Premier tournaments winrate in LOTV expansion

Eh, forcing a cancel often just means that you’re sending the drone to the third base as the Zerg instead (though it’s partially dependent on how early it’s scouted); it’s definitely inconvenient, but I don’t necessarily think it outweighs the potential cost of the rush, especially since you get most of your money back if you cancel, plus the delayed time in tech for the Protoss is just as much a risk as well.

Plus, the 350 that a protoss invests is the minimum - often it’s more due to the nature of maps and the need to effectively wall off the cannon to mitigate damage to it; the cost of which quickly becomes more than a nexus.

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Yeah, though the Protoss might even be able to block your third, realistically.

His followup is shield battery immortal+ void rays, the void rays can be sniped so he loses high-ground vision. This happened during a game Rotti was casting and the twitch chat was telling him about the unit called an observer. Twitch chat is so nice.

Sure, hence the roach/ravager follow up, both to break out and cause problems for the Protoss by walking over to the other side of the map.

The thing to remember is that a Protoss that’s cannon rushing is severely delaying their tech in order to make it work; if the cannon rush doesn’t outright kill you as a Zerg - which it really struggles to do - you’re probably going to be able to at the bare minimum get counter-damage done given how it can delay the protoss tech tree and the cost invested in the rush itself.

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So the Toss can probably have a wall up by the time your Roach/Ravager comes. I’m just not buying it. I think it’s good for Toss.

The wall is still a point of weakness for the protoss when you can just bile down pylons and batteries, and then the wall itself. It’s by no means fool-proof, but the potential for damage is very much there.

Yeah, but the DPS isn’t fantastic, you did mention shield batteries which can be a serious problem.

Biles do 60 damage per hit and have 9 range. You don’t DPS them down, you burst them down.

That’s true. You need at least 6 Ravagers I think, this is all very costly.

Hahaha :smiley: yeah, I can imagine. Its players like him who give protoss a bad rep :frowning:

Roach ravager defence is resident. Chads use swarm hosts and laugh at the puny protoss static defence. You can even pull it off 1 base vs 1 base.

5 ravagers, actually - batteries have 300 hp total, so 5 biles will one-shot. Frankly you don’t even need that many because with 3 you’re already doing hull damage and they’re not going to fully recharge shields in the time it takes bile to come off cool-down.

And yea, it does cost a bit, but behind this you’re also getting your own stuff up, putting pressure on the Protoss and the Protoss has sacrificed both tech and econ to delay you in the meantime. Sitting back just means you’re giving a toss free reign to do whatever they want because you’re not using the tech you have.

Unironically, I’ve seen it done though it’s much slower IMO.

Not really, he gave reasoning that you lack gas so even though you have vision there’s no units to take advantage of it. I just find it hilarious when twitch chat back seats a guy during the only thing he plays. I must admit though I copied Probe’s slow push cannon shield battery contain and giggled while doing so.

Yeah, as a Toss I would get a few Zealots, and use them to force the Ravagers back a bit, similar to the way they are used in BW against hydras.

Obviously that’s after you wall off, and after you spend money on your nexus as well, and after you’ve spent money and time on your cannon rush too.

Point is that a cannon rush isn’t unholdable or unpunishable. It does throw the game into a more chaotic situation, but it’s far from unholdable. At that point, both players are already transitioning into an actual game, and the rush has been held.

Side note; Ravagers have 6 auto attack range by default. For a hatch tech unit that’s quite a lot, though they have a pretty sizable model which can make them a little clunky at times.


Yeah, I will point out that this strategy is mineral only, and I’ve got chronoboost so I can have full saturation on the mineral line easily. Seems pretty workable to me.

Sure. But by that point you’re already fine as a Zerg and are transitioning yourself, so it’s not really an issue, and the Zealot is a terrible unit without charge. And you’ve still delayed your tech significantly. In some cases, so much so that you die outright to the counter attack from the Zerg, though that’s a lot more rare at pro-level.

Remember, the question was “how do you hold a cannon rush” which has at this point been answered multiple times in multiple different ways.


I mean, you still have to get a second base. Not easy. The Zealot is tanky enough to buy time for the Toss.

I’m just trying to show how strong a cannon rush can be, with not too much work, honestly.

Why are you not getting a 2nd base while you’re pressuring with the roach/ravager you already made? You’ve already killed the cannon rush anyway, so the base is free. Realistically you can probably double-expand and be okay if they’re trying to expand; your more concerned about the protoss trying to do a 1 base follow up Has Style than if they expand. Even then you’re still free to take the natural at that point.

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If you’re going for Ravagers you need double gas, so an expansion isn’t cheap, plus it’s possible that I might block it.