Nerf lurker or give to terran fast siege tank or buff ghost

Like i said since your Lurker rework.
Nerf lurker, -1 range or nerf unburrow and burrow speed because Terran can’t do anything against this op unit.
Or give to Steady Targeting +1 range (ghost snipe).


Lets be honest. Would a -1 range actually change anything for you?

-1 range on lurker or +1 range on Steady Targeting (Ghost snipe) allow Ghost to snipe lurker without being cancel.

And you would do that right? You personally?

For sure if i was able to balance this game.

veto (20 char limit)


Are you Nathanias??? All we’ve heard during the cast is “but Terran can’t do anything” even when Terran is winning lol…


oh look, thyphoon is out to nerf zerg again, in a balanced matchup. go figure.

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LUL, Tanks outrange Lurkers by 3…
This whineterran thinks that 10>13…
Terran mathematics.


Lurker :

Burrow speed : 0.7 sec with upgrade, 2 sec without upgrade
Unburrow speed : 0.5 sec

Tank :

Siege speed : 2.89-3.24 s
Unsiege speed : 2.53-2.89 s

Tank isn’t a counter of Lurker because if Tanks try to siege and attack Lurker, Lurker will just unborrow and go out of range.

I already speak about that here : Tank vs Lurker : Lurker imbalance?

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Why would you attack Lurkers with tanks? Keep track of the Lurkers and force them to attack your tanks…
Lurkers are fine, terrans have all what’s needed to deal with them.

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You are forced to attack because if you don’t do that Zerg will just outmacro you.
It’s a basic tips but if you even don’t do that i’m pretty sure you are something like gold player.

I just think they don’t do it because TvT would become too crazy.

Sure, that is the BS that is usually heard by Terrans and Protoss alike. It’s all about trading at more than 1:1, you and a lot of lemmings are obsessed with macro, if you trade at 2:1 or 3:1 your 4 bases are equivalent with 8 or 12 Zerg bases.
You put yourself the head in the Zerg’s trap and then complain about the result…

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I will just mute you, you understand nothing in this game i don’t love to waste my time sorry.

LUL, you did not know that at the end not the Resources gathered/used, but the Trade-Ratio decides?
No surprise terrans are so dense. They build their strategies about false premises and when fail (as they should) they whine and ask for more buffs…

Has tanks and liberators
Also Terran:


OMG, i forgot the Liberators…
:man_facepalming: :man_facepalming: :man_facepalming:
Try brother ACE to put some sense in this terran.


Its just mind boggling that someone could think a unit thats as fast a stalker(as faster than a stimmed marine on creep), more health than a siege tank, 10 range AOE attack, instant set up that cloaks you is balanced.

Terran really has no effective counter against it, takes 3 shots from a liberator to kill it, and they have to be set up before the engagement and require targeting, same with tanks, ghosts have their snipe cancelled on any damage so even if they don’t have detection it can get cancelled cause the lurker will attack a unit near by and requires 2 to kill.

All of this requires mircro to deal with the lurkers PLUS microing your army so it doesn’t just instantly explode while the zerg sits there drinking tea as his army A-moves in and he presses burrow on the lurkers and maybe controls vipers if they even bothered to make them. Even if you kill the lurkers you still haven’t won, you did all that just to not die instantly.

Its the same issue terran has against protoss in the late game, do 1 of these things wrong against a templay/disruptor/colossus army lose everything immediately, do everything right and its still just an even fight.

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Somebody amoved his army up a ramp into a lurker line again…