Patch 5.0.4 / Co-op

And I thought that Zagara mastery bug couldn’t get dumber…

YES! My Apex Predator Zagara got her buff back.

Max Baneling damage and Roach’s Life and Damage~! :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes: :heart_eyes:


Just think of it glass quarter full! Now both sides get their masteries the way they want! Kind of, not really


Everybody was sure that somebody was going to fix it. Anybody could have fixed it, but nobody did fix it.

Coop Mode in a :chestnut::shell:

I’m just thankful that they left servers running, so we can at least play with what we have.


Omg I hope they leave it like this. I don’t like the mastery change for P0 and P3 but want it for P1. It’s too bad they gave up on co-op because a “flexible” mastery option would have been awesome.

This wasn’t mentioned in the patch notes but two of Kerrigan’s achievements which became unattainable after the prestige patch have been fixed. Just got Walking Dead and I see the counter for In the Name of Love going up.


About Zagara’s mastery bug:
According to Renee (a formal employee who just left), someone made a mistake when the patch is released, which made the local mod files and online server mod files are not synced.
The local mod files that stored in your computer was updated correctly, so when you just start the client, the first game you played will have no problem. But after you played one coop game, the client will load the online server mod files which still use the old bugged data.
Restarting game client will refresh this process which make your next but next only game no bug.

Since she just left Blizzard, she does not have the authority to fix it now, but she said she will notify her formal collage to fix it, if there is one.


Sounds like an easy enough thing to fix, just update the files on the server to the fixed version. Or is updating a file on a server more difficult than that?

On the surface, no. The “issue” is that you can’t overwrite a “file in use”, so that kind of thing has to be done during a server maintenance.

Oh, it’s also considered “good form” to double-check that the transfer went 100% correct, which is another reason maintenances take a little longer than you’d think…

Depending on the server, yes you can. Some servers allow overwriting for resources, including code, for hotfixes on the fly. I don’t know if Blizzard servers have that feature tho.

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I actually kind of like this. Roach + Baneling damage is ideal for P3.

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If Frenzy applied to zagara herself, then

Frenzy v Baneling would be an interesting P3 choice
(frenzy+zag attack+roach and use hydras)
(bane+zag energy+roach and use banes)

Well, actually it is not a difficult bug to fix since the issue is known, but that is not the main problem.
According to Renee, the whole SC2 team was reduce to only two employees for a while: one is Kevin “monk” Dong, and another one who is doing UI. Since monk left and joined a new company, and Renee herself also left a few days ago, there is NO ONE left for the manage and maintenance of SC2 at all.


Not enough employees!
You need more Coop staff!

These are troubling, dark times. Let’s hope that Frost Giant really knocks it out the park.

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This is even worse than Diablo Legacy Team where it has more than 2 people at this moment. :rofl: