Observations of Mengsk After Nerf

Not to mention they provide supply. Why wouldn’t you want around 4-6 CC’s pumping out troops?

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Ouch! Though I do wonder if that was the player rather than the CO. Off the top of my head I think he should have had at least two zerg calldowns and a nuke in that time.

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Dudes Mengsk is not OP, twice in chain of accession i barely just took out the first Hybrid (on hard). Even with a zergling dog of war, they are no match for hybrids AOE attacks. Anything AOE will demolish Mengsk, and if he loses his buffer (marines) then he will lose his elite guard on Brutal+

Late game everyone halfway decent with a CO is OP, but even then with mengsk you need to tread carefully cause his Marines will be wiped out and you NEED to rely on dogs of war to breach objectives and bases. if you go up that ramp and come against a Hybrid Behemoth then your gonna come out of that fight with one hell of a black eye and some severe bleeding.

RE BUFF Mengsk!!! his early boom is his only bonus, the rest is just gravy by the point they become good.


Also whats this i hear about healer AI, why does Tychus medic not have that?

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Have you tried using Flamer troops backed up with Royal Guard doing the damage against AOE?

It seems far less fragile to those waves, though it does lower his DPS.

He can also always use Earthsplitters to soften up bases, salvaging them when they’ve served their purpose.

You may want to look at this:

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Show me those Dehakas on random queue that you’re always talking about who solo the map in 6 minutes before Mengsk can do anything. Because most of them start with rockslapping for 3 minutes.


Must be on NA server

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15 supply versus the bunker’s 12, for 300 extra minerals… worse deal one cannot get… drop a forward bunker for fast troops… allows gear switching and mass repairs for mech… Mengsk is not Raynor, extra CC useless

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It usually the RG that you want to keep alive anyway. No one care if the entire army of Troopers die, we can replace them easily but not RG.

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Yes 2 zergs. One 100 mandate and the other around 60.

If you think so then have fun not having faster reinforcements.

The CC is just a big Barracks for Mengsk that also grants supply. You’re right he’s not Raynor, Raynor’s Barracks don’t provide supply.


There are many new players, you can’t expect everyone to play well. I play Mengsk on one base mostly, making infantry, and clear maps with no difficulty.

It all depends what skill level is your ally, not level of the comander.

And yes, some Mengsk players out there are out of their minds with their decision making, but you can’t buff that. For example calling in a bunker and leaving units inside instead of changing to workers. Or making 40 workers on one base and dying to the 1st wave because they don’t know that worker can be changed to troopers. Or going mass royal guards on one base. Or going ESO so slowly that iclear the map before they start bombarding.

All this redicilusness can drive one nuts, but take a deep breath, there is no cure.


I got all the reinforcements I need… maybe if YOU made better use of calldowns, you wouldn’t lose 100 troopers per second and wouldn’t need to pay 400 minerals for 15 supplies, when you can have 12 for 100… Not to mention that UPGRADED bunkers (upgrades!! what are those??) have 600 hp and 3 armor and provide shelter for troopers (oh and range bonus… range?? what’s that??).

Just keep throwing minerals at ENLISTEMENT centers if it makes your day. And keep thinking you’re the ultimate Mengsk expert. Whatever makes your day sport.

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Geesh. You are the living Xmas spirit.


That would be NO… heck they didn’t even put a couple snowflakes to decorate the forum pages for the holidays… why should “I” behave any differently than usual??
Starcraft is about war, destruction and death, and this discussion is about the best strategy and tactics to simulate war, destruction and death… good luck sugarcoating THAT… even if it’s just for the holidays…

I was attempting to address the concerns a lot of folks on these boards have about the fragility of Mengsk’s army.

Obviously Bunker cooldowns are an option, but they’re limited and they take away mandate generation from your big hitters.

But, if you’re not having a problem with the fragility of his troopers, and you have plenty of extra mandate to spam bunkers, then WHY are you complaining about his supply depots like you were?

There’s a lack of consistency here, that makes it hard to follow your line of reasoning.

His army isn’t fragile if you use the tanks provided.

Its easy to overestimate your army in early game where you have a bunch of medivacs, a blob of troopers maybe even with some MGs and 3 or 4 royal guards. If you just mindlessly F2-A that into an attack wave or base then you’re gonna lose it.
Its a mistake I used to make a lot while learning Mengsk and I think it’s the only real explaination for these concerns.

However, if you play him properly and specifically use his tanky options then his army is s more than fine.

As for adding more enlistment centres this is an absolute must have especially in late game. I just don’t feel like waiting 2, 3 or even 4 drop cycles to to pick up all the dropped weapons. Its a completely waste of time and rebuying instead ad of reusing those weapons soons gets more expensive than macro centres.


Agree with everything you said.

Well if I guess 4+ cc can work if you’re evil and instead of 3/3 with weapon infantry you keep mass murdering your troops.

I never needed more then 2cc, but maybe I’m to nice for my troops :man_shrugging:t2: