Open Discussion - Prove Protoss is OP

that’s some real psycho stuff here, you saying that. Do you really not realize what you’re doing? “get some medical help”

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Oh god we got the alt accounts hopping back on… Forget it LOL

You know not everyone above 130 IQ is batz right?

You dont deny all statistics? I just read through first 40 comments and you denied all, could you show me which one have you accepted?

What do you expect?
Op is a strong word.

I would argue with the title “Discussion - prove that Infested Terran is op”.
you would also get a clear result.

btw: 32 Player- 17 Toss / 7 Terran / 8 Zerg DH Sc2 Winter EU
Na 16- 10P / 4T / 2Z

Stop throwing facts at them, they run from it like cockroach from daylight.

How to win at Stacraft 2 with Protoss in six easy steps:

Step 1 - Log into SC2

Step 2 - Tab over to Multiplayer

Step 3 - Choose Protoss

Step 4 - Queue up

Step 5 - Build probes

Step 6 - Win game and BM at your opponent for being bad at Starcraft

I’ll give you guys like 1-2 days more to make any valid points. It’s already obvious that trolls will be trolls though. Learn to read before you decide to take on the challenge though.

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No Seriously, just queue up as Protoss and build probes. That’s how easy it is for you to see how OP protoss is.

:joy: Simple suggestion go pick protoss reach GM by protoss if that so op

Go pick Terran or Zerg and reach GM with a > 30-40% win rate vs Protoss and see just how good Protoss has it.

But seriously, just build probes and it will give you easy games up to masters.

Nah i see you joking i see enough mmm witch ghost in late game where just emp wreck protoss army because no shield equal fast death for zealot who serve as meat shield for tech unit

You are probably try hard-ing too much. Wasting way too much energy trying to be cheesy. Just make probes and focus on your macro. Will get you up to Diamond, which is about as far as any reasonably casual SC2 player needs to push it to feel good about their ladder experience.

Thank you for not answering, proved my point

They won’t answer you because playing protoss is wrapped up into their ego.

I’ve been playign protoss for nearly two years now after a decade of playing Terran.

Protoss is EZ mode by a long margin. Anyone willing to step outside of their own thought bubble can easily see that.

As long as you look at the screen and press some keys, you will get diamond with any race.

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Sure but it’s way easier with Protoss. At the very least, you won’t have carpel tunnel when you get there.

Then do it. Get diamond

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I’m not far from diamond with Protoss. I just need to play more games and grind it out.

Isnt Diamond like 3.5k? You are at 2.8k with a Bad win percantage. Stop lying. You cant fool anyone

4 times Plat. And over 3k Games. Dang…that learning curve.

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