Observations of Mengsk After Nerf

I’ve played 50 matches, half as Mengsk, half with a partner Mengsk.

As playing Mengsk I feel the nerf, I feel it big time. Starting with extra mandate to drop only 1 bunker from 2 really hurts the overall speed in which Mengsk needs to get his tech up as fast possible to even be useful. Before I was able to get a decent sized force to start pushing with in the beginning of every game with my ally, but now I feel like Raynor sitting there building and throwing a calldown here and there to be useful. With the current change I’m lucky to have a decent sized force by mid game. At that rate why do I even bother when instead I could build a bunch of ESO (Earthsplitter Ordnance) to keep up with my near-maxed ally…

When playing with other Mengsk players, 23/25 of them basically did exactly what I mentioned above, they just rush out mass ESO at every vantage point. They didn’t even bother trying to build units when about 8 of them got their cannons crushed. The players that tried to use just units got their asses kicked consistently to the point of needing to carry them due to attack waves out-pacing them. And this isn’t even on specific maps, it’s ALL OF THEM. The changes made to Mengsk pretty much forced players to spam ESO in almost every map where as before we had some time and choice of what units to assist with.

I really don’t know why people were complaining about Mengsk getting built up so fast. Honestly he needed that early game speed to compete with other CO’s due to pricing and build times. With the kind of changes we’ve been getting lately, I’m afraid that Blizzard is just gonna nerf the ESO too instead of recalibrating the starting mandate with the amount of bickering I’ve been seeing about the ESO.


People think 40 mineral units are OP while in fact, you need 200 mineral + additional 40 each time that unit die, which they will, ALOT.
Fastest starting is nothing when Mengsk army are so inefficient in trading.
And why is his Mech/ship can’t be heal by Medivac?


Mengsk is just slower overall but his power creep is still insane like he was pre-nerf.
Also, his early game alwasy need bunker in order to defence against wave and usually depend a lot on allies and calldown (especially Dog of War) for the 2nd obj.
The first obj just need 3-4 ESO with 3 troopers each.

I agree. All those people theorizing how Mengsk is op on paper, but ingame Mengsk players struggle big time in the early game to a point where your ally has to solo for the first 10 minutes of the game.

But of course the pro players in this forum solo brutal+6 with five troopers and a bunker :rofl:


Doing ESO build sacrifice a big chunk of early eco just to take down first obj. Also, Other commander can do first OBJ before you even get your ESO online (if they are competent). Even if you get your ESO online, the amount of ESO you have is too small to even compete with the other commander.
Bunker in early game is weak. You will need the upgrade to have them doing something useful. The weak troopers dmg doesn’t help the situation any better .


This is the first wave we are talking about, you just need bunker and trooper with maybe 1 or 2 weapon for them to use.
Also, ESO for 1st obj is when your allies is slower than you and needed time to pump out what is needed so sacrifice some min and gas for atleast 2 ESO is fine (just remember to put up refineries as soon as possible).

Just what I said here Co-op Mission Update – December 16th, 2019 - #30 by Konstantin-2548
his early start is not a sign of OP but so he can carry the partner through early game so he can build without worry a decent sice. Now without early game he is only a better mineralcarrier in Vermillion live or a Enemyweaker with Zerg, Nukes and Artillary. Mayby he should concentrate Ghosts for Nuking.

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Cause you can drop a bunker, change all troops to scv, repair all tech, switch back to trooper…

What are you talking about? Their weapon? You know how the weapon upgrade mechanic works, right?

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Because that would actually be a nerf. Medic AI is already clumsy as it is, do you really want them derping up and healing each other or chasing a unit that doesn’t need healing vs healing your troopers which need it a lot more?

Mengsk already can convert his troopers into workers to mass repair any mechanical unit. He doesn’t need Medivacs to do that too, it would only make his army that much more difficult to control in the long run.


He can also mass repair his Troopers by turning all into Laborers as those are Mechanical units.

How is healing more combat unit hurt Mengsk? It usually the other way around.
Medivac also cloak so they rarely taking dmg.


Have you ever played Swann?

They will derp out. It’s not so bad for Swann because every unit of his is mechanical and he has Immortality Protocol if one of them dies. It will be much different for Mengsk. The Medivacs will derp out following each other (they will still take damage to thinks like Parasitic Bomb, Spore Crawlers and Psionic Storm) or end up following around a BC that has plenty of health left while leaving troopers to die without healing.

His Mech units don’t need a dedicated healing unit. He already has them aplenty on the field in his troopers.


It wasn’t a problem for Raynor.

His medics are dirt cheap and extremely expendable compared to Mengsk Medivacs and Swann Science Vessels. Also, Medics don’t fly so they don’t derp out quite the same way.


Bruh, Mengsk Medivac is dirt cheap too, only 150 mineral and 50 gas and they are cloaked.

Mostly the problem I foresee is that most of his Royal Guard mech units have massive health pools, so a medivac healing a Thor or Battlecruiser is one that will be healing them the entire battle instead of keeping all of the troopers topped off.


And you can only make a new one from a Starport and fly it over to your troops where Raynor can just drop new Medics right into the fray.

And did you miss the part where I said Raynor’s Medics don’t derp out the same way?

Honestly, the issue I’m having with Mengsk is that it’s really easy for me to max out my army supply. If I have to keep making Medivacs to replace the ones that get lost not following my army, I’m going to end up wasting a lot of supply. and if i have to micro them to keep that from happening that’s APM I’d much rather focus on my Royal Guard units.

Not to mention there’s the underlying problem that I DONT WANT my Medivacs healing my Mech units. That’s not what I buy them for. I need them to keep my squishy troopers alive for a few more seconds. If they start healing mech units in the middle of battle my troops are gonna die even faster, and that defeats the whole purpose of my even having them.


Tell you what, if as a compromise you’d like for Blizz to add in a separate upgrade on the Fusion Core to make Medivacs heal Mech units also, I’d support that. If you think it will help your playstyle out then that’d be fine.

As is, Medivacs healing mech to me sounds like a QoL nerf. I don’t want that as part of the base unit.

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The speed at which I tech up hasn’t changed at all for me. My build order is exactly the same except for one additional supply bunker I need to build not to get capped. Otherwise, I still 4scv rush straight from barracks to star port and into a witness, followed by a bunch more witnesses and medicvacs without any production pauses.

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