You ever hear of discarding evidence as “anecdotal?”
You’re distilling the disparity in MMR down to something as individual and subjective as “skill.” So please tell me how it’s different. A single person has a lack of skil. Entire populations don’t have a lack of skill.
Okay cool. So without further explanation or evidence, you’re willing to assume that Terran players are less skillful. Awesome, glad you can admit you’re biased and delusional.
In my opinion Incontrol was the best realistic caster, he never overhyped things and always pointed out hard truths. The problem is that the GSL casters are so used to Protoss getting railroaded that they can’t subvert their bias. We will need to wait for Reynor to make another trip to Korea.
Game 1 between SoO and Maru was the only interesting TvZ imo. Byun for some reason reverted back to ghost mech turtling ever since Zerg players switched to roach into fast ultras. Bring me back to viking liberator ghost vs skyzerg+ infestors. Fragile armies make for much more interesting games.
The explanation was in the Post before that one. It is Not my fault you cant Read.
This is Not what i Said.
Again: If Players cannot choose their Race i would expect terran to have the Most AVG mmr. If Players CAN choose their Race i would terran expect to have the lowest AVG mmr.
I think why i am thinking this is perfectly reasonable and Clear for 99.9% of the Playerbase.
And this is Not an Argument about a Race being easy or hard overall. Its an Argument how familiar you are with the races/mechanics without have much or any experience at all.
Because People in silver league Just dont have any clue at all what is Happening. Its Not about bashing Them or anything. Its Just the realistic Take.
Get 5.5 k with < STORNG> SLAMMER account (same that you use for streaming) or bowlcut and i will shut up for good and never question your rank again. The only way to prove you’re certain rank is to get that rank with an account i’m 100 % sure it’s yours. Go, i’m waiting.
Yeah it turns out that when you leave vs every protoss opponent, it hurts your mmr. I lost 114 mmr to a single game when I left vs a 4.7k protoss, the screenshot is in the thread, so if you think I am only 4600 mmr then you live on another planet. I simply refuse to play vs Protoss until the balance patch. Yes, that’s going to hurt my mmr, I literally don’t care. I know that’s hard for people like abs to understand but that’s not my problem. Protoss think they can use balance to cheat, it’s no different than hacking, and that you’re supposed to just go along with it. Hard lesson in life is that other people’s involvement is voluntary. We don’t have to play starcraft. The balance counsel is going to learn a really hard lesson on product life cycles if they don’t fix balance before the world finals. When Protoss have a 60% PvT win-rate in Masters people are going to be really pissed off if a toss plays like an ape in the finals of the world finals. It will be put sc2 in a coffin and bury it 6ft under. My patience has simply run out. We’ve got people who don’t understand 4th grade math designing a billion dollar video game and they are absolutely butchering the balance. It’s simply a fact. It’s like a Monty-Python skit except it’s real life. It would actually be really funny as a Monty-Python skit, but as real life it’s not funny at all. It’s a joke that’s gone on for way too long. It’s been 6 years that Protoss has been advantaged and they are obsessed with nerfing serral. It’s a complete inversion of priorities.
We’re entering summer months. This is when kids should be playing the most. They get out of school & have nothing else to do except spam Starcraft games. Look at how flat the games played is. Yikes. Oh well. I tried, guys. Protoss trolls literally killed SC2. At least I can wash my hands and have a clean conscience knowing I did everything I could to stop this outcome.
So you agree non-anecdotal evidence has been posted, and you have no reply? Great.
And, yes, anecdotes are “weak” evidence, so you tend to discard them. However, while one is weak, ten is not. “Multiple anecdotes” that all agree are, in reality, not dissimilar from “real data”.
I decided to check. SC2 pulse says you are MrKamikaze. SCElight says I have a 100% win-rate vs you. So you are the guy calling me names every time I play. Interesting. I think I know who you are.
You should look up more to your cousin. He’s a good example. Even his patience seems to be running thin with protoss. You know, a lot of people want to be streamers & make money playing games all day. I’d hate to have to play sc2 in its current form all day long. That would suck beyond comprehension. And yet so many streamers have to log in and get railed by protoss every day. It’s comedic.
Hey I got an idea, RustTank. Why don’t you do some streaming? I think you’d be really good at it. Come on! What do you say? You should just go for it.
Batzy please stop arguing. Why do you suffer at the hands of protoss ? What’s your problem. On one hand you claim you are 5.5 k (which you are not), you’re so good, your eons ahead of anyone on this forum etc. On the other hand, you cry about protosses most so ? Why can’t you beat them if SC2 is so easy to you ? That’s quite contradictory isn’t it ? Even your fellow zerg player (RustTank) says you play 4.6k. You are slowly but steadily being exposed on this forum as liar. Even your fellow zergs don’t like you.
And please do not avoid this question. Answer honestly.
Sooo… what are you doing on this forum then ? No longer playing SC2 competitively ? Then you should worry about zerg imbalance at pro level agreed ? Forget toss 42 % overrepresentation in GM. 4 zergs Serral, Reynor, Dark and Rogue should be your concern
The answer has already been explained several times now.
All players - regardless of race - in bronze, silver and even gold, lack the basic skills that higher level players have. This is the lack of skill.
Where you’re going wrong is by looking at the numbers and entirely misunderstanding - or perhaps misrepresenting - how these numbers are portrayed and are effecting things. Your conclusion is flawed because you want it to fit your narrative.
If, and only if, population numbers were even for T, Z and P, and T somehow had lower MMR, that would indicate that T was harder. However, this isn’t the case, and it certainly doesn’t take into account player preference, nor does it take into account mechanical familiarity for players coming from other games, as both Z and P function quite differently to races of other RTS games, where Terran is generally the most familiar.
