Protech is retiring due to injuries

You’re further proving my points so you’re going to get the same response on it. Tell me more about how you falsely claimed that I didn’t deny being Protech. And again: There’s no gotcha to that. You’re just coming off as an idiot. You realize that right? But the funny thing is, you’re purposely acting like this was just a troll the whole time because you were caught red-handed with bad faith tactics when your posts were more serious. It’s an indictment of your character. Goof off all you want, you’re still carrying the weight of your falsehoods.

lol back for more! :rofl:


You’re further proving my points so you’re going to get the same response on it. Tell me more about how you falsely claimed that I didn’t deny being Protech. And again: There’s no gotcha to that. You’re just coming off as an idiot. You realize that right? But the funny thing is, you’re purposely acting like this was just a troll the whole time because you were caught red-handed with bad faith tactics when your posts were more serious. It’s an indictment of your character. Goof off all you want, you’re still carrying the weight of your falsehoods.

OMG you are like the energizer bunny! +69 for me!!!


Yet again: You’re further proving my points so you’re going to get the same response on it. Tell me more about how you falsely claimed that I didn’t deny being Protech. And again: There’s no gotcha to that. You’re just coming off as an idiot. You realize that right? But the funny thing is, you’re purposely acting like this was just a troll the whole time because you were caught red-handed with bad faith tactics when your posts were more serious. It’s an indictment of your character. Goof off all you want, you’re still carrying the weight of your falsehoods.

lol sociopath too. Can’t resist coming back for more!


And again: You’re further proving my points so you’re going to get the same response on it. Tell me more about how you falsely claimed that I didn’t deny being Protech. And again: There’s no gotcha to that. You’re just coming off as an idiot. You realize that right? But the funny thing is, you’re purposely acting like this was just a troll the whole time because you were caught red-handed with bad faith tactics when your posts were more serious. It’s an indictment of your character. Goof off all you want, you’re still carrying the weight of your falsehoods.

What, are you not protech? Are you an ANI? Artificial Non Intelligence?


Nope, I’m not ANI. Again, you’re further proving my points so you’re going to get the same response on it. Tell me more about how you falsely claimed that I didn’t deny being Protech. And again: There’s no gotcha to that. You’re just coming off as an idiot. You realize that right? But the funny thing is, you’re purposely acting like this was just a troll the whole time because you were caught red-handed with bad faith tactics when your posts were more serious. It’s an indictment of your character. Goof off all you want, you’re still carrying the weight of your falsehoods.

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Well, I’m going to bed. I’m sure you will reply since this seems to be your lifelong ambition. Cya tomorrow so you can assert things as true and dismiss other things. G’Night protech.


There’s a long track history of his behavior in the old forums proclaiming such things yet he still plays Starcraft 2. He has claimed many times his wrist injuries which turns out to be fake. This is during over 10 years span we’re talking about. I’ve seen many of his videos when he stated it, yet I saw no injury impacting his games. Just because you weren’t there when it happens doesn’t mean it didn’t happen. I won’t be surprised if he does have an injury, and no one believes him.

Each point you’re making isn’t back up by facts you’re just pointing out faults and taking certain stance while ignoring what is being said to you. So much aggression you’re posting here there’s no reason for belittling. You’re trying to disprove facts about ProTech that happen way long ago and now he is still saying it. This is about being there instead of now a big difference.


not to mention the fact that awhile ago he claimed he was retiring from sc2 and everyone did a huge story on it, and then with in a day he said oh nevermind im not retireing. and this is called attention grabbing for when your not relevant anymore.


Again, that which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. If you make an assertion, the burden of proof rests on you. It’s about what you can prove. Otherwise, an intellectually honest person will forfeit their claims and not just keep spreading what amounts to baseless slander. We should not endlessly entertain that which can be simply made up, taken out of context, or spewed with such a slant that it constitutes mistruths.

Just today Protech had to take several breaks from play due to his wrist injury. But of course, you’ll just throw your hands up in the air saying he’s lying and call it a day. But, why don’t you actually be fair for a change, and just say that your layman’s opinion of what can or cannot be done with a wrist injury is insufficient to make any logical claim. For myself, I’ve been playing RTS since Command and Conquer days, and when I had a wrist injury I was able to play nearly 100% of my SC2 usual micro. The only difference is I was tolerating pain rather than any forced restriction of movement. So the real question is what the heck are you babbling about?

You’re acting in incredibly bad faith. I already addressed plenty of your points already, and rather than lend any credibility to your character by admitting you were wrong or at least providing counterpoints you just go on throwing sludge. It’s pretty grotesque behavior if we’re going to be honest.

If we’re now simply left with “he said he was going to retire but he didn’t!!!” then that’s an easy one to address. My god, how many athletes, singers, professional gamers etc., all said they were going to quit but didn’t end up doing it? Heck, how many normal players just say they’re going to quit their game of choice out of frustration but decided to come back? You’re going to have to do a lot better than what can be attributed to an honest change of mind after self-reflection. Which is what gamers do all the time and it does not impugn their character. So do you have anything concrete or are you just going to keep up your mindless hostility?

That guy is still around? I’d have figured he would have given up and chosen another game’s community to pester.


Given up? That doesn’t even make sense. Every stream has a different flavor and not all of them have to cater to you. You do realize that right? Obviously, he’s been getting enough support to keep streaming, and the longevity of his SC2 streaming is of a more significant milestone than any other person that I’m aware of. No need to be a gatekeeping elitist just because he’s not your cup of tea.

Do you even know who protech is? The dude terrorized the community for years and years lol. He’s not some streamer, he’s what Alivo was but 2x as bad and focuses on team games.

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Yes, if you’ve been reading the thread I even watched his stream yesterday. I’ve been familiar with his stream since I would say early Wings days. But saying “dude terrorized the community for years and years” is as empty as it gets. It’s an invalid assertion unless you have some sort of proof to back it up.

Also, comparing him to Avilo is patently absurd on its face. A real comparison would be with Artosis even though the latter does mostly Brood War, because their streams are full of constant negativity nearly 24/7.

If you have been watching him for that long, who are you in his Twitch chat? My acct used to be DV92Camaro until Twitch banned my acct. I think ppl mass reported me. Now I have a new one. I will tell you what it is if I recognize you. I doubt you have been watching long though.

I’m not particularly interested if you doubt me, nor does it bear any actual relevance to the validity of the claims you’ve made on Protech. Either you can substantiate what you’ve been proclaiming, or you can’t. I’ll say it again: Receipts or GTFO.

Well, just keep trolling then. No one cares what ultimatums you put down.