Premier tournaments winrate in LOTV expansion

I don’t care about what they did this year. You always go on about how Zerg has been winning everything, but the majority of those wins have been with a 16 hatch. And saying “pull workers” doesn’t cut it either.

Why do you have to be so mean? You’re scaring the Zerg players away from the game.

Im getting a headache from your trolling.

Now you dont care about how pros play right now. You want to do it with a semi outdated build. Again, same trick. Second overlord goes to your natural to scout. The problem is a good protoss will block your natural meaning you have to take the third base as your natural (and scout with overlord at your third). and pulling workers will mean you will lose much more resources and the way to defend the rush is longer. those are the risks. but it still can be done.

I think i would do the community a favor.

So the Zerg took risks in their 7 years of dominance, to a strategy (cannon rush) that almost anyone can do. Okay.

I heard RAYNA complaining about cannon rushes on Oceanborn so this might not be a l2p issue and instead a map issue. It reminds me of the time Parting ABUSED the 1 pylon wall off against Solar in a GSL game.

They dont. And thats a strawman.

Again: cannon rush was never a threat to zerg pros to begin with.

A 2/3/4 rax is much more problematic to a zerg player on pro level than a cannon rush.

If you got a problem with zerg to hold a cannonrush then oh boy you need to play pvp and get cannonrushed. Holding cannonrush as protoss is so much harder ^^

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It’s definitely partly a map thing; certain maps are much better for cannon rushing because of things like 3 pylon walls that protects the cannon from taking to much damage before it gets up.


Stop trolling. You can’t explain how the dominant zergs prepared for cannon rush for the past years, and that’s that.

I heard rayna complain about everything so far :smiley:

This was awesome. He abused an oversight. The map never should have been released like that.

oh yeah sure. Thats why zerg pros lost to cannon rush countless times in those years huh?

Again, that they changed to 14/15 hatch has NOTHING to do with cannon rush.

You are now trolling on purpose so i stop responding to that nonsense. I gave you 2 videos and 2 strats on how to be safer but theoretically still be competitive in pro play.

Nope. You can never complain about zerg winning for many years again, because you can’t even figure out how they were ready for cannon rush.


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i told you about a couple of times now.,

but here we go. from pig a year ago doing the old meta:

youtu. be/-wBO_JK7GYE?t=148

what hes doing? he got overlord on nat, sees the probe with the pylon and pulls a good amount of workers. also he focuses the probe everytime he can.

He did that against printf, the legend of cannon rush. Its that easy to hold a cannonrush as zerg. Scout it with overlord, pull drones asap, focus down the probe, get your win.

see youtu. be/-wBO_JK7GYE?t=1242


Eh, not entirely true; there’s a reason we used to see cannon-rushes primarily against Zerg in pro play, despite how rare it was; mostly as a way to kill or prevent hatcheries from going up and force players out of their comfort zones.

Cannon rushes by pros were a way of taking tempo control from the Zerg from the word go, but maps have become less favourable for doing them, and pros have gotten better at defending them + meta changes making it harder to do effectively, though they almost never ended the game, even way back when.

That you don’t accept any of his explanations and examples - of which there have been several different ones - doesn’t mean he hasn’t done so. He has.

In recent times, the 15/14 build has become prominent, particularly against protoss. This alone is a direct counter to the cannon rush, though it’s primarily done to prevent pylon blocks.

Previously, 16 hatch was perfectly acceptable as long as you sent your 2nd overlord to your natural to see if pylons go up, and pull drones to kill the cannons (3-4 per cannon) + 1 drone following the probe because you want to kill it as soon as possible. You almost never want to focus down the pylon since they have less HP than the cannons do.

Since they can never actually do anything to your main, you can also throw down a roach warren and make 3 Ravagers if they’re able to get a couple cannons up, so you can bile down cannons.

Yep. It was a thing that wasn’t QA’d and got abused in GSL; it was immediately changed the week after, but Solar was kinda screwed there. Still cool to see different things like that.


I mean yeah true. But compared to 2 to 4 raxing a zerg. Also a lot of followup potential has been nerfed such as voids (buff reverted) or immortals (pickup range reduced) and there werent that many good cannon rusher into proxy robo to begin with. maxpax and parting for example.

This is actually the first decent answer i’ve got, but I still have my issues with it. Sending that many drones to the natural loses you alot of mining, and the Toss can place cannons against walls to be very annoying.
It is honestly an incomplete answer to me.

Voids were always a hit and miss follow up. They had their uses though.

Immortals are probably still the best; though pickup range was (rightfully) nerfed, immortals themselves still have 6 range, and pickup is still 5 range. Plus the queen AA range got nerfed too.

Probably the main nerf that was more prohibitive was the cost increase on immortals that happened a while back, along with the battery nerf (starting with 50% energy). Proxy robo and proxy stargate both used to be far more abusive than they are now, and they still have a lot of potential IMO, though significantly less than on ladder.

He’s literally stated the same thing I have lmao.

And yeah, you’re going to lose mining, sure. But as the protoss you’re committing a minimum of 350 minerals - often more than that - to get the cannon rush up, plus you’re delaying your tech by starting forge first, and you’re also pulling a worker off the mineral line at 15 supply meaning you’re cutting your income by just over 6% since that first worker has to head over to the other side of the map very early to start the cannon rush early enough to be detrimental to the Zerg. If you’re cannon rushing a Zerg, you’re really on a timer because the moment the hatch finishes, you can’t do anything anymore because of the creep.

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I mean, you can still force a cancel. I think the fact that Zerg is stuck on 1 base outweighs the commitment by the Toss.

If you want to annoy Boanaan ask him why he doesn’t make an observer during his 1 base contain followup in PvP.

what happend? now im curious. did he lose vs dts?