We’ve talked at length in the past about how the number of games is close enough, or has such a small difference as to be negligible between the races, and how low level players for T seem to match the play-rate of other low-level players. If they were playing more than the other races at that same level, with the same number of players in each league - which, again, they’re not - then that could be another argument for the difficulty of Terran being harder, or at least not leaning towards newer players. Given that they play the same amount as other new players, or other players in those same low leagues, they’re also progressing at the same rate as those other players.
Hence our comment that “low level players are bad”.
This more bottom heavy distribution of Terran players directly effects the total mean for the entire race - which is what directly leads to your statement of “Terran players are just bad” - which, again, is not what anyone else has said, aside from you.
So, once again:
Low league players are bad, Terran players are not.
It’s obvious why I care. It’s the same reason as any sane person would care. The real question is why you don’t care. People lie & cheat and you’re not just apathetic, you’re cheering them on & defending them. It’s suspicious, frankly. I get why you have beef with me. You’re insanely jealous, and who can blame you. But why vehemently defend the outliers of outliers. What personal stake do you have in that. It’s super-sus. You’re like the guy defending a billionaire after he dumps toxic chemicals in someone’s backyard. He’s the most indefensible person on the planet, and you’d be the guy kissing his butt.
The billionaires have picked protoss as the chosen race of SC2 and anyone who questions their decisions will be harassed by an army of paid trolls. That’s what’s going on here.
Watching a toss f2+amove through some kids dreams is gut wrenching, but you’re like “I identify with the protoss!” and everyone else like “Yikes. What is wrong with this guy.”
The word is getting out, my man. The lies won’t succeed. All it takes is a few people with a little bit of courage, unwilling to back down in the face of harassment, and it creates a domino effect. The liars have to create these complex & convoluted theories to explain away a truth that is so plain and evident as simply looking at Grandmaster, and when people don’t fall for the BS they turn to bullying and harassment, like what you’ve done, but it won’t work. It’s just not how life works. Convoluted narratives simply far apart. Their complexity makes it impossible to maintain them.
Consider yourself and your lies about my rank. I’ve shown replays, screenshots, even youtube videos from Uthermal’s channel where you can see my rank. You still try to find some convoluted way to deny a plain and obvious truth, but it won’t work. Convoluted theories simply do not withstand the test of time.
Let’s do another example just to rub salt in the wound. I don’t generally like to do this, but your resilience to the truth is just outstanding. No matter how much evidence you are shown, you just keep lying, so let’s proceed:
I am sorry, what mmr does it say I have? Oh yeah. 5500. Oh wait, did I beat the best Protoss on Earth? Oh yeah, that was me, it’s nothing. Really, it’s nothing. It happened all the time. Some people say it’s a big deal but really it’s not. It’s just another day for the OG, taking down the sweats.
Yeah, it turns out that when you get a whopping 2 games a month it’s kinda hard to get uniform outcomes. Their complaints might make sense if they had 20 gsl’s a year, 10,000 games total, and Protoss still couldn’t win. But a tournament that is comprised of 100 games? That’s not going to be representative at all.
Fast ultras? Nah, those weren’t fast. You can get them out way faster if you skip making roaches or ravagers, and rely on pure lings. I like to make 3 infestors and you have them ready for his move out so that you fungal the marines in a glob when he isn’t looking. To help with the timings, I get only armor upgrades. Ultras deal plenty of damage without attack upgrades. You also make lots of queens. They soak tank shots for mid game pushes & heal the ultras. TvZ is very zerg favored due to the mine and liberator nerfs. Lib nerf means ultras are much better. Mine nerf means lings are better. Outside of a mass-orbital + mass-ghost scenario, it’s zerg favored.
I mean, Soo is like 6200 mmr and he was giving Maru a run for his money. He legitimately had the ability to win game 2 even though he was playing bad & had a sloppy early game. If this were a PvZ and Soo played protoss, soo would win that game. So ZvT advantage is much smaller than PvZ advantage.
I like the lib nerf because it removes one of the obstacles for mass hydra play. Hydras are just steaming hot garbage vs mass liberator ghost. Liberators are weaker, ghosts are weaker (fungal range). You can drop changelings, find the base he defends least, and stutter step in. It deletes everything. Every unit and buildings just goes poof. You retreat with a couple fungals. As soon as you have +2 on the hydras you can delete command centers in the blink of an eye. It’s literally impossible to save a CC if you get in range with ~12 hydras with +2. It literally can’t fly away fast enough.
Nah, PiG is. I think he’s the only one who is willing to be realistic about hot topics like ladder balance & professional protoss skill level & pointing out mistakes that players make. Frankly it’s admirable. It’s sorta like standing in the way of a stampeding bull. Yet he had the stones to point out Hero uses 1 hotkey in a major tournament even though his co-caster was setting him up to hype Hero. He gets the message out without making people mad. It’s amazing. I have immense respect for the guy. I disagree with what he says in his videos, but when I disagree I can at least respect his position because I know he knows what he’s talking about and/or he can be honest with himself even on emotional subjects. Those traits are clear as day. I can see them from 10,000 miles away. Those kinds of traits are seriously insanely rare. One in a million. No joke. It must be all the bacon that he eats. Bacon and vermillion beer make for really big brains, apparently.
But yes, incontrol was great too. He did have a bit of a protoss bias, but it was tolerable. My favorite ladder game vs him was when dropalords were on hatch tech. I was doing a 14/14 allin and lifting lings into main bases. I killed all his main probes in an instant & he says “I’ll take it right to the teeth!” and left the game. Ling drop builds were insane. I got Byun with one once. Lmao. It was good times.