Protech is retiring due to injuries

It’s logic 101 and if I have to keep handholding you through it’s going to get that much more embarrassing for you. You’re not intellectually honest at all, and how you’ve conducted yourself is both pathetic and obscene.

I would be interesting know who you are in his chat just to see what other irrational stuff you’ve spewed. I know you are probably afraid of anyone digging up your chats logs (which is possible btw) unlike deleted vods of actual events you say must be produced. Keep trololololing though buddy.

Oh, and +1 for me again :wink:

Maybe. It’s funny that he’s such a loon about “receipts or gtfo” all the time. By that standard someone could literally die on stream, then the vod gets deleted and he would say they didn’t die because the vod isn’t available to prove it to HIM! Like anyone who knows what happened cares about proving jack to HIM. This dude’s the self appointed arbiter of reality…in his own mind. :rofl:

I donated to him specifically to help him get started teaching. He talked about it quite a bit and said it was his long term plan because eventually he would not be able to play at a high level and make money enough streaming. He wanted to get established teaching well before the stream died off. His words. Anyone who watched knows that. I was quite disappointed in him when he didn’t even try after moving abroad. He basically said he could make money streaming still so he wasn’t going to teach. Why solicit all the help and donations to get his teaching certificate if he never had any real desire to do it? I felt scammed for sure. Many others told me privately that they felt the same. I still watch, but I don’t donate anymore. I don’t trust him after that whole fiasco. Can’t really afford it and why give him money if he won’t even follow through with his plans to better himself and create long term financial security? My fault for donating to him. No one else to blame.

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Again, that does not bear any actual relevance to the validity of the claims you’ve made on Protech. Either you can substantiate what you’ve been proclaiming, or you can’t. I’ll say it again: Receipts or GTFO.

I would be interesting know who you are in his chat just to see what other irrational stuff you’ve spewed.

Cool story bro. This is the logical fallacy known as poisoning the well. If you had any integrity whatsoever, you wouldn’t keep tripping over yourself with so many erroneous remarks.

I know you are probably afraid of anyone digging up your chats logs (which is possible btw) unlike deleted vods of actual events you say must be produced.

Your statement is akin to simply saying “They’re just deleted bro, trust me” which is not compelling reasoning. You forfeit your argument in the process.

Keep trololololing though buddy.

You’re the one playing up a pretend point system. Are you just a hypocrite or simply delusional? Either way it does not bode well for you.

Maybe. It’s funny that he’s such a loon about “receipts or gtfo” all the time. By that standard someone could literally die on stream, then the vod gets deleted and he would say they didn’t die because the vod isn’t available to prove it to HIM! Like anyone who knows what happened cares about proving jack to HIM. This dude’s the self appointed arbiter of reality…in his own mind.

It’s astounding how little you know about logical deductions and how to arrive at the truthfulness of claims. If you don’t provide evidence to back up your assertions, then your claim is unfounded. The burden of proof rests on you.

I’m not bojifirst either. The fact that you guys are so far off the mark is hilarious, because if you knew half as much as you think you did your prediction wouldn’t be so wildly off-based. In any case, solely resorting to attacking the messenger does not suddenly make any of your shoddy arguments that I’ve already dismantled any better.

Ad Hominem: “This fallacy occurs when, instead of addressing someone’s argument or position, you irrelevantly attack the person or some aspect of the person who is making the argument.” ~ Credit to T.S.U.

Proof is what matters because sunlight is the best disinfectant. Anything can simply be made up, taken out of context, or spewed in such a slant that it constitutes mistruths. He still has a dedicated group of longtime followers that both donate and subscribe, so clearly they have a different impression than you do. However, in no way am I suggesting that the truth in the matter is subjective. Just that no one here has provided any validity to besmirching Protech and therefore it amounts to empty mudslinging.

That which is asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. In any case, you’re clearly just flailing around at this point. Eyewitness testimony without the ability to view it from an untainted source is notoriously unreliable.

The article Why Science Tells Us Not to Rely on Eyewitness Accounts written by Hal Arkowitz and Scott O. Lilienfield starts off by briefly going over a case where five eyewitnesses are the main spearhead for putting a innocent man by the name of Kirk Bloodsworth behind bars. DNA evidence later exonerated him. Furthermore, human memory does not act like a video recorder so let’s not pretend like it does. Try again.

Dude, I said it was my fault for donating to him. If people still want to watch him, so be it. I won’t. I see what you’re doing and it makes me think you gotta screw loose. But, that’s the kind of person he’s been attracting lately. I just wanted to help the guy get out of streaming since he said that’s what he wanted and appeared to be putting in the effort. I’m sure glad I’m not watching his stream if you and similar nuts are there. Holy crap!

Notice you can’t actually pin me down for anything unwarranted or not logically sound I’ve done in the least. Your response now just makes the most vague attacks. A misguided emotional kneejerk reaction since you can’t lend any credibility to your remarks.

If you can’t respond in a civil manner, it is best to not say anything at all. If you’re going accuse me of purposely lying while talking down to me without hard facts this is where your credibility goes out the window due to the fact the burden of proof is on you. I don’t control what Twitch does with their videos as they have told all creators to delete them due to copy rights strikes. Twitch doesn’t have a system to protect content creators from false reporting. As such your proof is lost for good. You can ask Twitch what happen to everyone’s videos if you don’t believe me.

Also, since you were never at my house watching most of his videos with me to really know what I saw you can’t claim I was lying about it. You can’t also claim I have to show proof of something that happen. This is a well know fallacy that some people make as if it disproves or debunks everything a person says. Can you prove you walk outside 12 years ago? Are you going to ignore what has transpire miles away from you to use burden of proof incorrectly?

You can take any stance all you want just by arguing which you’re doing. It doesn’t disprove what has happen. You have yet to show any proof of what you speak when Wknight has answer your questions. So, stop gaslighting me of lies that I never said and twist my words of “long track history” of throwing my hands up. Can you prove I didn’t watch his videos? The answer is no you can’t, nor you can disprove anything you’re accuse me of when you weren’t there next to me. Lolz.