Protech is retiring due to injuries

Protech has a ganglion cyst on his wrist. He mentioned that he will retire from SC2 as soon as Stormgate comes out. Does this mean Stormgate will require less mouse input to play?

Accelerate. They won’t nerf apetoss until it hurts their bottom line.

no protech is not retiring hes just crying about his so called “stream snipers” “queue blocking” him. He supposedly can’t play " High level" sc2 becuase of this and is only playing with veiwers currently untill stormgate, cause hes hopeing the “queue blockers” wont be able to do this in stormgate. But hes not actually being queue blocked hes blocking every server that gives him high ping and then complaining that he cant find games and claims it queue blockers when really its him doing it to himself.


He mentioned it on stream today. Stormgate comes out, he’s done with SC2.

dude hes been whining about queue blockers this whole last month non stop, unless he shows a doctors report on stream dont buy what he says about the wrist. He has already said his past couple streams he wasnt playing anymore high level sc2 cause of the supposed queue blocking bs, and that he was only playing with veiwers till stormgate. Right now hes just trying bilk some more money so he dont have to stream, thats it, simpathy card all the way.

dont beleive half of what he tells you, cause i can tell you hes a lying heap of bs. right now, he claims that most of bronze league is smurfs on 2v2 but will never say anything about 2v2 ladder being bugged. Its called the bronze league bug, and its been here for years now. 70 % of bronze league in 2v2 is stuck in bronze league cause you have to hit higher than plat1 mmr to get out of bronze. You can even see this on ht tps : / / as the mmr range for bronze hits over 3k for na on 2v2, same with silver and gold, but you cant hit silver or gold till you hit plat1 mmr, which then you get promoted to silver league, instead of plat1, then your next win you will get promoted to gold, league and the win after that plat. I know this for a fact cause 1 there is countless post on this on the forums alone begging blizzard to fix this for over 3 years now, and for 2 up untill last season i was stuck in the bug myself, till i pulled out of it at the end of last season, only to be demoted back down to bronze this season again, and finally getting over the hump again just a few days ago.

the fact that he wont even mention the bronze league bug and claims were all smurfs is total bs. and shows true judge of his character, same with him blocking all servers except the one hes closest too, then claims hes being queue blocked by veiwers is even more bs, and hes only doing it to create drama on his channel for his viewers.

the only thing hes even got going for his channel right now is the fact that there is only him and one other guy streaming 2v2 games and if you want to watch team games with someone who speaks english your stuck with him, unfortunatly. yes i do watch his streams but i have to mute it cause the entire stream is him whining about queue blocking.

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Okay… but my question was: Does this mean Stormgate will require less mouse input to play?

by the looks of it more. the game play ive seen, alot of units use abilities more than what most units do in sc2, but i dont think its gonna that much more. If you can play sc2 good you should be able to take up stormgate pretty easy. its just getting to know the units and play and feeling things out.

I watched as Stormgate stream tonight. I think it will be just about as intense. I saw the big lump on Protech’s wrist. He’s not faking it. If he thinks Stormgate will be easier on him, I think he’s mistaken.

I ran into a korean who was ip blocking every server except asia and then he was queuing on the NA ladder where he had a huge ping advantage. The clown still lost.

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WKnight2, you’re making a lot of bad faith arguments against Protech which is an indictment on your character. You don’t get to pile a heap of outright slander and mistruths only because you don’t happen to like him. Let’s go over the facts:

#1. You put “stream snipers” in quotes as if they aren’t any sort of factor. There’s weird because he continually runs into players where their match history is nearly entirely comprised of playing against Protech. And sudden immediate stops in matches altogether once Protech is no longer playing. Here’s the reality: Either you don’t spend adequate enough time on the stream to make the claims that you do, or you disregard everything he shows regardless of merit because you have such a knee-jerk hatred for him that nothing short of a divine revelation will convince you. The bad news for you is that you’re intellectually dishonest either way.

But it also doesn’t pass the commonsense test. Protech is perhaps the most active streamer of all-time. He’s been on Justin TV as his first venture and then Twitch, and rarely takes vacations while doing normally 8-12 hour streamers daily. And even fans will tell you that he can come off as abrasive because he calls it like he sees it. So, you’re telling me, that Protech who is one of the most active streamers, and plays one of the most competitive games out there, while continually has been a top team’s player for most the seasons of the game wouldn’t attract stream snipers? Are you out of your mind? Why bother posting such ridiculous nonsense? It’s patently absurd.

#2. Protech has nothing to prove when it comes to high-level Starcraft 2 teams play. He’s been a consistent top team’s player in all regions for most seasons. And the reason you know why he blocks certain servers these days, is because he’s the one that came out and repeated that he did numerous times with full transparency to thwart bad actors. And yes, the “queue blocking” is real because only by cancellation, disconnect, or maintenance update will the match fail to start even when a game is found. You’re going to have to explain why for about the first hour or two of his stream he can at times get game after game in 2s random, but suddenly match after match is found but can’t be played when more people are aware (including any fanatic haters) that he’s streaming that day.

#3. You don’t have to necessarily take him at his word about any wrist injuries. But he’s played more than many of the top tournament players in Starcraft 2 who had to retire due to similar problems. It would be utterly remarkable that he wouldn’t have any problem with his wrist. You’re not even on the fence about it. You just straight up say “don’t buy it.” This is proof that you have such a toxic bias against him that you’re unable to grant him a “maybe that’s true” for what would be an incredibly high possibility. You’re dismissing this out of hand unnecessarily and it is revealing your true colors.

