Open Discussion - Prove Protoss is OP

I don’t play a lot of games thoughout a month.

You are completly disregarding the effect of practice. You pretty much are falling into this naive notion that game skill is an inherent product rather than the result of practice.

The reason why players are able to achieve diamond, and masters/grand masters for that matter, is because they practice playing the game.

None of that really matters in the context of this subject… which is that playing Protoss is objectively easier than playing either Terran or Zerg. Anyone who has played more than one race can acknowledge this without much effort.

The only reason why you are refusing to acknowledge it is because you have let your ego get the better of your judgement. You have a very emotional attachment to maintaining a sense of superiority and to have that superiority thrown into doubt makes your ego retaliate with this kind of ridiculous nonsense.

I answered like 4 times FYI. I’m pretty sure Terran players just don’t know how to read

I’m a protoss player.

At your Level you basically dont need practise. If you have the slightest clue about what you Need to do and clicking with 80 apm in a somewhat decent Order you will get easily 3.5k. If you disagree then in Need to tell you this: i have no real terran experience except that i played mech terran to 4k which took me Like 2 Weeks and that was Like more than 2 years ago. Now i really dont Play actively but i wanted to try Bio and i was instantly able to compete with 4k players. Why? Because at that Level its enough to somewhat do the correct Thing and i have Seen dozens of terran Players and i have played against dozens of terran Players. At that Level its enough to learn by observing. You dont need that much practise.

At your Level it doesnt Matter whats easy or not because If you want to you can improve big time without any real effort.

Abusing some aspects of protoss only is really easier If you are about 5.5k (gm percantage). And thats the cold hard fact.

You Just have 0 clue about sc2. sorry to tell you this in that way.


Oh so you think Protoss is broken? Sweet, the thread has been solved, it is now proven that Protoss is OP.

Only reason I’m not GM with Protoss is because I refuse to play PvP. If I learned that single MU and made GM with Protoss, would you make a thread declaring that Protoss is a broken race?

Dude,my style as T is really passive, I guarantee tou that you can reach diamond with T doing only big fights even against P with almost no harass,only some queued libs,and I’m sure about that because thats how I play in diamond,put me in silver or plat and I could win with a single push.Diamond level is not high,everyone can reach it,only the top part of dia1 is “hard”,there people are not doing clown things,only cheesy builds.

This is your ego talking.

I’ve seen your passive playstyle and its still more stressful and requires more control than the Protoss equivalent.

This is a fact. Your Level is beginner Level. At this Level you dont have the slightest clue about sc2.

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Nothing screams logical arguments like “Gm DoeSn’T MaTTeR BEcaUse nOt Pro” while the pro level mirrors the same representation.

Oh so thats the road we are going down eh?

Well you arent a pro, and even if you were the odds are you wouldnt be a pro champion. Or a pro champion with multiple championship wins under your belt. As a result, you have no clue what you are talking about.

Seriously though, Protoss is EZ mode, just build Probes. If you havent figured that out yet its because you are too busy drinking the Kool Aid of your own delusions .

Duh your refuse to learn pvp so Insignificantly compare to GM status

Yeah i thought about writing that i dont consider myself good. But there is a difference about being top 2% where practise is important or being top 60% where you dont actually grasp the Basic concepts of the Game.
I think i could Coach someone for a week and He would Beat you lol.

And btw If would be a pro and i would want to win tournies i definetly wouldnt want to Play protoss :smiley: obviously.

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If you are platinum you are already in the top 25% of players.

No? According to rankedftw its 50%

You are reading it wrong.

Platinum spans from like the 50% to the 75%, so if you’re talking about the top of platinum then yes it’s top 25% of player base.

Show me the numbers and sources. I’ll wait

If you want to get technical is CURRENTLY spans from 40-25% but the trend is that by the end of a season it spikes up through 25%.

Additionally, those players who are playing more than just a handful of games are at the top 10% of the bracket.

Blizzard’s target was 27 to 50 but I wasnt going to haggle over 2%

Most of these changes (the 3 tier progress bar rat race) was done as a player engagement (skinner box) mechanism.

A definite dumbing down of online ladder play thats meant to take advantage of players dopamine in my opinion.