Protoss macro is too easy

I think they have to obey corporate policy – to increase revenue.

If game is too challenging, new comers will not want to say. And protoss is cool in effects so yeah, gotta get them ez bucks…

Yeah, I was pretty generous with that amount of time, currently Serral has 104 games on his main account, I, a nameless non pro and non amateur player I played 164 games this season and I play at random times in short sessions. If we count the games as 15 minutes as average lenght (based on tournament average times), Serral has practiced 26 hours this season, so unless he plays with another account, he barely played the game, which could be true because not long ago he said he didn’t prepare for another tournament and didn’t play until the week before the tournament.

Serral can complain about balance if he wants. You can’t. Get to GM first. Also serral is still winning tournaments so hard to complain about balance when you’re either winning or in the finals.


Am gm terran… LUL

Bronze protoss should take own advice…

Sure, that’s why you hide your account…


PPP always like shooting too close to the sun…

Dude that’s literally not how it works. When you are behind you play defensive because being a defender gives you advantages that can make up the difference. So if Serral is defending it’s because he’s behind.

Stats amoved through Serral and all of Serral’s bank plus truckloads of spore crawlers, despite the defenders advantage. Serral didn’t even make a dent into Stats’ army supply. There is literally nothing you can do in the game that can overcome how bonkers broken Protoss is right now.

This wouldn’t be a problem if Protoss had a high skill floor, meaning you need a lot of skill to unlock the op-ness of Protoss. But it’s not how it is. Protoss outperforms zerg in representation and win-rates for every level of the ladder, and they do this while having worse APM/spending skill/etc. So Protoss has a very low skill floor, allowing every Protoss under the sun access to the broken power of OPtoss.

This game is dead. Protoss killed it.

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Please, somebody put this sad clown out of his misery!


Somebody just amoved skytoss through the GOAT, and it was so one sided it looked like a GM wrecking a Gold player. There is literally nothing you can do in the game that can overcome how bonkers broken Protoss is right now.

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I don’t have patience for trolls and deluded fanatics like you. I will let Diogenes, Sentry and CollegeWings demolish your sandcastle.

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Sure buddy. We’re all GMs. Regardless, its well known that balance only affects the elite of the elite at this game, maybe 20 or 30 people in the world are winning/losing games because of balance. There are GMs that would beat you 1000x in a row. You cannot claim you’d lose 1000 times in a row because of balance. If I played serral a 1000x in a row, I wouldn’t win a game and its because he’s a better player than me, not because zerg is broken or something stupid like that. Stop whining and looking for handouts and instead just get better.

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It’s not a well known fact because what you said is factually wrong so it’s not even a fact at all. In fact it’s in contradiction to pretty much all the available facts. Balance heavily affects EVERY skill level and affects the overall health of the game (such as how often people play it). This can be demonstrated in numerous statistics across the ladder. STATING OTHERWISE IS FACT DENIAL.

In fact, we don’t even need the facts because the definition of balance REQUIRES that it affects all skill levels. If your definition of “balance” doesn’t apply to every person who plays the game, then you are not measuring the balance of the game. You can’t exclude people from the “SC2” set then say you are measuring the balance of “SC2”.

That’s like saying you want to measure the temperature of the Earth, but it’s only valid if you measure the temperature in the Sahara Desert. This is complete and utter nonsense. It is mind blowing that there are people who waste their time posting this garbage on the internet.

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Are you talking about game 2???, because on that game Serral fought with only a few vipers, a group of queens,around 7 corruptors and spores, only that against a well upgraded carrier-inmo archon ht void comp because most of Serral’s army was far away hitting Stat’s fifth base.

I wasn’t talking about being behind and defend, that’s obvious, I was talking about the classic phrase ‘‘When ahead, get more ahead’’, depending on the situation it requires attacking or staying at base and macroing, many players just want to smash so they charge as soon as possible even if that’s bad, and many others just turtle (and don’t get ahead) even if they have a chance of a free win.

Your goat in that game got 6 drones killed and was caught by an extasis ward by a single oracle and almost made triple spire.And in the previous game he blocked his ramp with ravagers because he ate an extasis ward and lost his lair to adepts, lol. Sounds like your GOAT was just having a bad day, or you know, Stats was playing good enough to make him look like a noob.


Lolol zerg get suprise when +2 carrier beat 0-0 corraptors wow how unfair :joy:

I am not even going to attempt discussing pro level game with you. Your gold league bias is far too severe.

Hey Jakamakala, my protoss hate thread has 12 likes. You’ve only got 9. Ha! What a total newb.

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No surprise here, you gathered all terran and zerg bile. By the way, who is Jakamakala?

Protoss so fkin ez you can sleepwalk get GM as protoss. All you need to do is press A + move before you fall asleep


Player is an alias for Jakamakala. He’s a forum regular.

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LUL optoss is D+ at most. They fail the exam so picked of optoss…

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