Protoss macro is too easy

You said protoss had a mobility advantage right out the gate. When you actually look at the numbers, zerg units are either equal speed or faster, off creep.

So basically, you straight up lied.


I obviously gave you too much credit thinking you would understand what I meant. Maybe you should stop arguing about the game when you’re gold league and haven’t played in months.


No, in and of itself, it’s not difficult, but it’s time consuming. real-TIME strategy. This game is all about being efficient with your time.

It’s a product of how much time you have and how quickly you can get things done in the allotted time. How much time you have depends on how quickly your opponent plays. So it’s really just a game of how fast you can play. Nothing else really matters.

Your strategy doesn’t have to be some maniacal god tier zodiac 18-dimensional chess thing, because merely being able to smash apms into the keyboard increases your efficiency 10000000000x more than strategy ever could. So even if your strategy is absolute trash the fact that you can do that trash strategy very well is worth more than the strategy itself.

A great example is Byun. He’s been going 1 factory mass marine in TvT. Everyone will tell you that you can’t produce enough tanks and your extra marines will just die to your opponents extra tanks. But he makes it work because he has the apm. It’s not a good strategy in fact it’s garbage.

In that same vein, AlphaStar made plain mass stalker worker vs 8 immortals. It’s basically impossible for a human to do with human apm.

I did not get rekted once only because I knew how to basetrade, but I almost lost a match vs 1 base Void Rays push with ~32 APM. The person was playing the same strategy all the time (I checked the profile) and it was consistent D2. Well… I am not proud of that match.

not sure what you mean by downplay it, but toss is way too easy to play vs terran. so easy to play vs terran, its like cheating. only a noob needs to play toss

again , sounds like zerg has a way to get more units than terran can, faster, and more often. and i know that mass baby lings that look like half what terran has on the after graph, can take out 4 tanks. its like cheating terran. why even have an after graph if it says twice a graph of terran is worse than half a graph of zerg army.

I dont even agree with OP, but if you have to make a thread about this, at least put some efford, you could mention that protoss gateways automatically turn in warp gates and that they don’t need an hotkey for gates since they have it by default.
by the way, what I think is macro for every race is different and they all have ups and downs. Zerg has, in my opinion, the most boring macro. they constantly need to inject, spread creep, expand (more then the other races), but for example, they dont need to buid multiple structures in order to increase production of units, they dont need to build 8 barracks or 10 gates, they just need one building, and they just need one hotkey for their army (hatcheries). Terran has the most forgiving macro, you forget to build a depot? no problem! you need more mineral? no problem. But they need hot keys for all buildings, they need to put those add on that I really hate, and that’s an important decision making for the composition of the army you’re gonna have, they need to constantly produce units otherwise they are behind, are vulnerable to counter attack or cannot defend against a second attack, and you have to remember to send scv to mine again after they finish their job.
protoss is sometimes the easiest, one probe can build multiple construtions, no need to queue gates units so if you need fast reinforcements from an attack you can directly warp your units when needed (making you save resources)
But dont be deceived, only mechanically protoss is easier, and we have to say that they need to queue all robot and stargate units, but and in decision making I think they have the hardest work, they need to chrono in the right time and for the right reasons, they are the less forgiving of all races, they need to build in the right places expecially against zerg (while terran can literally defend everything with just depots at the beginning)… so… in conclusion… races are different

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Maybe you should stop arguing using blatant untruths.

Yea best not to engage with that troll, he seems completely oblivious to the existence of adepts and vr’s which are made in 90% of ZvP openings, not to mention recall :joy:

I think you are missing the point, maybe I didn’t wrote clear. Injecting is harder than chrono or mules, however I wouldn’t consider it specially hard, macro in sc2 is kinda easy,the game difficulty comes from other parts, not from the macro side. I say it’ts not hard because it’s pure muscle memory and automatization, you do it and there is no way you screw your actions, compare it with micro, even if you are focusing, there is a chance your micro won’t be effective. The difficulty of inject is just remembering about it, so in the end all you have to do is don’t forget about inject and spend 6-10 apm on it each cycle.

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Because Byun the LITTERAL god had to show the plebians that you don’t need to sit back massing vikings to win. Already changing the meta and reminding everyone on how far you can push the power of marines…

I don’t know if it’s true since I didn’t hear/read it directly from the source, but the other day Wardi said that Byun said tanks were for the weak.


A building that costs 25 ENERGY and can promulgate infinitely, is stealth, provides scouting, and generates creep which significantly or even greatly increases move speed is not an advantage?

Give me a break.


Protoss is easily the hardest race and you all know it. Zerg and Terran can just hotkey all their production and make units while looking anywhere. With Protoss I have to look at a power field to warp in my units instantly; this makes spawning DTs in your base substantially harder than anything Z/T has to do. Frankly Protoss needs a patch buff so I can warp in DTs in your base without having to look at my warp prism.

Also, army control is the hardest. You have so many casters that when you F2 a-move they can go wandering forward causing them to die, which is tragically unfair and something that Zerg and Terran seem to rarely suffer from, which just shows the imbalance. Thankfully big daddy Blizzard gave HTs an auto attack so I don’t have to do things like army hotkeys. Now they just need to add an auto-attack to the disruptors so the game can be truly balanced.

Also, we all know Zerg is still hopelessly OP. They have vipers which can just auto-kill units whenever they want with abduct. Yeah sure I can just feedback the Viper, but frankly it’s unfair that Zerg can have a single T3 viable unit, I request that Daddy Blizzard either delete this unit or change Abduct to only work at 1 range so my APM doesn’t have to spike over 40.

Terran is also ridiculously OP. They have EMP, the only viable spell for TvP, which means they can counter my casters, this is unacceptable in the current balance so I suggest Toss gets a T3 upgrade for 250/250 on the Forge called “Energy Converter” that makes it so EMP actually increases shields and energy.

tl;dr Protoss super upup and needs big power ups because sometimes I have to use my keyboard to do things


And that’s called bronze league bias. Macro in SC2 is ludicrously difficult vs opponents who are constantly putting pressure on you. If you aren’t being pressured, and have plenty of spare apm, it’s because you’re in bronze league.


Compare sc2 macro with BW macro.Now think, which one is hard?.

They are both equally hard since what makes it hard is how fast your opponent can macro himself and put pressure on you. THIS IS NOT A HARD CONCEPT.

All of protoss macro in SC2. I have to look at my opponents base and use rapid fire to create an arbitrarily large number of DTs.

:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: