Open Discussion - Prove Protoss is OP

Obviously meant statistic not presented by yourself, i thought that is kinda obvious, but i guess i will write it the long way next time.

Yeah, that is not the only opponent, people showed you sc2reppays and gm ladder and you simply rejected it.

We both know why its pointless to discuss with you, any data i would brought in, you would ignore and simply reject the scource of the data, how can you lose with that attitude? Yes, you cant.

SC2replays isnt valid because the replays arent selected randomly or consistently. The data is unreliable. And the GM ladder is totally unrelated to balance, and nobody has ever been able to explain why it only starts being meaningful now when protoss has a heavy presence and not, you know, the entire rest of the 10+ year history of SC2.


And how are the replays selected if not randomly?

Well, gm ladder in theory should show the dominant race, someone explained it earlier read it.

By people who feel the need to submit a replay. Theres no control here to make sure you get a random selection from all types of players, races and skill levels.

Plus, you know, its the ladder, so who even cares? Ladder stats mean very little for balance because of the matchmaker being such a screwball influence.

GM ladder has never even theoretically shown the dominant race. Its got a small sample size and one player can have multiple accounts in GM which makes the data inherently unreliable. Add on to that it being the end of the MMR chain so the matchmaker gets even screwier than usual and you end up with a mess of meaningless data that you cant separate out from anything useful.

The fact that he insists on using the GM ladder is another reason you can tell Batz doesnt know anything about statistics by the way. Im not even particularly educated in it and i can tell just by looking at what it represents that it cant say the things he claims it does.


sc2replaystats is probably the best source of balance data for the whole ladder short of blizzard tracking it in-client.


Which goes to show why non-blizzard people drawing balance conclusions from ladder stats is mostly just a waste of time.

ikr, why do we get so involved with hundreds of posts to “prove/disprove” the protoss is imba? None of us is a blizzard balance intern (are there even any left?) so it’s not like if we show the “right” evidence to convince we can get a patch.

It’s mostly just fun and to bounce ideas off but if you don’t agree with the opinions is sort of like ¯_(ツ)_/¯.

Still without a thread like this sc2 forums would be pretty dead.

You know that when you have no control over something then its pretty much random? There is no force that is forcing any uploading.

I dont even wanna argue if any scource is valid or not, just saying thatvop is very dishonest and discusion with him leads nowhere

Protoss posters use the same points back in 2016, from GM representation to tournaments wins, they even complained about the enjoyment factor. What batz is trying to shine a light on is that blizzard has acted in the past to the same circumstances.

You’ve given reasons for rejecting ALL data. ALL data points to Protoss being favored and you were never able to answer one simple question: What data is valid?

h ttps://

Here’s the tourney data

Or a diffrent question. What data makes anyone believe that T/Z/P is balanced? :wink:

Edit: It’s just a fun question.

I guess the lacrimating drunks that tell College their failure in life are the usual suspects…terrans.
I like your post so much.

LOL, NO, Infestor was not OP, it was the nerff of Templar’s FB that caused Infestor to “became” OP. Morons tried to “fix” the immaginary problem of Ghost/HT and in the process created double or triple amounts of real problems.
It’s the Law of Unintended Consequences.
As long as FB zapped Infestors to death the Infested terrans were OK.

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Pretty sure that broodlord infestor was still broken with a lower ranged feedback. That balance patch was crazy.

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Well you kinda have a point

How’s your terran off race challenge going goba? :slight_smile:

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Fine, from the moment that i began playing terran i feel the urge to whine without pause against Probes, Zealots, Stalkers, WP, Immortals, Colossi, VR and Carriers.
Don’t get me started about Disruptors and HT.
It’s deeply unfair that those pesky Protoss use their damned telepathic abilities and when i drop happily WM to their Main, Nat and Third, they purify all my precious army with their Disruptors.

It’s unfair that i as a terran has to play 10 times better than Protoss just for the sake of holding my ranking at Master 1.

Probe harass is OP, pls nerf shield regen.

A move no skill.

Soft counters every Terran unit in the early game. Bio loses without stim, you can’t have enough factories to make enough tanks that they work, etc.

Gives units blink, and peaks at like the equivalent of 8 rax of flying instant production.

These forums are filled with legit schizos and other various kinds of psychos - of that there is not a shadow of a doubt in my mind.

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He says, while liking his posts with his alt account.

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