PvT toss shenanagians

The match up is so broken that I’ve been running into a new toss cheese. Or should I say exploit in the match up. so here it is. toss players use a pylon to stop second depot from blocking main. Then they send zeals in behind it eventually stalkers come and its gg.

Blizard clean up your trash. Do the right thing revert depot/barracks building time. This is unacceptabel that toss can exploit this match up in so many ways this is rediculous.

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Topic #1. Cheers.


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Any intelligent player can exploit a dumb enemy.Like the classic pylon when the T is trying to switch the rax and the factory. :rofl:


Imagine being so bad that you lose to a pylon…


Thanks for sharing how bad you are at the game


You don’t even need a pylon to do that. Just hover a worker under the building flying towards the addon, and that’s it. I’ve had people ragequit to a reaper dancing in that spot as well. ^^

That’s why a lot of pros do position the first rax in order NOT to have to lift it to produce the reactor. Yeah, Terrans have some features the other races can’t even imagine. :laughing:

Considering the learning curve in wall-ins, and the higher frequency of canon rush in PvP, most players having lost to a non overcharged pylon are probably Protoss themselves. And having your first hatch positioned in your third rather than your nat can have consequences in PvZ even at the highest level.

Wall-in pylon blocks are annoying for sure, but independently of the question of the supplies being longer to build in terran (which may not be legit, but is unrelated), before asking for buffs/nerfs, I think the first question should be : what’s the correct reaction to this ?

To me, a player who does that is most probably proxying me (or semi-proxying) with at least one proxy gate. So I either :
— continue producing reapers (possibly via one more rax), to kill the zealot, then have a shot towards the following stalker/adept.
— Or dropping a bunker highground and producing addonless marines to fill it ASAP.

There are two issues with the bunker option :

  • When the pylon block isn’t poorly done, there’ll be a gap between the wall and the pylon. And so landing a bunker won’t prevent an adept’s shade or even a zealot from just ignoring it and walking by towards your mineral.
  • If you stay without addons for too long, you’ll be producing 1 supply units per cycle and per rax. So that means that if the protoss is on two gates (which always product 2 supplies per cycle) you’ll be overrun rather quickly. Even more if it’s in fact an allin.
  • If you defend the highground, but the protoss doesn’t insist and just denies the expand on the lowground, you’ll be behind in eco and production.

I don’t pretend those are the best reactions though, depending on the situation/execution they might or might not work. So, what are your best answers against this ? :bulb:

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God this Kyrie guy spams the same thing in every thread.


LUL, this troll is not even original. Cobra has done this for at least those last 4-5 Years. The dumb-terran-troll has yet to see the Protoss contain when a WP transporting a…probe throws immediately SB and Cannons and after warps Pylon…
The fortification strikes 18-20 seconds earlier with devastating consequences for the dumb-terran…

Didn’t say that it could not be defended. It is just more b/s that toss can get away with. They are litterly sending the 1st probe across the map to block your wall and proxie gateway/stargate behind it. and then walking up your ramp for a 60/40 chance of a gg. it is the little things that make me say that PvT is broken.

So you are in a situation where you could over commit to stopping this and end up behind or you don’t take it serious enough and its gg. Its not like you can backstab proxie behind it becuase of they way the production works and other factors.

Now we have the situation where toss is 2 to 3 bases ahead. Which is a complaint that has always been there in this math up ( even pros have this ) or you are fighting an army within a shield battery forrest.


Blzzard clean up your trash and fix your game.

Using a probe to warp buildings from a warp prism is highly skilled and sick.

The A.I. loves doing it in the campaign too. They will fly warp prisms in on a bunch of unpowered cannons then start warping in more guys at the same time.

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I agree dosing the reaction in order not to overreact, nor to underestimate the threat is the difficult point in that situation. And this is a MU were the protoss tend to have the initiative, starting with the probe bullying your builders SCV.

Which is why some terrans do open aggressive, in order to take the reins of the gain sooner than the MU would usually dictate. But that comes with a risk, hence my question about the best defense against that kind of shenanigans, since I’m certain higher level players have better solutions than mine. :slight_smile:

They have better solutiions yet still lose to the crap that toss spews out.
Shield battery forrest and turtlig to sky toss is a thing at GM/Pro level play. Us ladder noobs are not the only ones that have to deal with that crap. Cannon rushing is still a thing. proxie play is still a thing. It seems that everying but standard play is the standard play for toss. that is a problem. T has standard play. Z has standard play. toss has cheese as standard play. That is a problem

Any race have cheese style and stanadart the only thing is player choice


I aleady know where this is going. Defend toss at all cost no matter what.

Its broken and its trash.

Blizzard fix crap and clean up your trash.

Although I agree toss is completely broken losing to this initial pressure means you’re a terrible player. Its not even optimal to build the rax at your ramp in TvP anymore. You leave it open for a 2 depots + bunker because theres a 95% chance your opponent is cheesing you.

Either voidray + adept or some garbage proxy immortal build.

I wonder if blizzard is going to ban me / censor me for this post cause babayaga reports it again.

ladder noob loses to crap that toss does L2P GM/Pro player losses to the same strategy. Toss player was just better that day. Terran player trash should not even be pro.
toss good terran bad

Any way I just wanted to mention another way this this match up is broken. Nothing like given clear and concise exaamples. You may not lose to this inital pressure but there is a good chance you are behind a million bases given toss a clear advantage and a high chance that they will win the match up.

I mean, he is objectively higher ranked than either of you.

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Bruh i only explain simple things

Objectively NOT.

His max mmr: 3398

My max MMR: 4135

Even my unranked mmr range in which I play (I do not play ranked,just a game per season to get the badge) is better than 3400. I think I could be master if I really wanted it, Cheesetown can’t get near 4k because he likes to play weird games and his macro and builds are poor.

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What makes you think that’s him?