Protech is retiring due to injuries

I don’t oh you any evidence

The burden of proof is on you. If you want to have any intellectual honesty. Receipts or GTFO. :slight_smile:

It happened.

Circular logic. It happened because it happened. Logical fallacy since nothing was provided to support it.

You just started making stupid claims about him that are obviously BS.

Not only did you fail to showcase that, but we now have further demonstration of how you’re a toxic biased pest. When other posters here made outlandish claims, you didn’t do any pushback on it. You just bandwagon. Meaning, you’ll let anything slide so long as it’s against the person you hate. That’s zero integrity in that. It’s shameful behavior to say the least.

You’re a moron. Receipts. It happened. F off you fanboy.


I don’t have a horse in this race, I don’t give a toss about Protech, but that which is asserted without evidence can be refuted without evidence.

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GarnetMoose, as I said before to the other guy, if you can only resort to petty insults, you forfeit by default. Thanks for playing.

If this evidence you want exists, but it probably doesn’t since vods are deleted by twitch now, I wouldn’t waste my time digging through them anyway. If anybody reads this, it can serve as a warning to them not to donate to a guy who scams people. Like I said, you are either protech himself or some delusional fanboy. If you think you’ve won some sort of battle, good for you. Everyone needs something to feel good about. Even morons like yourself. There’s another “petty insult” for ya. +1 point for you dude. lol


Cool story. You can make up all the excuses you want of why you don’t have any evidence to present. Nevertheless, the following still remains true: The burden of proof is on you. If you want to have any intellectual honesty. Receipts or GTFO. We continue to have further demonstration of how you’re a toxic biased pest. When other posters here made outlandish claims, you didn’t do any pushback on it. You just bandwagon. Meaning, you’ll let anything slide so long as it’s against the person you hate. That’s zero integrity in that. It’s shameful behavior to say the least. If you can only resort to petty insults, you forfeit by default. Thanks for playing.

You aren’t denying being protech are you. I’m beginning to think that’s who you are. Oh, and plus 1 for me since you insulted me. lol


But I did unequivocally deny it already when I said this earlier in the thread: “It’s delusional to believe that despite some people having donated tens of thousands of dollars to Protech, that it could only be Protech that defends him against obvious mistruths. Not only am I not him but it brings me a lot of satisfaction that the hater brigade is only capable of peddling sheer nonsense.” I didn’t realize you had a lack of reading comprehension on top of everything else. Yes, but I insulted you while backing it up. Therefore not making it merely a petty insult. It was a nice attempt though.

+2 for me on the last comment. I’m ahead now bro.


Was the +2 for you falsely saying I didn’t deny being Protech, or your empty slanders? Or is the false praise close enough to actual praise for you that you’ll take anything you can get?

+1 for me because you are asking a dumb question from the guy you are arguing with. My lead is gonna be hard to overtake at this point! :rofl:


Imagine giving yourself made up points while failing so hard to have an ounce of integrity. Go you man!

+5 for me. Who needs integrity when you’re winning. :joy: :rofl:


You’re the embodiment of the “I’m only pretending to be an idiot” meme. It goes like this:

You: Hey guuuys look at how much of an idiot I am. Hurr durrr.
Me: Screw off idiot.
You: Jokes on him, I’m only pretending to be an idiot.

There’s no gotcha to that. You’re just coming off as an idiot. You realize that right? But the funny thing is, you’re purposely acting like this was just a troll the whole time because you were caught red-handed with bad faith tactics when your posts were more serious. It’s an indictment of your character. Goof off all you want, you’re still carrying the weight of your falsehoods.

The fun part with you bro, is I don’t even read half what you type. I’ve realized you are a reliable troll who just keeps coming back. It’s like your a fishing hole for entertainment that never runs out! LUL


I was dead on right. Again: There’s no gotcha to that. You’re just coming off as an idiot. You realize that right? But the funny thing is, you’re purposely acting like this was just a troll the whole time because you were caught red-handed with bad faith tactics when your posts were more serious. It’s an indictment of your character. Goof off all you want, you’re still carrying the weight of your falsehoods.

+1 for being right that you will come back LUL


And again: There’s no gotcha to that. You’re just coming off as an idiot. You realize that right? But the funny thing is, you’re purposely acting like this was just a troll the whole time because you were caught red-handed with bad faith tactics when your posts were more serious. It’s an indictment of your character. Goof off all you want, you’re still carrying the weight of your falsehoods.

copy pasta much protech? LUL


You probably gonna ban everyone in chat soon…or bust a blood vessel and stroke out :rofl: