Premier tournaments winrate in LOTV expansion

Can be said about baneling runbys too. Even worse, you can see them in pro play often times. Wheras you rarely ever see a cannon rush in pro play.

That being said both things have their counter measures. And btw your opponents arent gm.


To do baneling runby’s you need good macro, solid multitasking, ability to defend etc. Cannon rush anyone can do.

That has to be a joke? Im sorry but you cant be serious :smiley:

Its rallying 10 banes into a base. Watch some pro replays. There is literally 0 micro involved. They just roll in and boom. :smiley:


Yeah, how many bases were they on?

What does the act of rallying 10 banelings into the enemy base got to do with how many bases you are on? Those 2 points are not connected to each other. And thats actually why this whole debate doesnt make any sense because you compare a cannon rush, which is a strat to rallying banelings into the enemy base which is not a strat its simply a manouver/ a tatcic.

Think again. It’s pretty obvious that the average player can’t go up to 3+ bases easily, defend it all, rally drops, overlords and other crap. But they CAN do a 3 minute cannon rush. Hence why Protoss is so popular.

But terran is more popular.

Ofc they can do it.

Again. You are comparing a tactic to a strategdy. That is nonsense. The one thing is short term the other thing long term.

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Wrong wrong wrong. Baneling attacks take alot of buildup, and in that time you have to click alot, and you can die.

A tactic can not compared to a strat :smiley:

You have no point. Why would a player bother working so hard, learning alot of the game, when they can attack 2 minutes in?

You mean 12 pool?

20 characters

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12 pools a good one. I won’t argue that.

At least Protoss and Terran can wall against it though.

But what takes more skill? Walling successfully and defending or 12 pool a move with lings? ^^

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Walling literally takes a couple of buildings. You have to be kidding me.

A couple of buildings and scouting and knowing what to do and reacting in time and for protoss you need to hold position your zealot…for 12 pool you need a lot of f2 a move ^^

Okay, that isn’t that hard. Now write me out a guide on how to defend every variation of cannon rush.

12 pool macro.

Dang beat you easily in your theorycrafting. Better luck next time.

They cannon your natural? How come Serral goes Hatch first?

Because he can easily defend it.

You can go 12p macro every single time vs protoss and you will always be safe against any kind of cannon rush.

Watch lambo telling basically anyone below 6k to 12 pool macro since you get automatically ahead.
youtube. com/watch?v=qtlUOOZwh1Q

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That’s not the point. The top pros go Hatch first. I wanted a simple guide to defend it, like you provided with the 12 pool.