Protoss macro is too easy

While that may be true, the benefits that your race gets from this hard-hard micro (injecting and creep-spreading) gives you way more advantages than Chrono.
Huge Map-vision with speed bonus are disproportionately more rewarding compared with Chrono for some extra APM.
That Chrono which suffered a further virtual nerff (extra 30 wasted Chronos) in the nerffing of 15 Upgrades (Forge/Cyber).

I wouldn’t listen to BabyGaga if I were you. Despite being a proud 200IQ Protoss, he didn’t know what an observer was :slightly_frowning_face:

Daily reminder protoss macro is still extremely broken and easy, can make as many buildings as you want with just one probe Bwahahahahahaha unlike T and Z what a joke Bwahahahahahaha


They can keep up in workers/income with zerg while being one base behind and having much faster tech. Imagine Terran having insane value from medivac healing but also having the protoss economy + the protoss deathball snowball effect. Also you don’t have to do any kind of fancy micro to get the insane value from the shield batteries unlike the micro that has to be done with marines/medivacs.

That’s basically where Protoss is right now. It’s freaking busted and since it has a skill floor so low an ape could play it it’s busted at literally every skill level.

Just look at the nose-dive zerg took in masters this season:


Anyone who says that’s healthy for the game / not a cause for SEVERE concern needs to get their head checked.

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This clown is trying to convince us that Terrans manually use Medevacs to heal Marines…
The impotent desperation of those garbages disguised as human beings had forced them to invent BS out of thin air.
Keep at it BatZ, your credibility after each of those memes goes UP and UP - just like Zerg representation in GM.



Goba finally admits Zerg’s GM representation is going down. It’s a miracle.

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lol. you can not forget to build a depot. there is a problem. not enough minerals! not enough minerals! not enough minerals! not enough minerals! no matter how fast terran builds toss and zerg can walk in ( yes, walk) right into a terran base and wipe it. easy. even with 1/2 an army on th epost match graph. fro terran to have twice as much army value and to sit there all set up in base and have the tow easy races just walk right and wipe terran is so wrong. i’ve been playing since broodwar. and its always been the same. i playe the zerg easy race and i walk through terran. i play the toss easy race and i walk right through terran. but when i play terran toss and zerg out play , out build out run terran. literally out run terran so that the east race can survive .now if terran tries to outrun P/ Z. lol no way!! mass lings, muttas, stalker blink, mass void. all way too easy vs terran.

and now for the toss and zerg rebuttal. go bio. (the end). so wrong

I don’t know man, one race needs pylon, another needs creep, there is also that doesn’t need anything.

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Yeah its called protoss. They dont need anything. Powerfields arent a hard mechanic mate.

Needs your worker wasting their time there while it can die and leave the building unfinished. Zerg sacrifices his worker.

Protoss? Probes just zap glowing balls on this place and leave it.

Each race as its perk on economy and building, for varying effects.

So… do they need powerfields or not. Not only can most of the terran buildings change their location at will, you also don’t need to worry about Artosis depots. Heck even the walls have doors. Terran is probably the race that care the least about the position of the buildings.

Well, you have to zap one glowing ball first before you can zap other ones.


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Right but P has a MUCH easier spam system that just gets out of hand and turns the whole match into a impenetrable snoozefest

lets revive this 20chars

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This is GML. The average Terran/Zerg in GM has 3/4% higher macro skill than Protoss. They also have 23/35% more APM and 6/2% more multitasking (screen movements per minute).

Protoss macro is way too easy. Protoss macro requires less APM and yet somehow Protoss manage to have worse spending than Zerg/Terran. It’s just mind blowing how easy the race is to play.


Indeed too easy any race own mechanic i not say about free mule who cover already alll lost scv


Go get GM in protoss first because complaining about balance. Balance isn’t even a factor in wins and losses until you’re 6K MMR/top 20 GM. People who are 6.5K of any race absolute poop on people who are 5.5 K of any race, like its not even a contest. Skill is what matters.

A GM can beat all of you with any 2 units you pick of any race. They will beat you and beat you hard. So stop complaining about balance and get good. There’s a streamer on twitch called Livibee. She was Gm zerg, then got master 1 protoss, and now is working on master terran. We literally watch her get better every day. You can do the same. So stop whining and get good. if you don’t know what you’re doing wrong, get a coach. They are cheap and very very useful.

I stopped complaining about balance a long time ago. its not constructive and its much better to just look at your replay and find mistakes. Most of the issues people have are

  1. not scouting (the opponent hits you and you’re not ready at all)
  2. not building workers (stopping at 45-60 workers rather than going to 75-80)
  3. not expanding and not making upgrades (staying at 2 base or 3 base, rather than going to 5-6 base)
  4. taking bad fights when you don’t have to even be fighting at all
  1. not spending their money and having massive floats (either watching fights rather than building stuff, or not making sure your production keeps up with your money growth. Generally speaking anything above 400 minerals or 250 gas is a float as those are the most mins and gas it costs to buy something helpful in the game)

its not rocket science and it has nothing to do with builds or units or strategy. I can’t recall the last game I lost because I felt I had the wrong composition. Its usually one of those issues above, and probably the scouting issue. If you do all of those things you will be low GM before you know it. Like I said, GM can beat everyone on this threat with sentries and zealots only. Or marines and ravens. Or whatever zerg units you want (larva and drones, whatever). Balance just doesn’t matter for 99.99999% of us and is totally fine.

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Not even serral. Can beat Optoss. . It is not l2p issue…

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I would add another point, overextending/playing too safe. Sometimes the right call is go for the attack, or stay back for a while until the game stabilizes, a wrong choice can snowball and make you lose 5-6. minutes later.

Why do you think whiners don’t like posting replays?, because it exposes them.

I always watch my replays, not every second of them, but I like to know how the game went and what I missed, see my eco, my upgrade timing, my reaction and decision making…
Below pro tier, whinning about balance is useless, 50% of the times you lost is because you played worse/threw, and the other 50% are because the enemy outplayed you.

There was the rumour that was vibe who boosted her and did some off camera coaching, but eventually she got the rank in a legit way. A funny meme phrase popped during these times ‘‘Livibee without vibe is lie’’

It is, Serral needs to play more and practice more, lately he said he was playing less games. Remember, during the old golden days, koreans were playing 10h or more each day practicing hard, Serral probably plays 20% of that.

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I posted 20+ replays and got 0 responses…

XD serral plays 2 hours a day? is he on holiday? XD