometer is right in front of u. The first game he lost vs Berry he even lost having all that info. But apparently he ‘forgets’ to mention those details :wink: .

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Yeah I don’t know why he’s flaming Crusader. Poor guy goes to Berry’s chat for emotional support. This one time Crusader got banned from OKcupid for his sexual identity and venting to Berry helped him out.


He’s basically my emotional support animal.

I am not even going to try until after the balance patch rectifies the -15% and -10% win-rate issues in ZvP and ZvT. In other words I would be 6k mmr or higher if not for the balance issues right now, and that’s with doing total meme builds. If I took this game seriously I could win tournaments. There’s really no doubt about it. A 75% ZvP win-rate is obviously top Korean territory.

Technically the above math is only an approximation that works in a 50/50 win-rate scenario. You’d have to take half that and multiply it plus one against the number of wins and one minus it against the number of losses to calculate your actual win/loss rate. But, close enough.

The guy has been spamming lies about me on the forums for years. Well now I have video record of him watching me beat a streamer in a game that absolutely eviscerates his lies. I can prove that he is lying. I can prove he knows he is lying. I can prove he spams lies even though he knows he is lying.

hey Batz

If you are so good as you say you are (beating PartinG LOL) then why don’t you have an article on liquipedia ? Every decent player who marked his appearance in Starcraft 2 community has got their own article. Even Lowko who probably hasn’t been even in GM his entire career, yet he is very recognizable person. On the other a 6.3 MMR on KR, beating PartinG definitely should be well known player and have his own article on Liquipedia.


No, what I’ve been doing is calling out terrible arguments from time to time. No lies here. Just sore, raw truth.

Saying you’re “bad” on twitch, and the like, is not a problem. The problem is your fragile ego.

Kid as I said I can prove you spam lies even though you know they are lies. This is one of those instances. You just said you don’t see anything wrong with TvZ. Meanwhile the past year’s win-rates in GM show Terran leading by 10%. You lied there. Now you’ve followed up with another lie here about not spamming lies.

I am cracking this cold case wide-open. Your trolling is exposed. No person on planet Earth can see Terran leading by +10% and think “there is nothing wrong with TvZ”. It’s not possible. It’s a lie.

I’m unclear where you are getting your stats from.

Are you getting your stats from SC2replay?

If so, doesn’t that mean the data kinda sucks considering people post their replays there and that’s what you are relying on?

Are you using Aligulac? If not, why?

Note the timing of the spawning pool. That’s a 5 hatch before pool build. I donated a 6th hatch outside of his natural too (later on). That’s two free hatcheries for the terran. I won and he’s a 5300 terran. Rofl. Do you know what 5300 nets you? It nets you #80 in GM.

ok so no answer on the stats thing. Ya, stick with aligulac.

Listed below is the source code for part of Aligulac’s algorithm. Please tell me what it is computing and how it affects the output. If you can’t do this, having a conversation with you, about Aligulac’s output, is pointless. You have to understand the processing methods if you want to understand the data outputted by those processing methods.

This is why no one takes you seriously. You have the potential to bring non-biased data to the field and have decent discussions, but instead you will do whatever it takes to support your biases.

That means using horrible accuracy SC2replay as a reliable source of data while dismissing infinitely better Aligulac.

And for what? To complain about ZvT.

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Ah yes I am “supporting my biases” because I pointed out you are making assumptions about Aligulac’s data while having absolutely no clue how that data is processed. In other words you are biased, you assumed the data supports you when you really have no clue, but I am the biased one according to you. Nice “logic”. Get off your butt. Go to school and get a college education. Later, kid.

You don’t need a degree in statistics to know the flaws in SC2replay compared to that of Aligulac.

Poor sample sizes, biased sample sizes, incomplete sample sizes, and so much more. It just doesn’t take a genius to know that Aligulac looking at every game played in several leagues, taking into account a wide variety of variables, etc. is much more reliable.

If you can’t acknowledge that, then why even indulge with further inspection.

You don’t know how Aligulac processes the data. Stop pretending. You are just a fountain of pure nonsense on this subject which is why it’s a waste of time to talk about it with you. If you were willing to put your ego on the back-burner and learn a thing or two, that would be a different story, but when you are uneducated and egotistical there is nothing that can be done because your ego will interfere with your ability to realize you are wrong and/or improve. Not my problem. Good luck.

“I imagined I am right therefore I am.”

List the sample size. Calculate the confidence using a Z test and prove it is too small. You see, that’s how it’s done but you’ve already decided it’s too small without even knowing how big it is nor having done any confidence testing on it (you likely don’t even know what that is).

You are a walking talking basket-case when it comes to anything regarding statistics. The amount of bias and projection in your posts is just out of this world. You claim all the data agrees with you, without even having listed the data that supposedly does nor listing why it does. It’s just “the sample size is too small!”. You have no clue what you are talking about. Which sample are you referring to? What is the sample size? Why is it too small? How do you calculate the correct size? Hello? Anyone there?