#4. Your claim that he is trying to garner sympathy so that he no longer has to stream as much is funny. He took a few days off which would be consistent with wrist issues and is back to doing his usual 10-hour streams.

#5. Okay, so there’s an issue with bronze league that’s Blizzard’s fault and Protech who has mostly only played in higher leagues may not be aware of it proves what? Because I’ve been playing all ladder game modes since early Wings and even I wasn’t aware of such a problem whenever it developed. What I do know is about the masters’ league glitch, but anything concerning bronze league that’s an issue didn’t even occur to me either because as you admit it captures just the bottom-tier range. And it’s a free to play game to boot.

So, smurfs popping up is going to be a natural occurrence since there’s no penalty to create a new account and it only takes a minute. Furthermore, Protech has already said while playing certain games that bronze league players are much better than in the past. Which is technically true, because if the total sum of bronze players is larger even though plenty should be in a higher league then the average skill level of bronze league will jump significantly.

You need to look in a mirror because the BS peddler is you. You should be ashamed of yourself by your repulsive conduct. Learn to be better than this display of juvenile hatred and childish logic.

Protech, you really need to stop talking about yourself in the 3rd person. It’s really weird and reflects your character.


He’s not retiring. He’s going to use this to garner Symphany so he can set up yet another fund me type scam. just like his made up teeth BS story. He’s even going to use his paid for “girlfriend” to set up some fake cancer scam fund. I’m calling it now.


“I believe it is an established maxim in morals that he who makes an assertion without knowing whether it is true or false, is guilty of falsehood." ~ Former U.S. president

You’re not just a clown but the entire circus. It’s delusional to believe that despite some people having donated tens of thousands of dollars to Protech, that it could only be Protech that defends him against obvious mistruths. Not only am I not him but it brings me a lot of satisfaction that the hater brigade is only capable of peddling sheer nonsense.

I want you to go ahead and explain the so-called teeth BS story and showcase that there was any scam. And I want you to prove that his current girlfriend is “paid for.” If you can’t and just want to fabricate BS, it says a lot about your lack of character.

okay Yazoroff go take your meds crazy person. He is indeed a scammer and you’re exactly the type of person to fall for it. Just take a look at his receipts for his tooth operation. He said the entire operation was over $2,000 and kept pushing to make that goal but in reality it cost him less than $500 aka he was being dishonest about the whole thing to get more money and then when his viewers found out about this and wanted to know what the deal was and demand a refund he hid all that information and refused to give any cash back, that is in definition a scam and him being dishonest.


If you can only resort to petty insults, you forfeit by default. Thanks for playing.

EDIT: After LambofGod was called out, he edited his post to appear like my post was an inadequate response. He originally only had his first sentence. This is a bad faith ploy and demonstrates again that he is not here to argue with any sort of integrity.

RESPONSE: I’m the type of person to fall for it? I thought you said I was Protech. By default, you’re now admitting you’re nothing more than a lying, disingenuous clown. Also, your little story needs proof. That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. Tell you what, let’s start with you proving first that he has a “paid for” girlfriend as you claimed earlier. You’re just a tool that just makes up disparaging nonsense.

He’s known to scam his viewers. Like the time he wanted to get enough money to go teach abroad, then he never did it. The guy’s dishonest. He is a good player though. I will give him that. That’s the only reason any sane person would watch him (though probably on mute). I was thinking the only good part of his stream would be gone if he retired and went to low APM Stormgate play.


I’m not interested in the common perception of him alone. That would be known as a bandwagon logical fallacy. And let’s be clear: You’re going to have an incredibly difficult uphill battle in proving any sort of scam if you haven’t provided any video context to your claim. How he asked and what he said is going to be of crucial importance no matter how you spin it. But, for the fun of it, let’s go with a few of the things you said: He said he was going abroad and had some sort of plan to get into teaching.

Are you contending at all that he didn’t move abroad? And, for the second part, are you suggesting that having a backup plan wouldn’t be ideal? There’s a lot of common misconceptions about teaching abroad, and there’s no shortage of things that could have stopped him from realistically pursuing it against his already established streaming brand that allows him to live relatively in comfort.

But, here’s the bottom line: Most of Protech’s fans watch him for his gameplay. End of story. So, you’re telling me that he scammed his viewers by continually giving them more of what they want in the first place? It’s like you truly think someone would say something akin to, “I wish Protech got into teaching to pay a part of or all of his bills, but instead he kept streaming long hours which is what I loved in the first place. Man, I feel ripped off.” Are you serious? Would you ultimately deny that he’s one of the hardest working streamers out there as far as active content?

Well, you are either the biggest fanboy ever, or you are Protech himself. He scammed people by saying he was going overseas to teach and stream part time. He either lied and scammed people out of money or he was just too lazy, inept, or whatever to go through with it. Now all he does is sit around in the dark, vape, and biitch about stuff constantly. That’s not hard work. That’s avoid real work. He puts nothing into his stream and doesn’t even post regular games to youtube. Successful streamers do way more than him. He’s antisocial and lazy.


If I was the biggest fanboy ever, I certainly would’ve donated a lot more to him and not just pretty much exclusively do my free Amazon Prime sub. Defending him even though he isn’t even my favorite streamer is just telling people to act with intellectual honesty, or just stop posting straight up garbage. I’m asking you to prove that he scammed people with video evidence, and no matter how much you repeat your assertions without actual proof doesn’t make the claims more valid. Go ahead and define this “real work” you speak of without being a self-indulgent gatekeeping elitist.

I don’t oh you any evidence. It happened. I didn’t post here to gripe about him anyway. You just started making stupid claims about him that are obviously BS.

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