Open Discussion - Prove Protoss is OP

Hi collegeWings. I have had many discussions with you before about Protoss. So I’ll keep this relatively short. I read some of your responses to the statistics provided. Or at least… your reasoning for discrediting them.

While I agree that there really aren’t any perfectly reliable sources that can take the data we want and spit back at us the stats we wish for…

isn’t it a little odd that both aligulac and sc2 replay stats or whatever that guy posted both trend in favor of toss? You said it’s subjective and maybe the stats are favored because more people are uploading their replays vs Protoss than toss are of their losses? This is because people are looking for feedback potentially to get better?

If that is your conclusion for a reason to disregard the data… isn’t that in itself a trend that would show toss is more favored if players are not seeking as much feedback for their losses? I’m pretty sure Protoss actually makes up most of the player base this last season.

Aligulac isn’t the greatest source but it’s trend does show it’s favorable In PvT. The stats swing in favor of 50%> win rate for Protoss for about 90% of the last 2 years. I can’t find any statistics that sway in favor of Protoss while it’s not difficult to find stats (subjective) against toss.

Also take a moment to go to rankedftw and highlight the GM player base race spread. It’s actually significantly higher saturation of Protoss players.

Just thoughts. Hope you’ve been well.

Which is funny considering that T had the same negative difference in TvZ and it was always said that the matchup was perfectly balanced. Antiprotoss bias maybe?.

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I want to see even one forum clown define what “reliable” means in mathematical terms. Because what terms like “reliable” mean according to their use of the word is “I disagree with it but have no clue what I am talking about so all I am really saying is it contradicts my conclusion.”

Statistics has rules to eliminate bias and prevent the investigators from catering to their conclusion. If you don’t know what those rules are then nothing you have to say on the subject is valid and you need to at least go watch a few youtube videos introducing yourself to the subject.

Posters like ClownWings have had these rules explained to them a myriad of times and they have not once demonstrated that they can even understand them. He either spams blatant lies or lacks very basic cognitive abilities necessary for a basic conversation about statistics. Either way he is a total waste of time to talk to.

Protoss overperforms in every metric from win-rates to GM representation to major/premier tournament wins. It takes legit brain damage to come to any other conclusion than that Protoss is OP.

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I think for TvZ it does have some negative trends. Not as consistently as TvP but they do exist. My problems with TvP aren’t the units vs units. It’s the pacing, as well as risk vs rewards for both races. Vs Z it’s usually pretty easy to identify where you went wrong. There’s a nice give and take for the interactions with appropriate risk vs reward plays. Late game TvZ is tough and I’m not a fan of fighting vs lurkers. But there’s still a good amount of options as well as pacing to get the economy to make the units to counter what Z is doing. If you’re losing TvZ and ZvT it’s pretty obvious where the mistakes are and you move forward and learn.

I mean, I get what you’re saying but he’s generally a pretty reasonable dude.

Sorry kid according to the CLT if the proportions of leagues in the sample are roughly the same as in the population then the sample will closely approximate the population and you can calculate what the probability is that your sample deviated from the population by sheer chance. It’s called confidence testing. If the proportions are the same and the confidence testing meets a stringent Pvalue then the sample represents the population and the conclusion is valid. You absolutely do not need the whole dataset to prove that trends exist within the data. If you disagree then you have severe misconceptions about the very basics of the subject of statistics and anything you have to say on the subject is irrelevant / a complete waste of time to read.

Thanks for confirming that you’re a psycho just like him. Blocked.

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Haha :joy:. Okay good meme. I’ve had positive discussions with him in the past in regards to TvP and the things Protoss can get away with. He was reasonable and agreed with me in the end that something he thought toss couldn’t do, they could do. Cheers.

LUL. even Koda - a reasonable dude that even if one does not agrees with at least respects him for the high level of civility, fell victim to our resident Mythomaniac.

BatZ Blocked him (whatever it means) knowing full well that he would read any and each post in this forum.

the guy has the problem solving capabilities of a disabled 4 years old. He cannot understand simple statistics and draw simple conclusion with simple math. Either that or he is living in a delusional world. Either way, there’s no point trying to talk sense into a madman, a liar or a moron.

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Here comes the bot account :grimacing:


Imagine thinking PsychoWing is an actual decent reasonable person. That guy is an actual nutcase. He keeps saying other people need help but he’s legit insane. Pretty sure Koda is just one of his alt accounts trying to validate him.

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Haha I’m still waiting for your response sir wings of college.

Haha an alt account that’s literally contradicting and questioning his assessment source validity. Yes. I think I’m starting to remember why I never touch the forums.

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It’s a long long discussion that I’ve already addressed one way or another in the mess of this thread… But in any case… This is pretty much one of my last threads around here. I just wanted to leave a legacy showing all the regular trolls around the forums don’t think with their heads one last time. The thread is like 2 weeks old now and I only wanted to give a week for anyone to make any strong points.

600 days on the forums is enough for me lol.


Lmao. Did anyone actually give you anything? I still think it’s worth noting your assessment of… maybe more players are uploading their losses compared to toss players as a reason that maybe there is toss favored at the moment.

I’ve already said my thoughts about sc2replaystats somewhere above. I don’t want to dig it up… Same for Aligulac. It’s just a wild ride