Protoss macro is too easy

Everything is easy in diamond league.

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Clicking several times each cycle is not hard , it is as hard as getting supply something you get used to do and in the end you do it without thinking and you have a timer on the hatcheries so you know when the larva is about to finish so when you are building gases, getting upgrades…you can see the timers, and with queue inject is a mechanic that gets easier as the game advances, you have more queens so you can inject more, you have more hatcheries, invest the energy on injects…same with creep, once you have a dedicated queen group you can spread creep really fast. Injecting was hard when there wasn’t a queue mechanic, if you missed the inject, you lost a larva round unless you had macro hatcheries, being attacked with no queue was terrifying, bad Z players died because they had no larva because they were attacked and forgot to inject in time.

Anybody can put creep on the map, not everyone can recreep the previous erased creep.

It takes exactly the same amount of actions injecting in GM than injecting in diamond and queued injects will have the same efficiency for everyone.

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Uh, no. I am not even going to respond to this.

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Yes, it’s just a timer, but it takes several times as much time than chrono or mules do.

Really, are you aware that Chrono does not queue or stack?
Chrono has to be applied after 20 sec, inject aftet 30…
Are you so dense as to not undersand the implications?
LOL, how about giving us a 50 Energy Chrono that works for 10 seconds and accelerates to 100%?
It will surely increase the Protoss APM requirement a lot (we will have to return to our production twice as more).
I was sure of it.

Yes, it requires extra clicks, but it is really that hard?, that’s my point, it’s not specially hard, just annoying with remembering the inject as the only requeriment, same as checking the minimap or looking at the supply count, it is important, but it is not hard, even a bad player can inject under 6s. With queue inject the difference between good and bad zergs became less obvious, good Z flooded the enemy with units because they had more larva, the change was a massive nerf for the good Z players and in my opinion the inject should be reverted, good injecters should get the reward that is plentiful larva.

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This is what is called bronze league bias. When you are frantically scrambling to keep up with the game, a few extra clicks are an enormous deal.

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But you have 300-400APM sure 5-10 APM to coomplete that task will not brak your Bank…
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

But many times the chrono is done during critical moments, it’s not like chrono is only used when you are not under attack and are having a nice and peaceful time. When you are P and are under attack/attacking you must chrono everything because that means more reinforcements ,upgrades in time or a very necessary unit for the battle.


Scan is an advantage but creep is a taxing part of Zerg macro.

Because extra move speed and map vision are just such terrible burdens, right?


As Kelthar said, creep is a permanent Scan and an advantage in global ground unit speed.
As a Zerg you should not expect sympathy from Protss/Terrans.

It’s not permanent since it’s pretty easy to clear and takes a long time to regain. And sure, it’s a speed advantage but the rest of the map is a speed disadvantage.

Having the entire map start as a speed disadvantage from the beginning is a terrible burden, yes.

Im sorry that you have to actually do some work to have the fastest unit in the game.

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I’m sorry you have the speed advantage with 0 effort from the beginning of the game.

Do you maybe not understand how numbers work? A zergling’s speed, unupgraded off creep is 4.13. A zealot’s is 3.15. A stalker’s is 4.13. A hydralisk’s and a roach’s are 3.15.

I dont see a protoss speed advantage there, and those are strictly off creep numbers.


The same is to be said for every other macro mechanic. The difference is that zergs takes more apm to do which is harder.

I cannot believe that in 2021 there are people who still don’t understand even the utmost basics of the game. It is universally agreed upon that zerg has the hardest mechanics. It’s always been that way. Terran had the hardest micro and protoss was, well, protoss.

But, recent times have changed things. Zerg’s macro mechanics are more difficult than ever since games are going longer than ever and the game is more fast paced than ever. Back in HotS it was 2-3 base plays and now it’s 5-7 base plays. That’s more injects and more creep spread by a very large margin.

Terran’s micro has been hugely simplified between the mech buffs while zerg has only become more difficult than ever. Terran’s mechanics are easier because it’s primarily building construction/placement and that goes down over time. In the late game terrans have to move a command center every now and then. Meanwhile zergs are scrambling to inject more bases and spread creep over larger areas. Zerg is now most definitely the hardest race in the game.

Protoss is nothing but a joke.

Gold league understanding on display. Zerg trades unfavourably off creep. So from the beginning of the game you have the advantage while doing 0 work.

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