Premier tournaments winrate in LOTV expansion

Solid gold. :coin: :coin: :coin:

:joy: :sunglasses:

The ironic thing is that he CLEARLY did not understand the point this infamous “batz” character was making. Information is the most valuable late game resource because it swings the outcomes of battles by 10’s of 1000’s of resources. So he was being taught something useful but couldn’t understand it, thus proving he’s closer to the orangutan than to “batz”. He concluded it was gibberish designed merely to make him, roboroadkill, look dumb, and it appeared that way because he didn’t understand the points being made. Ironically he was the one to compare himself to an orangutan. It’s called a Freudian slip. He accidentally admitted how he felt after reading a “300,0000 iq” post on information economies.

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