Premier tournaments winrate in LOTV expansion

Arguments but no metrics. Barely feasible explanations with zero substantiating evidence.

You didn’t even answer my question. What metrics mean anything?

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Where’s the proof that Premier Tournaments have anything to do with balance?

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I did. Cant you read? You even quoted it.

Meaning they all do in their context but there is not a single metric that explains everything. For example you are saying completly nuts things like gm representation means something about balance wheras i showed you 2 examples where it just cant be true.

Thats an easy one. As i said before i actually dont care about these things. I hardly have hard feelings. Balance is an abstract concept. In sc2 its about the pro level (as the pro balance teams says). The pro balance teams states its not content with the current toss performance and assessed that terran has 2 very oppressive things: widow mines and raven pushes. Both got adressed in recent patches. See? Its not what I am saying. Im just repeating what the pro players are saying and it makes sense. If they want to balance pro play, they look at pro play. Easy as cake.

But i posted plenty. Activity, race representation and some time ago even metrics like apm or spm for bronze to gm and also obviously mmr for top 50% and bottom 50%. Those are all metrics.

I have adressed everything you said plenty of times. While you actually didnt adress anyhting. Something like why does the mmr difference diminishes nearly completly even tho a systematical bias would still be shown in splitting very large group into 2 large groups (in example height difference male female). Or how the gm representation of protoss was still very high despite in 2019 zerg being boooonkers op…speaking of that…can i snap the rogue interview where he said that he didnt practise at all and only started as soon as he noticed how broken zerg is? Is this statement true for all eternity? Or was it just true because of the buffs that happend in 2019? (and why was protoss represantion not as high in 2017 where protoss was very strong and why did it rise while protoss being nerfed?)

But hey. you reversed it again. I am now talking my ar5e off while you do nothing at all. You will continue to just write down 1 single phrase like “no you havent shown any metric” or “no this is not true”. Without giving any argument at all

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You can’t say that Toss was very strong in 2017 anymore. I literally read the patch notes and Zerg got numerous nerfs, to things like Infested Terran etc. and Toss got OP shield batteries.

You say this like I don’t acknowledge exactly what you’re talking about in the very next sentence?

One-shotting workers is a big deal. It just is also stupid.
I’m happy to agree that cannon rushes are also stupid for the same reason (fail one task, lose game 80% of the time); but unlike the cannon rush - I cannot believe this fate -

If the cannon rush fails, the rusher is disastrously far behind. There’s almost no way they can recover from it. It compresses the whole game into one check, and I’m always against that and don’t think it’s good for anyone either; but at least the reward is balanced out by its risk.

This is not true for Widow Mine or Baneling run bys and drops. I’ve seen many great successes from double-Widow walk-ins, but also the more classic 400m/200g/10f to do a 4-mine medivac drop, which still isn’t cheap but it isn’t backbreakingly priced. It costs 50m/25g per Baneling, and is commonly used in two ways:

a- Break the 3rd’s wall. This takes 13 against Protoss. Zerg rarely walls. It only takes 5 against Terran, though you’re more likely to bleed Banelings on the approach in that instance.
13 to break, 3-4 to connect: 800m/400g is actually more than I remembered, it never feels like it costs that much when I’ve done busts.

b- Drop them in. This is slower (speed 2.62* vs 3.5, but not needing to blow the wall) and means you’re paying up to an extra 125/25 for the dropperlord used per four Banelings that you’re flying in, so 325/125 for four.

Both of these, before being nerfed, would end the game if incorrectly responded to. This is also why they then buffed the dropperlord from 2.62 to a whole 3 speed, because that makes it much more worth using after what was previously their best thing now no longer has such a hideous feast result when it succeeds.

As anecdote, Widow Mine usage was actually the reason I stopped playing ladder, more than once, for multiple months - It was never fun to lose to this and it wasn’t a strategy that had to succeed much to be ‘worth doing’, and it’s hard to get a feel for exactly how ahead or behind you are, so knowing if the game is worth playing out after such a hit is a pain.

I also, having done it to other people multiple times, never felt like it was fun to win with either. You do one thing halfway well, kill 10-15% of their workers, and they cannot economically catch up anymore before you slam 100 food of units into their ~60.

But… it factually was? I agree with the analysis of the patch notes, but you cannot be seriously rejecting the historical fact at the center of Sentry’s argument?

What’s the fact? Toss had a player that won? Toss in 2017 was alot worse than Toss in 2018, balance wise.

Also, about the Banelings, you say that banelings that 1-shot workers is just “stupid”. For a person that goes on about opinions, that is a big one.

Even most zergs agreed that 1 hitting workers was just too strong. The community welcomed the change. Read up the reddit posts about the change.


Yeah, the pro zergs with 400 apm. They never asked the rest of the playerbase about it.

Actually yes. Most of the playerbase agrees. Even many zergs…Hey! it actually affects zvz too! Again, please read reddit posts.


I don’t agree. And you do realise, at this point, most of the “community” talking about this stuff are pros, right?

You ever been to twitch chat?

1 hitting workers is one of the dumbest things in sc2 next to rooting fungal growth :smiley:


I disagree. It looks correct for a baneling to kill a worker in 1 shot, and there is plenty of counterplay to it.

Its ok. But again people were so happy when it got changed. Watching serral winning pvz after pvz after pvz by rallying 10 banelings into various protoss bases wasnt exactly entertaining for most.

Lol, I loved it. It looks right.

Then im happy that you arent in charge of balance. I suspect what will happen if it was the case. Nothing but z wins i guess ^^

After all z players >>>>>>>> all others


My point is that doesn’t answer it.

Yes. And they’re all metrics that contradict your point and support mine. Do I need to be more specific?

No offense, but if a player can’t figure out how to stop baneling runby’s, that’s their problem. I’d say cannon rushes are far worse.

Actually yes.

I called it. You will answer in very short sentences without any substancial input at all.

Then put down some arguments to paper.

Jesus. You dodge every single question. Every argument.

If you cant figure out how to stop cannon rush after 13 years of sc2 i cant help you :smiley: thats a skill issue.

What you mean, there’s cannon rushes in GM and I’ve seen pros take major damage from them.