Protoss macro is too easy

No surprise those jokes have high APM. While a decent player orders a SCV to build a Barrack, 2 depots and return to mine with 4 clicks, those morons use 4 times more APM and 4 times more time and interrupt their attention 4 times (when only one time is rquired).
Then those jokes come here and complain that were rolled-over by a protoss with 100APM while themselves having 300APM.

The funniest part of all this is the implicit admission that protoss is so mechanically lax they don’t even bother using backspace for chronoing nexi, despite not being able to suffer from wandering queens :joy: :joy: :joy:

You don’t need to constantly inject anymore. They also made injecting easier. You can shift click inject on a full energy queen and get 8 done right there.

Unlike with zerg injects, you generally dont want or need to be using chrono on your nexii all game. Upgrades and army production both take priority relatively early.

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Same could be said about the necessity of early creep spread or saving transfuses vs certain aggressive openers. Bottom line is that zerg is expected to use backspace to make their apm intensive macro efficient while protoss is not despite not having to deal with wandering queens. It’s a double standard.

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Protoss isnt expected to do it because, while they have the capability to literally do the same thing with their nexii, doing so isnt actually beneficial. Our chrono targets are going to be changing pretty rapidly over the course of the game, frequently on the fly in reaction to specific things. So we cant use that method on the things we actually want to be chronoing.

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We have Main and Nat hotkeyed and on Camera-Locations, only time besides early game for probes Nexus is chronoed for Mothership production.
Zerg issue is different.

By his posts i suspect that he has no clue how the Protoss race works. How Chrono is used, when and where.
He extrapolate Zerg mechanics/problems into Protoss race.
I would not be surprised if the dolt thinks our Crono can be queued and stacked.

This does not support your point XD

Backspace was dominant inject method in hots/wol BECAUSE they couldn’t queue you troll.

Oops wrong reply

Why would you have such a problem if one Queen is required to each Hatch? It’s enough to not include those dedicated Queens on Army Hotkeys.
Unless you use F2 …
Advice: Use F2 as Camera location.

Because when you get to lategame you don’t want 1 queen dedicated to each hatch as it takes away from your army supply, especially since you don’t need the extra larvae anyway once you got 4 hatcheries injecting. When you get to 5-7 bases that’s when backspace really becomes suboptimal as you won’t have queens at your outer bases ready which means trying to backspace will take your queens from b1-4 to b5-7. Not to mention in the early-midgame, the increasing expectations of zergs to pull dedicated inject queens to defend aggression makes backspace inject even less appealing.

I have used the select all army key less than 10 times in my life. It’s not even mapped in my hotkeys, kid.

But this is hilarious considering its coming from the silver player of the race with a default hotkey for their production and were given auto warpgates and auto attack on their caster explicitly so it could be a-moved :joy: :joy: :joy:

Advice: get out of silver before you give other people gameplay advice :+1:

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OK, use only 4 dedicated Queens, more easy for you, why the whine?
You are not going to get any sympathy from us.

As a Protoss I agree, you should never attack into a position with shield batteries. It’s so great that I just put them at every base which is why my opponents can literally never attack into my position allowing me to just turtle to mass air/ht/archon which is factually unbeatable =D

No Static Defense can withstand a determined attack without units. If protoss has 5 Bases, his army can’t be everywhere. At max (Showtime level) he can split in two parts to defend 2 bases, letting 3 others not covered.
Only Bronze players defend a Base with 10 Cannons and 8 Batteries.

Last week played against a really greedy P, spammed chrono on probes and basically all his units for a while were 4 voids, he put tons of static D all over the place, cannons and batteries. When I attacked I had 200/200 and he had 120 supply with 65 probes so his army was really small, he skipped units and teched into HT and was already making 3 carriers. Some protoss at my level are playing really greedy and turtly styles and some of them nonsense builds like nexus first into forge with the idea of making cannons and voids.

Yes but as a blessed protoss player I have invisible units with massive vision so the only reason I would be out of position is if I was actual garbage =D

LUL, new whine for terrans:
Protis snipper has …massive vision.

Please Blizz, nerff DT vision to the Adept’s Shade (2). Yea it was a time when Adept’s Shade vision was nerffed from 7 to…2.

It’s a shame to see a Protoss not know their own units…
Flying Cloaked Detector
Sight: 11 (+2.75 for siege mode)

sooo wait lol your argument that protoss doesnt have this simple mechanic that costs more time attention and apm is a 7 step ( if you have only one hatch ) order of operations each consisting of an individual click… not to mention newer players might not even have camera locations to make this real easy instead we are aiming on a tiny minimap… vs protoss … one button? two button combo to max unit spam at almost anypoint within seconds at thier base???

but they will get on the forums and cry that nydus are a problem for slamming the greed