[5.0.3] Zagara Mastery Allocation Bug

Because humans are imperfect and make errors, most every game has bugs in it somewhere. We should be grateful Blizzard is willing to go back into a game they’ve already sold to many and fix small errors.
I’m not a programmer myself, but I like to think of it as this: If you are writing an essay, you always go back and make sure everything looks good, right? Well, if you wanted your essay to be worth a salt, you’d want to go back and check several times for errors, and even at that point, sometimes something slips through. It inevitably happens at some point, wether in that essay you wrote or the next.
I would venture to say the same happens here, except we’re talking about lines and lines of stuff more compex than an essay. They no doubt go back and check the coding, I do not know the number of times, and they likely have others check too to make sure it looks good too. Sometimes they even release an update without bugs, which is great, but I would say that is more rare than common based on my gaming experience. It’s just a part of life, with more thought and understanding, we can be more accepting of things like this


I can confirm the bug too. It’s specially annoying if you are playing with prestige 1, because that prestige makes Zagara unavaiable, and this bug forces you to put mastery points on Zagara empowering habilities, which is basically useless.


I suspect that’s why there’s a bug in the first place.

They moved the masteries but didn’t change which pool they took from.


Been nearly a month now and the bug is still there.

Blizzard hasn’t even acknowledged it.

It has been acknowledged for a while now.

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yes, please fix this. this was very disappointing when i was looking forward to wrecking a map with these allocations. Looks like it has already been over a month?

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I ran into this issue today. Hopefully it will be fixed in the next patch.

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Its nearly November and having a skill tree that is unusable really makes me and others not want to play her. Is there a patch anytime soon on this? Been nearly 2 months of this bug running. Do the devs even know about it? I hope they can give us an ETA on this issue.


Bug confirmed. Not properly working for me, too.

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Just posting to add my voice that this is annoying and should be fixed. Can’t imagine it would be that difficult to fix this either tbh…

Maybe, and it’s actually likely, that it’s already fixed, but what take forever is for the patch to reach some…kind of form, meeting some kind of prerequisites, to finally be launched.

reviving this thread - anyone else has the exact same issue after 5.0.4? it was repaired for a few days and broke again

From what I’ve seen reported, it will be “fixed” upon launching the client, but after the first mission played it reverts back to its broken state.

So to keep it fixed, the client would need to be restarted after each match.

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u can fix this please? absolutely unplayable. i not want restart every time i want play this commander. thx!!!

Looks like Blizzard has to update the online server mod files, hopefully that won’t take 4 months, lol

I experience the same issue.

Three months after this thread started, and the bug’s still there.

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This thread is for version 5.0.3, we’re at version 5.0.4, the bug is not exactly the same anymore.

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V504, bug again but quit the game, re-launch game, re-try change point, it’s correct, that depend order of attribution

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Bug still remains as of 5.0.4. Restarting does not help.