Premier tournaments winrate in LOTV expansion

but you just asked for a build and i gave you one. you goalposted.

ok then go 15 14 with extractor trick. its safe vs cannon rush since you will take your natural and pylon block is not possible. you see if he is cannon rushing in your nat with your second overlord. you either can defend it by pulling half your workers straight away or you can gamble and wait for pool to build queens and spines.

pretty easy.

15 14? Everyone goes 16 Hatch. I want you to write out how they defend cannon rushes. Explain it to me.

Except they dont.

20 chars.

Iā€™ve seen 16 hatch for many years.

Then maybe actually follow the scene.

lotv. spawningtool. com/build/180327/

here is one example from a match serral vs maxpax

You canā€™t even write out some simple instructions to defend it. I can tell you how to do a cannon rush pretty easily. Cā€™mon, youā€™ve got 3000 posts.

Except i did. I gave you 2 build orders that are very simple and very safe. I even posted the videos. 12 pool macro or 15 14 extractor trick.

I think you are mad because i actually could answer to your goalposting.

if you want the bo for extractor trick then here it goes:

14/14 (drone up), build extractor
15 hatch and cancel extractor
14 overlord (once finished scout your natural for cannon rush)
14 pool

If cannon rush happens: either pull workers or go for 2 queens and a 1 spine crawler and 2 pairs of defensive lings. let 1 worker follow the probe

you could actually also go 14 hatch and extractor trick to 15 pool

or you could go 12 pool macro.

Itā€™s not goalposting. Alot of pros go 16 hatch, so donā€™t give me some ā€˜safeā€™ build order.

I gave you a recent example of serral going exactly what i told you. 14 hatch 15 pool or 15 hatch 14 pool.

You are goalposting because you asked for a build order and i gave you one you wanted another what all the pros are doing. I still followed your needs and you still arent satisfied as you now want something for 16 hatch.

this is textbook goalposting:

ā€œthe goalposts. ā€‹(informal, disapproving) to change the rules for something, or conditions under which it is done, so that the situation becomes more difficult for somebody.ā€

i gave you 2 valid builds played by pros.


Nope. 1 game of Serral doesnā€™t make up for thousands of games where the Zerg goes 16 Hatch, which you canā€™t explain.

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I actually have explained this to you some weeks ago. They changed to 14 hatch/15 hatch in order to not get blocked by protoss with a pylon. Protoss often send out a probe at 13 supply to block the hatch from getting build.

I still see 16 hatch all the time. They do it in many recent tournaments. Why?

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Ok listen up. In the video i have shown you serral did what i told you in EVERY single match vs maxpax.

They do 16 hatch if they dont suspect being pylon blocked. Sometimes because of map being too big sometimes because of gamble sometimes because they know the protoss wont do it.

God. Can you stop being annoying now? I have given you 2 builds from pros and the second build is actually the meta right now and you can see it in the vid like 4 times. quit now.

Lol, you donā€™t need to. Giving me builds that arenā€™t even the most common doesnā€™t help me to defend a cannon rush. You canā€™t explain it, just admit it. Hence why cannon rush is OP.

Iā€™ll give you another one who does it commonly - Dark. He was actually the one who started doing it fairly consistently, not even because of cannon rushes but because youā€™re pretty much guaranteed to get your hatch down before it can be pylon blocked. Dealing with cannon rushes more easily is simply a side effect.



i gave you a recent build order from serral where you can see it getting played 4 times in a row vs maxpax and you say its not a common build?

What are you on about? Are you that kind of a sore loser?


Nope, I would like an explanation why the most common build of the last 7 years or so works against cannon rush. CR isnā€™t exactly a new strategy.

Goal-posting again mate.


No itā€™s not. You guys are trying to tell me that Zerg is OP, when you canā€™t explain why zergs best build throughout the past years has been 16 hatch.

It also works against cannon rush. Its not unsafe vs cannon rush but slightly harder to deal with. You still can follow the same basic principles. Scout with second overlord and pull workers if you see a cannonrush. There is not much of a build order to follow in order to hold a cannonrush. Cannonrush is mostly stopped by seeing and reacting in time.

Nobody is doing that.


GOOD LORD :smiley: are you trolling? Im losing my mind.

They CHANGED to 14/15 hatch because of PYLON BLOCK.

This doesnt even have anything to do with cannon rush. Jesus.

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