Patch 5.0.4 / Co-op

Well, I’m also in EU, it works for me, but I didn’t change any hotkeys. Weird.

And do you use grid?

To be honest, I don’t exactly know what you mean with grid.

The building grid where you see how much place your buildings take? Yes. If you mean something else, I guess no.

If you go F10
“Selected profile”

It lets you choose which set of hotkeys you use. The default choices are

  • standard

  • standard for lefties

  • grid

  • grid for lefties

  • classic

If you never touched this (which I assume is the case here) you are playing with the “standard” profile.
Grid is when you map each button with its place visually on the command chart. It is especially useful when you go random as you don’t have to learn the hotkeys between races (or commanders although I don’t know if “standard” already takes care of that in some ways).

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I went through this too with a previous announcement. The previous skins were going to be available, but it was just the skins at full price (as opposed to the cheaper prices during the official War Chest periods). NO XP boost that time!

Zagara mastery isn’t fixed.


Fixed here in NA. 30 points in Baneling and 30 points in Evasion.

I just confirmed Zagara bug is NOT fixed.

And really? Only co-op bug 6 (4) fixes? There are still so much to fix. Such as that bug which Magmines and orbital bombardment damaging the temple, attack speed mastery not affecting summoned units, Artifact not improving Avatars and summons, Dehaka P3 which Zweihaka automatically walks to northern or random direction etc (Maguro found tons of bugs).

i was able to allocate my points correctly for zag

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!! My P3 Apex Predator Zagara just got nerfed hard! :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Oh jeez, there’s certainly more they could’ve done. Shame that some of the supposed fixes didn’t actually come into effect, so here’s to a hot-patch of sorts?

They also fixed a nice bug where P3 Mengsk could build laborers for 30 minerals instead of 40. Well, thanks a lot for that.

Zagara bug is not fixed and here’s why it looks fixed:

The first game you play, it will be fixed. HOWEVER, after that game is over it will de-allocate all your mastery and revert to the old behavior. You will have to restart the game, and then reset your masteries, if you want to play with the new mastery set.

So as of right now, it’s actually possible to play with the old mastery choices or the new ones for Zagara.


As all of you know, no one in the world works for free.
If the pay is not worth it then nobody does it no matter how ridiculously easy the job is.
Activision virtually cut almost all funds with Starcraft 2 and those little fund goes to general SC2 match and not coop, so there you have it.

So Kilometer, is that satisfying enough for now?

The Zagara dilemmas. I see.

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Gawd, that’s some epically bad bugfix code. Why would the fix be tied to the game startup or login? I smell a new, fairly clueless, team. Either that or they fixed code in the wrong place so the old grouping is triggered once a game completes.

Btw, if your first game on startup is not with Zagara, the mastery is still the old grouping/wrong sets. So you’ll literally need to restart SC2 every time you want to play with the correct masteries.

Perhaps they’re trying to have per-Prestige Mastery sets.

With the game going into maintenance mode (which was likely known internally for far longer), I suspect it’s less of a new team and more of a half effort by those who are still there.

There are examples of this scattered around: The huge amount of bugs in the 10th anniversary achievements. Even in 5.0.4 there are still issues with some of them. The 5.0.3 patch notes claimed a couple changes that weren’t actually done. The 5.0.4 patch notes are incomplete. The “Known Issues” thread has additional info so it sounds like at least two teams didn’t even communicate with each other.


That is extremely strange… how did that behavior go unnoticed when they patched Zagara?

Wouldn’t they have noticed the fix revert after the game ended?

With the 5.0 patch and beyond, it seems to me that very little testing is being done.