Premier tournaments winrate in LOTV expansion

He’s far from the only high profil professional to say so. I had a compilation of Rotty, Beasty, Polt, Crank and million others a few years back. But, hey, you have Eliwan. That’s the ace in the hole.

So how do they Argue that ? That you can See that based on average mmr ?

How do they mean it ? Globally? That at every Level terran is much Harder ? And how do they quantify it ? How much mmr ?

Again you Dodge the distribution Argument. How can you Argue that you can use AVG mmr If the Player distribution is Not equal and suggesting heavy bias ?

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They don’t. That’s why I only bring it up when you and the idiot posse talk about how the popularity of your stupid arguments make it valid.

What do YOU mean? How do YOU quantify when or where Terran is harder or easier. I’ve asked you that same question about 15 times and you’ve dodged it every single time.

I didn’t I’ve answered the a million times. I have no idea why people choose what they choose. I don’t even deign to speculate. Someone appreciating the aesthetics of something has zero to do with how skillful or not they are.


Still, there is a difference between having People agree in a discussion with Arguments or If Pros Just say: yeah i believe terran is the hardest. Because what that means in Like all cases is that obviously mean pro Play. And thats a completly different Level then.

I highly doubt they would say: i believe terran is the hardest based on the distribution of noobs. Because thats what it comes down to. You Argue that terran is the hardest because silver is 50% terran.

(You say AVG mmr; while there is literally No difference between z p and t in Higher leagues the lower leagues are MASSIVELY flooded with terran and thus dragging down the AVG mmr. Meaning of you use your AVG mmr Argument it comes down to you complaining that there are dozens of noobs who Play terran which is pretty rubbish)

I have talked about that in length. Its easier and Harder because of Marine. Easier for beginners because the Marine is the best unit in sc2. Its simply the best.

But because it being the best unit It is balanced for pro Play. They can abuse it very very hard which means if you are a semi pro you need to learn to abuse your key unit to the max. Everything Stands and falls with the Marine.

This was Not the Question. You Dodged it again. The Question was how do you eliminate the bias. Because terran is the Most popular Race by far it means there are reasons why Players Play what they Play. Meaning you cannot imply the Same starting Point for every race.

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I didn’t ask why. I asked at what MMRs is Terran harder or easier and what measures do you use, since apparently avg MMR is meaningless.

No, not "dozens,’ tens of thousands. You have to think that you know why people choose what they choose and who chooses what on a massive scale. And you have to do it without evidence that you’re correct in your assumption.

You’ve shown you’ll agree with anyone, no matter how stupid their arguments are, so long as they disagree with me. That’s the issue. Eliwan was literally all "oh, yeah there’s a bunch of people saying that Terran is easy and you even upvoted that idiot sentence that I wouldn’t be caught dead saying.

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And i Said for beginners its easier and for semi Pros its Harder. But more indepth Analysis is simply Not possible. For No one.

Nope because a) i dont need to do any Statements other than you cannot conclude the Things you conclude because the Race selection is biased (and you still did Not give any explanation why you still conclude what you conclude) and b) next to the bias of distribution in races i can Asses biases because all the 3 races are different but only 1 Race really gets explained and is Most familiar to US and other RTS.

These 2 Points are enough to falsify your Initial assumption that you can Draw conclusions based on average.

You use a single sentence from someone in a tourny 6 years ago

Which is worse ? :smiley:

Also Here in this discussion its about Arguments. So far you have presented exactly 0 Arguments other than AVG. And again its pretty Clear to everyone why you cannot do that. If the Race selection is this biased and If the races are so different and if the races are introduced and explained at a different Level in a different way its clearly a bias.

Its as you Said: if everything is equal then we would See No difference. And If we See differences then yeah maybe terran is Harder. But right now nothing is equal at all. Doesnt Matter how hard you want to act Like everything is equal. Its simply Not :smiley:


There’s a clique of gossipy women who upvote one another on the forums. That’s the entire shtick. If Rebecca posts it, they upvote it. If Rebecca doesn’t post it, they downvote it. But you can’t downvote on these forums – to show disagreement, you have to respond with with words. So disagreement is measured by # of responses. This thread has 5 hearts and 374 comments. Lmao. The topic is highly unpopular in other words. Nobody cares what happens in premier tournament finals as far as balance is concerned.


Haha what ? So you say it’s easy to beat lurkers with gate/robo. Show me. Just one replay how you’re doing it champ. :slight_smile:

No, in most engines Z depicts depth. X is horizontal and Y is vertical (height). Essentially 3d is extension of 2d with Z coordinate which serves as depth, however it’s up to individual interpretation.

What is this ? Who would play this ? Stop trying to invent dumb things nobody likes.

Okay. Tell me how many friends you made on this forum by sharing all the things you created. How many people like you ? I’d guess not one buddy. Terrans and protossess are making jokes out of you and your fellow zergs take all you say with a grain of salt. That’s your reality. Stop lying to yourself.

And yours:

has also 5 hearts. Even bigger LMAO. People don’t give a f about Premier tournaments equally as they don’t give a f about protoss overrepresentation.

Check mate bruh


Nope, that’s not the industry standard. I am not aware of a single cad or modelling software that uses y as up. Blender, solidworks, openscad, all have z as up. It makes sense why this is the convention. A 2D plane has historically been X,Y and to add a third dimension it requires Z. So if X,Y is not the horizontal plane then it’s a vertical plane. That means if you set up X,Y as a vertical plane it will make it harder for people to visualize what’s happening. Most people visualize the 2D plane as horizontal because that’s the way humans perceive 99% of reality. It’s also confusing because there are two vertical planes which means is it left handed or right handed. The convention in physics and engineering is to use X,Y as the horizontal plane with a right handed coordinate system. Anything else simply adds needless complexity for no benefit. If someone says they use Y as up, I immediately have doubts on if they’ve ever taken a class on physics because they definitely don’t know the right hand rule.

This is also the standard in manufacturing. For example, the helix on screws follows the right hand rule convention.

It matters a lot because the math behind things like shadow projections and reflections can get pretty complicated pretty fast. So if you add extra complexity for no reason, screwing with peoples’ intuition on the standard layout, you’re going to end up with bugs in your graphics.

I posted a link to a facebook page and received 40 likes. So if you think everyone here is as psycho as you, think again. :slight_smile:

Because we’re talking about other topics specifically for the purpose of keeping it at the top of the list. People aren’t arguing in disagreement. The people in this thread most definitely are arguing. They don’t agree with it. When you get 5 hearts and 300 comments disagreeing, that means people don’t like it.

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it’s been about a dozen comments to the effect of “Terran is the hardest race” spread out over the lifetime of the game. That’s the only one I still have that I can readily find.

Right. So you believe things without evidence. Going based on MMR/game is still a flawed metric, but it’s the best one we have, so that’s what I use.

Literally like 2 posts ago. The human aesthetic is most likely to be chosen across a multitude of games.


No, but it’s entirely irrelevant.

Nnnnot what I said. And you know it, and everyone else does as well, so… try truth.

Blender and Maya both did Y as up eight years ago. Since, you know, that’s the useful way for it to work, because “Y” is already what people think of as being up from having looked at a platformer.

“The best tool I have is a hacksaw, so I’m going to cut off my leg because I have a cut on my shin.”

No, right? Absolutely not.

Oh certainly. It’s very much so a clique.

Well, back when David Kim ran the balance issues, he stated that he was only balancing the game for the top percentage of players. The issue that I see with this topic is that it’s talking about total winnings from nearly a decade prior. Not to mention, Serral is the absolute best, and arguably the GOAT (though I disagree, he’s definitely the best active player) and is just going to win, even if Zerg is in a bad spot.

My anecdotes are irrelevant

Other anecdotes I haven’t even heard? relevant.

Showtime’s anecdote? Irrelevant.

Is there a pattern here?

It should be illegal to make a false equivalency this stupid.

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If Something is flawed then dont use it. And its Not Like its a small flaw. Its a massive flaw.

