Protoss macro is too easy

This dolt in his infancy was harassed by DT, hence his constant blabbering. Maybe someone has discouraged the idiot from using Scans, Turrets and Ravens…

Not having creep is a disadvantage. So Zerg’s are required to spend a ton of apm to not be behind. Protoss and Terran have the advantage by default with doing no work at all.

Ah yes, i forgot how scanner sweep and observers literally just spawned and covered the entire map automatically.


Apparently its a hard concept for you. When something have a characteristic, a quality, it’s because it has it by its own merit, not by external factors. You are mistaking the difficulty of the actual action with crysis management/attention span,which is a human resource in the game, it’s a quality of yours, you are the one who are good or bad at it, and you are the one who must practice and refine that part.If you fail at injects because someone is attacking you, you are not failing because the injects are hard, but because you need focus during critical moments, somethings extremely important in this game because this is a backstabbing game precissely because attention is something external to the game and it’s one of the definitive things that differentiate good and bad players as it is some of the hardest things to master in the game.

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That’s insane. That is like Terran saying having mules is a disadvantage.

Did you know that Protoss upgrade times were lengthened? Now THAT is a clear example of something that was in the game and was perfectly balanced and now we need to chrono just to be even on upgrades.

Every pro Zerg would laugh in your face if you told them that creep is some kind of APM burden.

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LOL, “balanced”. Chrono has been busted since 4.0 and the upgrade nerf was a minor attempt at balancing things but it obviously didn’t work.

Mules and chrono take 0 skill to use. Creep is a huge apm burden and it’s one of the biggest tells of how skilled a player is. If you disagree lets fire up a custom game and see how good your creep spread is?

Bad creep spread literally loses games. lol, you have no idea what you’re talking about just like every delusional low level player on this forum.

Nobody mention it yet, but pylon positioning is something other two races don’t need to worry about.

Exactly my point. The difficulty of the game is decided by the skill of the opponent and not by external factors. It doesn’t matter if you are playing chess or checkers or bw or sc2. The opponent sets the difficulty in competitive games.

BW is easy if your opponent is a neanderthal and checkers is hard if your opponent is Marion Franklin Tinsley.

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I had horrible creep spread and still made D2 as Zerg. It does separate the bad zergs from the good zergs.

That would be like me playing Terran and saying Reapers are an APM burden because I cant kill Adepts 1v1 like Maru can. Or playing Toss and saying blink stalkers are an APM burden because I cant use them like parting. Making something gain increasing value from APM vice actual resources just makes it stronger and stronger the higher the skill level. It is still an asset to the race, even if low level players suck at using it.

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No, creep spread is not the same as fancy micro. Good creep spread is needed to play Zerg at a decent level. It’s literally the most taxing macro mechanic in the game and beyond anything Terran or Protoss has to do.

D2 isn’t impressive and cheese doesn’t count.

Yeah maybe not. At least I post with a public profile. Not sure why you would hide your profile if you are what you say you are.

Macro mechanics in this game are in general not that hard. Nor is it actually a macro mechanic. It is a unit ability to spawn creep tumor. And you need to micro your units to defend against your fresh creep tumors getting killed. No competent opponent at the high levels you are talking about is going to let you just spam creep unopposed. This micro/macro distinction is a bit contrived.

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Like I told you before this isn’t a hidden profile, I just don’t play on this account.

Macro in sc2 is very difficult. It’s THE defining factor in the game until you get to high masters and Zerg has the hardest by far because of creep and injects.

Protoss macro is too easy

I beat a 5.5k protoss in a short game. Then I lost to a 4.8k protoss in a long game. After that I beat a 5.2k terran in a long game.

Skytoss is extremely overpowered.

Here you are again in defense, again. “Protoss has to do things too you just downplay it” Protoss is the wrath of god unleashed on mankind. We didn’t ask for this, we did not listen to the warnings. Why are the gods angry?

I’d beg to differ, diamond 2 is high for the average person, and you shouldn’t act like they are not important because your 300 mmr higher in d1 or something, wouldn’t know, your profile isn’t showing.

No you misunderstand, the Terrans and the Zergs are just dumb. I, as a spectacular and amazing Protoss, make the truly big brain plays. Zergs and Terrans just don’t understand the amount of effort it takes to build 5 shield batteries and click one of them with overcharge to hold double my supply. It’s sad how entitled they act towards us. They just don’t understand that we, together, all learned how to play just recently on our super secret discord. It’s incredible how absolutely unrelated to balance it all is. We’re just all naturally better than our opponents (now) =D

Attacking a protoss army entrenched in a field of Cannons/SB is similar to attacking a Zerg with ground army in a field of Spine/Spores with 10 Lurkers inside or a terran with 10-12 SiegeTanks.
For too long those morons asked for protoss nerffs (and they got them), now Protoss can’t attack with less than 150-170 Supply and is forced to survive building static defense.
The morons began a new wave of whine because they feel entitled to roll over a SD+Army composition.

What a comedy!

Gold MMR guy gets a bugged master badge and now he thinks he’s qualified to to talk about balance. Toss is so easy that he can’t even break 2500 MMR.

Why is it that only gold zerg think that injecting and spreading is something difficult? And ooh rallying workers back after building a stricture as terran is hard. Maybe learn how to shift click.

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Yea, yesterday such terran was complaining that …they had to order SCV to go to minerals after they built a structure.
I spilled my coffe and burned-down my keyboard and could not respond.
Such garbage are not aware of Shift-Click, and they feel confident to discuss balance.


Actually, the OP isn’t even gold. He has 4 losses at 2100 MMR which is silver so take his gripe with a grain of salt. Everything probably seems hard to him at that level.

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