PvT toss shenanagians

Legit question.

20 c

Click on his profile here on the forum, go to ladder, you will see that he is below 3,4k.Name is different because the forum works that way, for example, if you click on my profile, it shows the american account that I don’t use called Elamericano, in his case, he uses the american account so his profile shows games with a different name than the forum name (I think the forum name is the account name and not profile name). In my case I have to link to EU armory link because on this forum only shows the american account.


EDIT:Now I’m seeing something weird, my NA account that is linked to the profile button on the forum also shows eng-gb, and I think in the past wasn’t like that.

No, Babayaga approves the first part of your post:

and will no ban you (for now).

…so what, BatZ is ranked even higher that the whining clown. Avilo also is ranked maybe higher than BatZ.

Having a High Rank and telling BS all day long are not mutually exclusive.

Goba Memories, Vol 12 Chapter 16, Paragraph 45.


Considering Batz’s enemies mmr I wouldn’t say his rank is very high, the mmr of his last enemy shown on a clip was 4500 at ranked ftw, and other enemies were also below the 5k range, apparently not GM…which opens a question, are GM players allowed to play ranked games against master player or just against GM?,if only against GM that would mean that Batz isn’t exactly a GM player since he is playing against master players.

As far as i know there is no restriction for GM players to play with lower Ranked players. Depending on the number of players at the given moment they can go against Master and if very few players active even against High Diamonds.
But from what you have seen one can assume that the troll (BatZ) if playing against ± 500 MMR points interval, so it’s possible that in the best of cases he is 4500+500=5000MMR or High-Master.
So much for the God BatZ, the Best Player in the Universe…

When you are 1000 MMR below someone, you lose the right to call them “Bad.”

How’s this controversial?

It is: “Bad” is contextual, a Silver is 1000 more MMR than a Bronze with 1000MMR, you are not telling me that a Silver is considered an “authority” in SC2.
Following your BS, it means that only 7400MMR AKA Serral types should post and discuss things.
I am not going to waste more time with “Peon” mentality which you are a case in point.
Historically you have groveled and salivated each time a “Figure of Authority” that has confirmed your delusions (terran race is harder) had made a comment.
Here each argument is debated on it’s merits.
Take it and put it into a Bank.

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Actually that is not me and I have ranked higher. just saying…

Are you saying that you currently have a higher mmr than me. Which is possible when you dont play on an alt account you can run into a losing streak or you try out some different things trying to keep the game fresh. IE. I open CC first no matter what in TvT and TvZ. in PvT Ive been open rushing cyclons. Every single game. Will I lose a lot of those possible.

You probably have an alt account were you are this grandmaster… Which is also possible.

Either way you want to cut the cake I call myself a ladder noob. Never said that I was the best player. Ive stuck to one thing and one thing only since I started posting. After that toss patch 2018.

Toss is broken
Blizz clean up your trash and fix your game

We have no doubt about that. It’s precisely that loser mentality that makes you a impotent crybaby and meme of this forum.

I hope this apply to the GM/Pro and even High master players that say the same thing about toss.

If you agree with that then I don’t know what to say…

Not very hard to do when you play easiest race doing the easiest strat (mech) which he says he does every game.

Lol, did a Protoss really just say this is to a Terran?

Avilo plays this game as a job and he used to compete in tournaments (lmao). Tehbatz got bored after getting into GM and decided to play for fun (I remember someone saying something like that…) Your post makes it clear you don’t understand how MMR works.

I saw this summer or autumn last year last time and this was still done, how is this new? Try to push probe away or start 2nd depot right after the rax, not sure if changing build order is even needed, just block with scv smth. He cant build pylon if you have SCV if needed bring 2nd scv

Not gonna sympathize with the PPP but yeah im wondering how this can even happen in anything beyond gold league.

MMR is the result of an algorithm and does not takes into account if one is bored, sad, angry, or whatever stupidity you attribute to it.
If BatZ would use a fifth of the time he passes in BS’ing this forum he would squeeze even more games than Avilo.

Wouldn’t really call it a job. He never made enough to move out of living with his mom. And now he never will since no more twitch.

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It happens in GM/Pro league Masters as well. I am not saying that this is common. Just more crap in toss bag of tricks. Also if you depo right away you are behind in your build. Normal builds can not afford that 2nd depot so early… Just saying.’

Toss has so many things that they can pull our of their bag of tricks that it is laughable. I understand now why the rule is to scout at 16, 17 at the earliest. It is so bad that the first thing you are doing in scouting for a proxie or going across the map to see if nexus gets put down.

It is so bad in PvZ that toss players are note even pretending to hide their build.
They are immediately getting shield battery forrest and going straight to skytoss… And daring you to stop it. They have 4 bases while zerg at every single base on the map. They are going straight to skytoss And doing it quite well may I add.


Blizzard do the right thing and clean up your trash.
Fix your game!!!

Did a barcode really just comment about anything? Having a barcode on the ladder is sad enough. But being a barcode on the forum…pufferfish…all big and spiny. But in reality just a tiny little cowardly fish hiding his true identity…just another sad little terran afraid to acknowledge that mech requires no skill and terran isn’t that hard


You mean like how protoss has been doing since the beginning of LOTV…