Obviously. But dont you think the developers knew that and thus building the Game around it ? First Campaign being human, the Tutorials and everything caters humans. The Advertisement caters humans. They try to sell the Game so they want to have we many Players as possible. So dont you think that beginners and casuals will more likely choose this Setup ?

I mean honestly. We have 50% terrans in silver. Do you honestly think the only explanation for that is terran is hard ? Do you deeply believe that?

1 Race gets explained. And this Race is the human Race that is most familiar to us and every other RTS. Which is terran.

Ironic. You have so far No evidence at all. At best you have indications. But that would be a big stretch

But at least ive given you an explanation and again you did Not give any counter Argument. Other than “nah you wrong”

So whats wrong about the assumption that for beginners terran is exceptionally easy because of the Marine which is pretty good against every unit ? Compared to zerg or protoss where the Initial unit is a melee unit that cant Attack air. And the second Argument is that you need to be very very good with Marines in Order to be good pro. Think about target fire, Marine Splitting, Drops, etc. Dont you think its more Important how good you are with Marines than the zerg is with zerglings or protoss is with zealots?

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All metrics are flawed lol.

It’s only a “massive” flaw because you want it to be.

All valid points. what isn’t valid is assuming that those points attract only the more casual players. No evidence you have points to this, you’re just assuming and without evidence.


The only explanation? No. The majority explanation, yes.

ALL the evidence we have agrees with my conclusion.

Your arguments are so subjective that I can’t really argue with them. It’s like trying to prove that there’s no Judeo Christian God to a Christian, it’s just not going to happen.

Because it’s the same as arguing that Terran has the worst scouting (which is quite obviously does–but I digress). You’re arguing the specifics of the difficulty as opposed to it’s results. It’s just a different argument entirely.

It is not irrelevant because it is your anecdote.

It is not relevant because - let me just quote it.

Your quote here is specifically feeding the same anecdote that you’ve said earlier -

And that’s well and good. However, it says, expressly, something that we’ve gone over is a total nonstarter and that makes no sense.

You continually the same thing though! That’s how stupid some of these sound to me!

Nobody is assuming this. Nobody.


are you reading the same evidence? what are you thinking of?

These are directly related???

The Marine being able to shoot up and being generically good means that you don’t have to spend mental effort on picking units that are good for the specific job you actually need, or even getting a successful scout to be able to figure that out.

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Obviously. This is what makes it difficult. Its the real world and Not some lab test.

No? It is per Definition a big flaw. Since usually you would Test Things based on equal Distributions and equal income. Meaning all These Things about a faction being human, being advertised, being chosen more often are heavy flaws

Again. This is Not the Argument. Terran Players are Not more Casual. But Casual Players Pick terran more often. Which is true. 50% of silver is terran. Meaning in this Casual League 50% of this League consists of terrans.

Why Not ?

Then please elaborate why they should be better. Please demonstrate that in accordance with a Metric.

I think you are trying to distract. Its Not about me using subjective Arguments. Its about you Not having counter Arguments. The Argument i used is simple. There is a difference between Marine and zergling and zealot. Marine is ranged and anti Air. Huge difference. No subjective thinking.

But If you do it its valid but If i do it its invalid?

And If you Argue that terran scouting is difficult you do what exactly ?

And again i am using a very direct comparison between the Marine and zergling and zealot.

Its Not really a Secret that the Marine is terribly strong. Especially in the right hands. A Marine walks into a bar. There was No counter.

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My dude, please tell me you didn’t believe this same nonsense for 3 years, prior to coming back with the first good piece of evidence you had, which was that the player play a relative amount at various leagues. I admit, it was good enough I had to consider your point, but even prior to that, you spouted the same nonsense for years. Meaning you believed whatever you wanted without a shred of evidence and you know it.

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Batzy try not to be smarter than you really are okay ? I told you. It’s matter of individual interpretation. Software you described uses Z as vertical height. Game engines of the nineties (quake, quake 2, unreal) for example use Z as depth. You even have a term as “Z-buffer” or “Z-fighting”. Can you deny that ? Check mate again buddy.