Open Discussion - Prove Protoss is OP

I am still also wauting for the answer sir

Why donā€™t you actually read through the first 40 comments then come back to me?

Yeah but we werent talking about top Plat and also according to His mmr Trend and His winrate His mmr will continue to Fall.

I did read throught first 40, then gave up, didnt find anything here, could you give me the example?

Ok, hereā€™s an answer:

First you must decouple PROs and casual players. Thatā€™s the main Blizzard problem btw: They canā€™t understand that a normal person playing on diamond canā€™t do things that Serral can do. So, itā€™s all about the APM.

Why Toss are so OP? Because a wooden Toss player, can follow a build order which is like playing turn based Hearthstone , and find himself having 3 carriers. From then on, he has won.

Blizzard nerfed the Infestor not because it was OP, but because Serral was OP :smiley:
And now, EVERYBODY goes skytoss, and no matter how you try to respond with something, you are pretty much dead while your opponent can pretty much A-move his golden armada everywhere.

Even if you manage to defeat a skytoss toss, does it worth it? I mean, working the hell out of your skill in order to defeat somebody who just did nothing, just waiting to max out so as to a-move? Nahā€¦

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Yeah since it had been a few months since i had played I was out of practice and play a bunch of Unranked games to get back into the swing of it. That ā€œtrendā€ will swing back in the other direction after a few practice games.

Still a full league over my highest Terran play with absolutely zero stress. Worlds of difference.


And to be brutally blunt about it (to the folks who believe that this is some reasonable goal to work towards), casual players (ie all non-pros, hell, even some pros) will never be able to do the things that Serral can do.

The problem is so much of ladder is decided by basic macro mistakes or bad decision making that it does not make sense to try to balance for them.

You can find major unforced macro mistakes even in master league games.

Just FYI this is about post 30 AND it is sandwiched between your responses. I canā€™t believe how many times Iā€™ve proven the trolls here clearly have no idea how to read.

You havenā€™t made any points. You just keep parroting that any and all evidence that Protoss is OP you donā€™t find valid for whatever obscure reason.

I wish you the best of luck and maybe you will sometime find the motivation to play sc2 for real and reach a somewhat good level.
I myself found it pretty relaxing to ladder my way up with terran compared to zerg :slight_smile:

Wtf mate, nice longs post but in no part have have you respected anyone elses scource, are you giving up or what?

Again, i want to see, where have ypu actually acknowledged that your opponemts scource is valid.

Im pretty happy making it a whole league in a half just switching to protoss.

At that level that prolly means a week of practise :slight_smile:

several games to get the build down and timing right.

Youā€™re trolling at this point. Youā€™re done here too. As the saying goes, you can bring a horse to water, but you canā€™t make it drink. If youā€™re not going to read whatā€™s in front of you, thatā€™s on you. I canā€™t make it anymore obvious than this. I literally quoted it and youā€™re still denying it.

I read it whole again, you nowhere in the whole wall of text acknowledged opponents scource as valid, in fact in the wall you denied like 3.

So you are just being completly dishonest towards me now, great really fair way to debate.

I again challenge you to find me 1 point where you didnt deny opponents scourse.

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Hey, guys, prove to me Climate Change exists:

CO2 + H2O ā†’ (H+) + (HCO3-)

ā€œDoesnā€™t matter.ā€

Well, wow, you absolutely pwned my argument.

Iā€™ll zoom in closer just in case you have an IQ greater than 0 since youā€™re so insistent on being this painfully brain damaged - I canā€™t phrase it any nicer than this.

I canā€™t quote anything else to provide anymore supporting information within the very response I quoted twice now. Because apparently if I include anymore than that, your selective reading disability will kick in and miss it. If you want to learn more, take the chance to actually read the entire quote. Not even asking you to read through the entire thread. Just read the full response and it will lead you to your answers - if you know how to read (hint: you donā€™t).

Oh nice, you actually cant read.
I didnt ask you for the scource you personally respect, i asked you where have you respected your opponents scource.

Problem is that even when someone took the scource you ā€œrespectā€ you simply denied it again and called yourself a winner.

No, this is what you asked:

And before you twist your words anymore (I see your edits), Iā€™m quoting your responses here:

Here is the opponent:

The only thing this whiner showed me directly is Aligulac stats. He has not yet pulled up tournament data that can easily be tracked down (quote me if I actually missed it).

Unlike you all, Iā€™ve given my reasons for rejecting certain data. Give me a reason then that my reasons are invalid. Bring some counter points to my counter points. Thatā€™s called a discussion. But you guys donā€™t do that - itā€™s always resorting to insults, because you know Iā€™m right.

Youā€™ve proven that:

  1. You canā€™t read
  2. You canā€™t spell properly
  3. Youā€™re twisting your words to try and prove a point that you never had in the first place