Patch 5.0.4 / Co-op

Co-op Missions

  1. Fixed an issue where Zargara’s Masteries were not properly grouped.
  2. Fixed an issue where Mengsk’s Labor/Trooper could lose collision in certain cases.
  3. Fixed an issue where Stukov’s Infested Liberator could not attack Void Slivers in the mission: Scythe of Amon, once Cloud Dispersal is researched.
  4. Fixed an issue where Vorazun’s Dark Pylon could render some Terran units unkillable.
  5. Fixed an issue where Raynor’s Firebat, Mengsk’s Flame Trooper and Tychus’ Blaze could aggro enemy units that are very far away.
  6. Fixed an issue where the Death Fleet’s Mothership would become selected when pressing Select All Warpgates.

I know #1 and #6 are long awaited.

Do the editor-peekers see any new mutations?

Unrelated: For those whose forum profiles were displaying blank (like mine), they’ve started working again, since yesterday.


““fixed”” the mothership selection bug
No you didn’t! And I know that for a fact. Source: Myself, last game I played lol.


H&H death bonus mastery still not fixed?!?!
Come on sc2 janitors it would take you MINUTES to fix it.

At least put some bare minimum effort into fixing the bugs.


Well colour me surprised, though yeah there’s still a few outstanding issues.

Maybe with just certain prestige? :crazy_face:

no mention of karrigan achivment issues tho.
edit: no mention, but they are working. actually, i saw them on a list somewhere else as well, dont know why they didnt put everything in on place there.

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Where is the damn HH death mastery fix?


Hey look! Now you can get another warchest and continue to grind out those prestiges.

Where ma complainers at? No? No one? Oh, c’mon! Keep going, maybe their “next” “patch” will fix it :joy:

Well, when you Death Fleet to victory, you don’t need your Warp Gates very often, lol.

Does purchasing one of the War Chests give the Stim Pack boost?

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No idea this time. I can only assume it does as it always did.

I don’t see why it wouldn’t, as many people haven’t completed their prestige. The only reason I can’t say for sure this time is because I’m not getting it, as I’ve already completed mine (and have been at 1000… and the skin is nothing to be desired for).

kinda sad to not see any actual balance changes at all, I guess this is probably gonna be how its gonna be from here on out


Is it the war chest, or the contents of the war chest? It’s an important distinction, when they sold the skin sets before they didn’t come with a stim pack.


Wow that sounds great.

I’ll be waiting for the patch to arrive to EU to test Alarak P3 again.

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I think it’s just the bundles and not the war chest itself. I.e. the contents of the war chest.

Nope, not fixed. I’m still able to put 60 points into mastery set 3.

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At least they are not ignoring coop completely. They tried to address bugs that was reported in forums.

From EU (patch just live) Zagara is fixed.

Testing Alarak now.

EDIT: Alarak P3 with grid hotkeys still doesn’t work :sob:

Well somebody is still there after all! This is a good sign, but we still need Zagara P3 frenzy fixed and HH death mastery fixed.

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Warp Gates worked normally on W for me. Didn’t select the Mothership.


Where you playing prestige 3 Alarak?

Are you implying the bug is still present when you’re playing as non P3 Alarak? If so, that would suck :confused:

The bug is still present for me as Alarak P3 in EU.

I use grid hotkeys maybe it comes from that? If they changed one set of hotkeys instead of all.
It could also be the customization, it is a custom hotkey setup from grid where I just added the quickcast and swapped attack and move (to do a-move and not t-move). Maybe that would be an issue as well.